Oh, yeah, the worm is turning on this. We’ve come such a long way since 2015, when just one state passed a law to protect decent privacy in public restrooms, and the woke world exploded in a fit of self righteous fury. Remember Bruce Springsteen canceling his scheduled concert to display his woke righteousness and his alliance with queerdom?

That won’t work now. No one is cowed anymore. Recently some celebs who were to perform at the annual Texas SXSW music festival pulled out of their pre-arranged performances because of Texas legislation outlawing “transgender care” for minors.

Gov Abbot told them to hurry up and get gone, and don’t come back. Then there’s the WPATH files, England stopping puberty blockers, and much else.

The world is finally waking up to this heinous travesty. There is lots and lots of rich lawsuit fodder here, and I don’t think lawyers will be wasting any time.

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I will believe that the worm is turning when a Democrat in Congress comes out against gender self-ID. As of now, they are in unanimous support of the Equality Act, which would make instantaneous gender self-ID the law of the land. (It is, of course, already the law in most blue states.) Biden once again called for the immediate passage of the Equality Act in the SOTU.

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Patience, patience. Politicians aren't generally trendsetters but trend followers, and I think society is changing on these issues. The New York Times, once a solid defender of gender ideology, has in the last two years published several critical pieces on the topic. Riley Gaines is suing the NCAA over Lia Thomas, who was banned from swimming by World Aquatics, and states are starting to push back here, there and everywhere. These are all signs of a worm beginning a 180.

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I certainly hope that you're right.

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Don't hold yor breath. The Dept of Education is going ahead with its plan to redefine the word 𝘴𝘦𝘹 as used in the civil rights law it administers as 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. It would prohibit schools including colleges from having a blanket rule excluding trans people from an athletic activity but might allow them under some (unspecified) conditions. Also, the term 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘺 is left undefined.


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The DOE you speak of is Biden’s DOE, so no surprise there, and it can be undone.

“Sexual identity,” like “born in the wrong body,”

“Sex assigned at birth,” etc., is twaddle, and is destined for oblivion.

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This is great, and as a cis white gay myself, at one time I thought that if I didn't go along with gender ideology, I was not only a bad person, but disloyal to my community. After all, everyone "knows" that a black trans woman through the first brick at Stonewall, right?

About three years ago I hit peak trans, and I realized that I just couldn't pretend to believe any more. I finally realized that good people have no moral duty to accept nonsense as truth, and that lies are a bad basis for any social movement.

Also, I did some reading and, no, there was no "first brick" at Stonewall, and even if there had been, it sure wasn't a black trans woman who threw it. That would have been either a butch lesbian named Storme Delarverie, or else a cis white gay.

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If stonewall was so pivotal, why had gay activists living less than 100 miles away not heard about it … ten years later?

It’s a myth.

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If you mean that Stonewall was not the origin of the gay rights movement, then I agree. Harry Hay beat Stonewall by nearly twenty years when he founded the Mattachine Society in 1950, Barbara Gittings did the same with the Daughters of Bilitis is 1956.

If you mean that the Stonewall riots themselves were a myth, there we disagree. Lots of the folks there that night are still around, and they've been interviewed about it. However, there is indeed a lot of mythmaking about that event, most notably that it was kicked off by a brick thrown by Marsha P. Johnson. Most reports indicate that no brick was thrown, and Johnson admitted later to not even being in the neighborhood until much later that evening.

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