Thank you. Nicely done. For some time now I've been thinking that the entire irrational, woke, self-flagellation movement reminds me of some bizarre combination of the Medieval Penitents meet the St. Vitas Dance participants. A sort of morality based mass hysteria. In other words essentially a quasi-religious sort of phenomenon rooted not in the rational mind, but rather emanating from the unconscious mind, and preoccupied with "moral" beliefs rather than the actual physical world. This situation renders futile any and all attempts to bring "reason" and "logic" and "science" into any and all discussions of "woke" ideological assertions. Essentially because those "woke assertions" have nothing to do with reason, or logic, or science as the author clearly points out.

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Thank you for this. Great read. “they are looking not for evidence but for allegories.” Isn’t this the behavior of all religious fanatics?

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Always drole. Thank you, chuckles are gold these days.

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This is yet another example of how ideology is corrupting social science and science.

Orangutans have three genders?!?


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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Kathleen Lowrey

Thank you for this brilliant, highly entertaining, and informative essay! A "sneaky fucker" made my day. So...do anthropologists now mark the newly found bodies as AFAD and AMAD (assigned female/male at discovery - or "at death")? The bodies can of course challenge the frivolous assignment based on  the presence /absence of weapons and jewelry in the vicinity.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Colin Wright, Kathleen Lowrey


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The young male orangutans are on puberty blockers.

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Regarding the tale of beavers who bite off their balls...

Back when I raised rabbits for meat, I noticed that if I raised the males in a group hutch, all but one would chew off their balls once they reached puberty. Not sure if that's normal behavior for domesticated lagomorphs. Just reporting on what I observed.

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oh wow. I wonder if medieval people's raising rabbits for meat contributed to this kind of composite story about beavers, which apparently don't have externally visible testicles.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Kathleen Lowrey

Excellent piece, but depressing that you are still having to write variants of the same article year after year.

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Very interesting. Much to ponder here. Thank you for writing.

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It seems to me that anthropology was one of the first disciplines to fall - take, for example, their hatred of Jared Diamond and his utterly sensible observations.

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Funnily enough my very first foray into internet kerfufflery was through writing a critique of his _Guns, Germs, and Steel_ ... on an anthropology blog in 2005. It blew up a bit in that much tinier world we Ancient Ones used to call the "blogosphere". The blog in question has since changed its name from the clever but supposedly offensive "Savage Minds" to the intestinally-evocative "Anthrodendum" and has recently denounced me as a TERF.

Anyway. Certainly Diamond's thesis was provocative, but it relied on quite a few circular propositions. A big one was "lack of domesticated plants and animals reflects a paucity of potentially domesticable plants and animals". Very few domesticates would have looked like likely prospects before they were domesticated, so making such judgements is a mug's game.

I agree that anthropology is pretty far down the primrose path but not that finding Diamond dubious was a stop along the way.

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Interesting. Guns, Germs and Steel was so weak IMHO that it rather reinforced my 'racism' -- I'm more sure now than before reading it that if the population of New Guinea were moved magically to France, that in two generations they'd be ... exactly the same head-shrinking cannibals that they are now.

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All humans were conceived with the fusion of the egg from one woman, and the sperm from one man, man and woman comprising a reproductive sex binary. It couldn't be easier to explain, really.

Total aside: when I lived in Sabah, Borneo in the late 80's, I visited the Sepilok reserve to photograph Orang-utans. Female Orangutans unfortunately have become entrained to bear their young at the reserve and leave them. Being surrounded by dozens of young orangs trying to pull a Hasselblad out of your hand while spiriting away your case of Leicas, I was not prepared for (so much for the 'hands off' policy). Had I seen an adult male Orang I would have crawled in one of the iron cages nearby immediately and withered. They're unsettlingly big. There's a reason Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" involved one. Humans have a non-reproducing "form". Fascinatingly, castration of humans in childhood, practiced by the Catholic Church to create Castrati, male singers with booming soprano voices, has the opposite effect on the body imagined. Lack of testosterone led Castrati to become surprisingly large - without estrogen (which in men is derived from testosterone, which they lacked) to modulate their growth, their bones never sealed their "epiphyseal plates"). Tall, and fragile they were.

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Kathleen Lowrey strikes again. She has finally shown Gender Ideology for what it is: an elaborate strategy by which mediocre middle-aged male professors can monopolize mating opportunities with young female gender studies majors. This gambit desperately needs a name. 'Teachy fuckers'? 'Preachy fuckers'? 'Creaky fuckers'? Any of these would be good.

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Anthropology is not the only science failing in these “modern” times. Most sciences have been corrupted by leftist ideologies, or more to the point, by evil forces.

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Yes well this is why the Muzzies reject the modern. They saw what happened to us...

.... and as usual they’re right.

It took time and war to see it.

The Taliban aren’t suffering from all this... for example.

This is just the well known human need for the spiritual. The need may seem to have an EMPIRICAL basis almost.

We tried to banish our nature and HE returns, or in this case SHE with the fuzzy Orangutans 🦧.

(A wild Orangutan would rip a person to shreds).

If history could be EMPIRICALLY documented, we’d see the Age of Atheist reason is really only the 20th century... which at last is wheezing and gasping its last.

Communism as substitute failed.

Woke is a Joke version of end stage Christianity.

Junger called it in The Peace.

Liberalism led to Nihilism in Russia then Germany.

Now here.

We 🇺🇸 end not with a bang, but a Simper... 🦧

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Call me an old fuddy-duddy, for my bachelor's degree in Anthropology is almost 50 years old, but in my day we called people who professed to speak authoritatively about orangutans primatologists. Today there's a name for academics who throw their weight around beyond the boundaries of their discipline: activists.

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