I can’t believe that in 2023 after all the advances human beings have made that there is actually anyone who doesn’t that biological sex is real and immutable. Everything over the past few years has become so surreal. Thank you Colin for your clear, concise and unwavering position. It’s absolutely ludicrous that the vast majority of humans on this planet have to put up with this idiotic garbage.

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I'm sorry you have to use your knowledge and time testifying in court to try and get us out of the perverted Alice in Wonderland clown show.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

I wouldn't be surprised if you give this testimony before the Supreme Court in the near future~

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An excellent resource. A suggestion: The next time someone challenges your expertise on the biological nature of sex because you haven't published peer reviewed research on that specific question, respond with something like the following: That sex is determined by gametes is taken to be a postulate among biologists today. Few publish on what is taken to be settled science. For the same reason, you won't find many mathematicians publishing papers on the Pythagorean Theorem because it is widely accepted as a proven axiom of mathematics and Euclidean geometry.

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As we can see, trying deliberately to confuse sex with gender in people's minds is much more difficult in a courtroom than in the media.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Unbelievable that thousands of years of observation by generation after generation has to be testified to in court. Are we headed for a new dark age or are we in one? Of what possible use is it to deny reality?

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Oh my gosh, reading this essay was like watching "Inherit the Wind", which is among my favorite movies. That means you get to decide who plays you in the film version.

BTW, deftly done on the "delusion" question. Gonzalez-Pagan was trying to get you to say something that could be twisted into "I hate trans people", and you declined to play that game. It really highlights the way trans maximalists have distorted this public discourse about these issues. Someone either thinks sex is a spectrum or they are engaged in trans genocide--there is no other possible position. I sense the tide is turning on this nonsense, but, ye gods it is dismaying.

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"To my understanding, this is the first time a biologist had been summoned to defend reality of male and female as distinct, natural biological groups in a legal setting." Scopes trial stuff my dude.

I love the effort there at the end to make you use the magic pronouns. It's a cult it's a cult it's a cult.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Excellent job under the gun, Colin!

It's one thing to be an expert in a scientific field, it's completely another to defend that knowledge against hostile (and ignorant) antagonists in a courtroom setting. You did an excellent job. Kudos.

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Incredibly disappointed in the ACLU and Lambda Legal. I had always thought these were really smart people out to defend people's rights...and they can't even get their facts straight. Not even when people tell them over and over and over again. Even when one provides evidence, shows why the counterclaims are wrong. It seems that it is more valuable somehow to "perform" allyship or something, rather than actually telling the truth and helping these young people with gender dysphoria. Which they aren't doing. Lies are not a basis for ethical medical care.

Maybe they should go out and fight for the right of Purdue Pharma to give people opioids (again, something people were told by MDs they needed...).

It's so shocking to me. Either they don't understand or they are, well, malevolent.

Please wake up, ACLU!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Colin, I am an attorney with decades of trial experience and having read this transcript I can tell you that you were an excellent witness, and also that your attorney did a good job. Your answers were clear, you (mostly) didn't use specialized terms without explaining them, and most importantly you didn't take the bait and offer any remarks outside of your area of expertise. It can be very difficult to educate witnesses on how to only answer the exact questions asked, and then not to venture any further. Bravo!

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Since following the transgender “debate” for the last couple of years, I really like the coin flip analogy— “when you flip a coin, you're either—you get heads or tails and it doesn't come in degrees.”

It’s as simple universal visual as you can get, and and avoids references (and diversions) of seahorses, clownish and...whatever.

And congratulations for literally testifying on behalf of evolution.

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Wow. This is like a TV show where the mean lawyer tries to get the witness to make a mistake and condemn themselves! Didn’t work this time! Bravo!👏👏👏

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you, Dr. Colin Wright, for truth in the midst of fantasy.

Love, Indio

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Thank you Colin, great job!

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Thank you Colin for your integrity and courage.

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