I am sorry but the reduction to "race essentialism" is a cowardly escape. Critical Race Theory is a set of incomplete and delusional constructs about race that exalt black people as heroes in a struggle against evil whiteness. CRT holds that white people are essentially evil, oppressive, authoritarians. It casts white people as sub-human, mal-adaptation, monsters who have exploited power to subjugate and harm black people. White people like power and they like harming black people with it. All white people have original sin. Some will be able to recover and survive in the new community of blackness if they repent and become allies with black people (and all oppressed peoples). But they will never gain equal status with black people because they are not deserving of such status. The goal therefore of CRT as an "anti-racism" mandate, is to remove all power and privilege from white people and transfer it to black people and other oppressed peoples. The transformation tactics are intimidation, shame-tripping, and violence. This is the only way white people can atone for their ancestral sins and make the world right. CRT is a zero-sum worldview that offers a clear path to victory for black people, whom God has chosen as his superior race.

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CRT ideology lead to the collapse of South Africa...... and countless other African and Caribbean countries. That seems to be the outcome the left is after everywhere they promote their endless obsession with race. Thanks to 3 decades of anti-white racism turned government policy, South Africa today is nothing but a failed state with 36% unemployment, 4% all cause mortality from murder, no electricity 60-80% of the day, endless unrest and hatred. Almost no one is better off in South Africa today than 3 decades ago. The country hasn’t functioned since apartheid ended. It didn’t have to be this way, but the left of South Africa demanded retribution instead of actual progress. At least in South Africa there are some people alive that had something to do with apartheid. Not a single living human was alive during legal slavery here.

You would think the citizens of South Africa might have noticed anti-white hatred destroyed Zimbabwe, but then again totalitarian leftists never seem to acknowledge replicated actual observed outcomes, they certainly can’t be bothered to acknowledge their policies lead to nothing more than assured mutual destruction. The media ensures few in the US even realize South Africa is a failed state.

It’s all very sad. It’s all entirely unnecessary.

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Truth. Our inability to acknowledge the essential truths allows this murderous ideology to continue to flourish. A video emerged this week of several black elementary school kids dragging and assaulting a few white kids, and making them kneel while chanting and praising Black Lives Matter. As in South Africa, the canaries in the coal mines are intentionally not heard.

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Murderous ideology?!

Resorting to exaggerated hyperbole about black criminality is textbook anti black racist language. It has been used to justify every lynching and discriminatory law in US history.

It is also the language behind every genocide and mass killings in world history!

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Do you realize your comment is a self own and condemnation of CRT and the anti-white and anti-Asian rhetoric from the left?

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The genocide is on. Are you paying attention? I collaborate with white and Asian people who are working with victims of black crime. In many of the cases CRT was used as justification for the offenses.

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CRT is the inevitable consequence of "affirmative action" and other racist policies adopted and expanded beginning in the 1960s. Objective reality was sacrificed in the name of equal outcomes for all, regardless of ability. Black beneficiaries of racial preference schemes naturally assumed their shortcomings could be blamed on white people, and CRT is the ultimate expression of that morally bankrupt assumption. This fact-free intellectual barbarism spread to the sexual rights movement which has evolved into contemporary "queer theory" and the surgical mutilation of children. Abolition of all identity-based preferences is the only way to restore meritocracy and sanity.

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I am sorry but the reduction to "race essentialism" is a cowardly escape. White supremacy is a set of incomplete and delusional constructs about race that exalt white people as heroes in a struggle against evil Blackness. white Supremacy holds that black people are essentially evil, oppressive, authoritarians. It casts black people as sub-human, mal-adaptation, monsters who have exploited power to subjugate and harm white people. Black people like power and they like harming white people with it. All black people have original sin. (This were deemed by Bible to be slaves).

Some will be able to recover and survive in the new community of whiteness if they repent and become allies with white people (and all oppressed peoples). But they will never gain equal status with white people because they are not deserving of such status. The goal therefore of white supremacy as an "anti-racism" mandate, is to remove all power and privilege from black people and transfer it to white people and other oppressed peoples. The transformation tactics are intimidation, shame-tripping, and violence. (Slavery, Jim Crow,etc) This is the only way black people can atone for their ancestral sins and make the world right. white supremacy is a zero-sum worldview that offers a clear path to victory for white people, whom God has chosen as his superior race.”

Fixed it for you!!!

White supremist writings have always made black ppl an evil criminal violent enemy who will kill all white ppl if we give them the chance. This argument has been used to gin Up preemptive violence annd discrimination against black ppl. All the while black ppl remain bottom casted in the US.

Seems whites have been much more successful in their CRT than blacks have!!

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The parallels in how the CRT crap and the gender activism crap are implemented are so striking they almost look intentional.

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"Critical theory"/"Critical Studies" is the rebranding academic Marxists performed once their beloved project to achieve "socialist liberation" failed everywhere both in theory and in practice.

"Critical Race" and "Critical gender" are branches on the same tree: they are strategies the Left pursued once it jettisoned the proletariat and replaced them with Marcuse's "coalition of the marginalized".

The Manichaean worldview is the same, the binary of oppressed v oppressor is the same, the idea that anyone who disagrees w u has "false consciousness" is the same, just with slight changes:

In the Race part, Bourgeois v Proletariat is replaced by White vs Black and in the Gender part, "heteronormativity" becomes the evil oppressor that needs to be overthrown in the name of sexual minorities. The idea of Gender is a battering ram meant to tear down the biological sex binary and all that flows from it: marriage, families, stable communities, any type of sexual morality etc.

The template is slightly different but the strategy and goals are the same: to poison all of culture and society ("interrogate" and "problematize"), to try to make as many people hate each other, hate themselves, hate their families, hate their bodies, hate their countries etc, all in the hope that once everything is dismantled, the reign of the enlightened socialist philosopher-kings can begin.

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Almost? 🤨

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Blame Herbert Marcuse and his 'One Dimensional Man', that's where it started.

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I'm going to stick with Martin Luther King's approach - ignore skin colour, deal with the actual person.

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It is interesting that only whites adopt that perspective. Everyone else believes race is one important aspect of identity.

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The author of this article (me) is non-white.

From a quick Google search:

"Pew polling from 2016 and 2017 also showed that black people were significantly more likely than other demographic groups2 to say that their race was central to their identities."


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That's fine - different people attach weight to different things. That's largely why I deal with the person, not their external features. I might make the mistake of attributing weight to something the person doesn't want me to, or doesn't care about.

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Race is far more than external features. It is a genetic difference for disease risk factors, temperamental differences, muscle mass, G intelligence, specific intelligences, mental illness. hormonal variation, and many other variables. Work for a day in preschool with multiple races and those differences will jump out at you. Japanese teachers handle 1/25 ratios just fine. Our teachers have their hands full with 10. That is why human cultural variation mirrors racial variation. I wish we would accept the obvious. Not doing so is getting people killed.

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MLK “I have a dream speech” quote:

But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself in exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check.

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Looks to me like classic 'divide and rule' and some ill-disposed individuals are actively egging some less discerning groups into effectively fomenting a race war.

It will end badly for just about everybody, which is, I suspect, their intention.

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What's fascinating is that this is making people race-conscious in a country where racial consciousness was almost extinct.

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CRT like gender theory and even feminist theories are really ideologies specifically crafted to advance self interest of the target group. They are not authentic theories, and they are not taught - they are proselytised to a generation of students. The people inventing them are not authentic academics - but political activists working within the university - same as the "journalists" doing the same inside the media sector.

The objective of equality has long ago morphed into a pursuit of status. The problem with status is that it is zero-sum unlike genuine egalitarianism where no one needs to lose. The objective is to demonize European culture and people and inculate them with guilt so they will cease standing up for their own self interest while the others are encourage to do exactly that and do it aggressively. The disappointing thing is that this is advocated by the elites belonging to the very culture which is being demonized. Of course being elites they themselves do not lose, just the ordinary person in the street pays the price.

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With respect, I think we're talking at cross-purposes. I know about the various differences regarding illness risks (some of the others I'm not aware of - I'd need to do a great deal of reading about it). However, these are aggregate, and tell you very little about the person in front of you. For example, I have a health condition which is very rare in my demographic. I hold political and moral positions which are fairly atypical for my sex and my background. I do not want to be lumped in with typical tall, white men. Fortunately, I don't need to look at aggregate differences between and within races and sexes, though medical staff, teachers, etc may have to consider them in order to do their jobs properly. However, I, at the individual level, have the luxury of being able to concentrate on who the person is without (too many) preconceptions.

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I’ve seen too many Gender Critical people trying to dismiss racism as figment of our imagination. They use the ridiculous musings of a few acadimwits as excuse to deny that black people who are descendants of Slavery still remain as a bottom cast in US. GC can somehow understand womens position in our society has been driven by policies but don’t want to hear anything about black people. It’s tiring and shows GC as in past with women driven movements only care about white people and their safety.

If you want to continue to receive. Support from majority of black people who do not subscribe to gender ideology I suggest you stop trying to conflate our real experience of racism in the US with TRAs.

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There is a perfect reason why GC and anti-CRT people overlap because both these ideologies are part of the same cultural-marxist industrial complex. They use the same core rhetoric of dividing people into good/bad, victim/oppressor. I do not claim racism is extinct but it is simply not credible that it is all pervasive anymore - we are at the crying wolf point where white people are simply no longer willing to believe it unless evidence is offered. EG It is clear that some unscrupulous African American activists are staging deliberate incidents to catch out white women and denigrate them for being "Karens".

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I agree with many previous comments. This is all just straight out of the left wing playbook. The next step coming to a school near you is denunciation of biological parents by their brainwashed offspring. The Chinese in Mao’s cultural revolution back in the 1960s were experts (see https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/27/china-cultural-revolution-sons-guilt-zhang-hongping) as were the East Germans, and the North Koreans now.

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I agree with many previous comments. This is all just straight out of the left wing playbook. The next step coming to a school near you is denunciation of biological parents by their brainwashed offspring. The Chinese in Mao’s cultural revolution back in the 1960s were experts (see https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/27/china-cultural-revolution-sons-guilt-zhang-hongping) as were the East Germans, and the North Koreans now.

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Says a white man. Your bias is showing.

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As is yours.

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Lol. I think nearly the entirety of "Critical Race Theory" is encapsulated within this brief response from Dawn.

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That is precisely what I’ve heard as the explanation for Scott Adams’ comments on race that go him cancelled last week. I think it was on Megyn Kelly’s podcast. It makes sense. People who couldn’t give a shit about skin color or gender are fed up with being accused of being racist/bigots/whateveraphones all because of how God made them. And doing it to children is as insidious as the trans movement. I would bet every penny to my name those stories like the one about the twins and the happy meal Barbie, are complete fabrications, children do not think like that - yet.

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