
Thanks for reading, everyone. Follow me on Substack or on Twitter for more such information. (https://twitter.com/benryanwriter) Send me tips if you see more such furthering of falsehoods. --Ben

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Erin Reed is a man. If you really want to help, stop falling at the first hurdle.

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People subscribe to Erin Reed to listen to lies. Erin Reed tells lies for profit. The operative quote is from Upton Sinclair: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Please do not use "she" with Reed. Reed is a male who has assumed to guise of a woman. He is not credible as a woman. Use "he"..

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Please do not refer to Erin Reid as "she" and "her." He is a man and always will be. So is Zooey Zephyr. So is Erica Anderson. We need to start calling these people what they are. They do not control reality.

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Please don't go along with this insanity by referring to Erin Reed as "she" or "her". That's akin to telling someone with an eating disorder that she or he really is fat.

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Imagine setting policy for how to talk about drug addiction and help addicts, but you only considered the opinions of people who are active addicts - former addicts, families of addicts, and others affected by someone’s addiction don’t have their opinions considered. Would the policies they came up with actually be beneficial for addicts? Of course not. And this is how we ended up with gender affirming care.

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I do believe the gig is up on so-called “transgender care” and the whole cult complex of all it involves—men in women’s spaces, men in women’s sports, “transgender women are women,” “use my pronouns or else,” “I was born in the wrong body” etc. It’s a new day. Eat popcorn and watch as it all unfolds before our very eyes. It’s been a long time coming and it is finally upon us, a day of reckoning for many.

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Were readers aware of this aspect of Erin Reed prior to the transition? Thoughts?


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It appears that the first fusillade of comments is about pronouns. I understand the rationality behind insisting on using the correct sex-based pronouns when referring to individuals like Erin, but I am not an idealist. As a pragmatist, I think I am much more likely to “win over the hearts and minds” of the trans-activist community by using their language. I am more interested in engaging in conversation with those with whom I disagree than alienating them. It is a different but equally valid approach to confronting these issues. Let’s appreciate both styles of discourse and engage in the topic at hand instead of getting distracted by idealism and semantics.

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Please use correct pronouns. It’s a male. A he.

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When you realize that everything you believed in was a pile of lies and falsehoods, you have two options.

Return to living as a man, stop the estrogen, and get on with the business of living, even if it is as a Eunuch.

Or double down and close off your mind to all negative and contrary thoughts.

It is safer this way.

It is less painful.

It protects you from the agony of having made such a terrible decision.

He chose the later.

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I must object to the use of the feminine pronoun for Mr. Reed. Doing so is playing along with what he is promoting. This is a male.

Note the photographs, every one wearing the exact same expression, the same set of the mouth like some Mr. Sardonicus. Every single picture of Reed has the exact same expression and most are from the same angle.

He constantly promotes ways to get hormones without any review, this is what he does. He publishes lists of distributors so teens who can't get their parents' concurrence can get hormones anyway,

Of course he lies about the Cass Review. "Trans" is the basis of his attention stream and if the reversal of the affirmation protocol comes to the USA, he loses his audience. You can count on his readers going no further.

This is an utterly vile man.

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Serendipity! I just posted a video regarding the "outrage response" to the Cass Review. Men like Erin Reed (Mr. Ryan, we prefer accurate pronouns here!) are sociopath narcissists who gaslight everyone (including, apparently, his own 4 year old son) so they can continue the self-delusion and sexual fetish without the hindrance of public disapproval.


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Sick of this guy and his correctile dysfunction.

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Ooh, this is an essay I'll bookmark for future reference!

The Majority Report is a piece of work, isn't it? I will say, though, that I appreciate how host Emma Vigeland is straight-up on her opinion about trans women in women's sports. She has said she thinks trans women should be able to compete and she doesn't care if it's unfair, full stop. She thinks inclusion trumps fairness. I disagree with Vigeland, to say the least, but I'm glad she's made it clear where she stands. So often, people say, "Oh, once they take hormones, trans women have no advantage", when they really mean they just don't care about fairness. Vigeland, on the other hand, is right out there. I appreciate her honesty.

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Sorry “jig is up”

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