Imagine undertaking a course of treatment in which there is considerable risk for adverse effects but the chance of success is absolute 0 (making a male body female, or a female a male)

I guess one could say, “yeah, but it brings my body more in line with my gender identity. That’s like going to an oncologist and saying “I feel that I have cancer.” You are asked if you have any cancer symptoms and you say “none.” You are then subjected to diagnoses to detect any physical presence of cancer. All the results are negative. The doctor tells you “you have no cancer anywhere, in fact you are robustly healthy and free of disease and you should be glad for being young and healthy and disease-free.”

You answer, “but I feel I have cancer and I insist you treat me for it.”

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The linked video below, in which male detransitioners discuss the very distressing, for men too young to be even partially incontinent, serious difficulties they have with emptying their bladders. Both of them expect that the estrogen they took, together with the later complications after sex trait modification surgeries, will shorten their life expectancies. Alexander lives in Norway and Ritchie Herron in Britain. They also discuss the distress they've experienced after decided not to continue replacing testosterone, robbed from them both by castration. When they took it, they both experienced what T does to penile tissue, which normally is cause erections. Since their penile tissue is buried deep inside them, they experience this uncomfortably, and have opted not to return to a normal libido for men in their 30s. Alexander L and TullipR (both on YouTube) are channels to watch, though the true tales are hard to absorb. I comment in some positive way on all of their videos.


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While I agree that reliable statistics on trans satisfaction are needed, all I really need to see is the ongoing tragedy of suffering by trans poster boy Jazz Jennings which are bound to end up in regret.

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"Although the proponents of youth transition assert that detransition should not be thought of as a manifestation of a failed transition . . ."

How do proponents of youth transition suggest that we view detransition if not as a manifestation of a failed transition? Do they have a nuanced, evidence-based and well-reasoned basis for their position?

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I'm convinced there's another factor here--dosing most anyone with testosterone is basically giving them a "happy drug" no matter how they identify--it tends to improve mood, increase stamina, foster lean muscle mass development, and spur libido. Yet none of the studies I've seen reporting FTM transition tries to isolate that generic effect but instead attributes the positives to reduced "dysphoria." And once on the happy drug, there's a tendency to stay hooked--hence "lower than expected" regret rates...?

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This review is scrupulously fair and honest. I love the scholarship and fairness. I would have liked a reasonable estimate of regret and detransition, however, to help the rest of us skeptics.

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Detransition questions IHMO is a red herring. It sets up a false dichotomy that there exist either Detransition and dissatisfaction and satisfaction and continued “transition” - that a smart marketing ploy, and equivalent to a customer satisfaction survey. The real question is not satisfaction; the reason for the surgery is not to satisfy the need for surgery, it is to resolve a psychological distress...

There’s a fascinating assumption in the conversation which is that “transition” relieves dysphoria, and that life through the looking-glass is a positive experience.

It’s an easy test, I think for things to look for: are psychological problems in general a predictor for plastic surgery; after plastic surgery are psychological problems relieved or eliminated; after plastic surgery are psychological problems intensified. Is there a need to keep repeating surgery; does the surgery damage health; is there an irrational need to intensify damage from the surgery.

I suspect that it’s easy to find plenty of evidence that after surgery to alter looks - plastic surgery - that psychological problems aren’t alleviated at all. It’s a harsh realization that problems lie elsewhere than through the looking-glass.

The “satisfaction” with the alterations are completely and utterly separate from the symptom, which is unhappiness with the perception of the self. This unhappiness is what I would say is invariant - if you adjust the body surgically, she self perception will never accept the change...

I’ve read study after study which finds that surgery does not change the underlying psychological condition most of the time, and has been shown in multiple studies.

Detransition is a red herring. It sets up the false dichotomy between surgery and

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