Oct 7, 2022Liked by Colin Wright, author

Thank you for writing this--I pray that it is received and acted on. Our daughter is currently caught in the lies of the ideology. We want to get her the help she needs, but we find it hard because of the reasons you mentioned. Thanks for speaking up and sharing your personal stories.

Warm regards,


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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you so much for speaking up, each and everyone of you! I know some of you, and many of your team-mates, “tribe” members. I love you all; I know how much your honesty helps other youth and their parents. Here for you any time

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright, author

you have to wonder what the end game is in all this. if a child said she wanted to be a fairy princess, you might buy her a costume but you wouldn't surgically graft wings to her shoulders. you wouldn't encourage her to "fly" by jumping off a tall building.

a mastectomy is a tragedy, done to hopefully save a life from cancer. no responsible doctor should cut off perfectly healthy breasts simply because someone is going through temporary body image issues

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

You six brave young women and one brave young man have the most powerful voice against the travesty that is "gender affirming care." It should be a crime to harm children and adults with wrong sex hormones and mutilating surgeries.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by author

This was breathtakingly well written. I have so much to say but it's not meant to be directed at the detransitioners, who I am so grateful to for helping themselves and others find their way out of the darkness. I am just beside myself that these young people have to be their own advocates against the powerful medical institutions that betrayed them. What happened to ethics in medicine and law? What kind of monsters are sitting on the boards? Those who sit silently are as despicable as those who have intentionally infiltrated them in order to pursue an agenda that is harming children, parents, families, and many others. This is nothing less than scandalous. I would like to take this opportunity to mention that the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have taken it upon themselves to use their platforms for radical advocacy of these medical procedures harming many children and they are actively misinforming the public about the safety and necessity of medical transitioning procedures and drugs. Worse, the ACLU has and IS taking legal steps to undermine parents and give children the legal ability to make life altering decisions before they're adults and before their brains are developed and giving these children financial freedom to have it covered under their parents insurance. What happened to rational lawyers at the ACLU? They aren't following science. We know, for a fact, that ALL there is to support medical procedures are OPINIONS of medical boards. Opinions that aren't rooted in strong medical studies or research, certainly not for this very novel group of young people who nearly all admit they were influenced by social media. These young people do not fit the profile long established for gender dysphoria where medical procedures are a reasonable option for treatment. This is a reckless and manipulative campaign that not only ignores common sense but ignores actual scientific evidence. The public could be forgiven for thinking that critics are just hateful because the critics are up against trusted, long established institutions. That's where this gets so sick. It's very difficult to wrap your mind around the fact that medical organizations and groups like the ACLU are being represented by political activists who are manipulating the data and the public on the highest level. It's even harder to accept the idea that the mainstream media would ALLOW the public to be so unaware. But apparently they too have been infiltrated by the same social justice warrior types and refuse to print stories by the scientists who have been blowing the whistle for years. The public is completely in the dark, completely misinformed and uninformed. The mainstream media can never be trusted again we must change our reliance for information away from them because they have been complicit in the biggest medical scandal the world has ever known. How can any of these formerly credible organizations ever been trusted again? They are far weaker and more susceptible to corruption that any of us could have ever even imagined. The White House is no better, they too have been actively misinforming the public with "fact sheets" about how safe and reversible puberty blockers are in treating gender dysphoria when they have no business doing so. Those drugs aren't even APPROVED for that purpose and no studies have been done on teenagers who are taking them.

NONE. We rely on the media to be investigators on behalf of the PUBLIC but they work for the government and it's partner institutions now. They are a part of this scandal. They have actively kept the public in the dark while children are being abused, parents shredded, and families disintegrated. The media has ignored tens of thousands of concerned, whistleblowing scientists, doctors, journalists, teachers, counselors, and of course the parents, women (particularly lesbians), gay men, and children who were harmed and tried to draw attention to it. Detransitioners have been left to manage their gaping wounds while fending for themselves against hostile abuse in total isolation because the media stands with the manipulative, self-serving individuals who use threats and intimidation to silence anyone who has an experience, facts, or opinions that go against the narrative they advocate. The mainstream media deserves to crumble under the weight of this scandal they participated in. The Democratic Party deserves to pinned with the reputation of harming children, ignorance cannot be an excuse. Both have the means to and the duty to rely on research and investigation for their policies and both have neglected that duty on the highest possible level, a level where children were harmed by their neglect. Those of us who know the truth at the hart of all of this understand very well that any cracks of light that has found its way to the surface is nothing compared to what's coming. When the truth comes to light I hope the media and all the other so-called professional organizations drown in it. Like Hitler and the Nazi's, they will never be forgiven, no matter how much time passes. This scandal will live in infamy and horror will be it's permanently vibrating heartbeat.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for all of your hard work. Your bravery and your action gives us all so much hope!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

You all speak the truth beautifully. I hope and pray more detransitioners join you in the fight and it is a fight. We need people like you all here in Australia where states, especially Victoria, are bowing to the transgender God of evil. Bless you all!

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Well done.

Thank you,

Heather Crone

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for courageously speaking out. Hopefully your appeal to sanity affects change before more of us parents, and especially our children, are harmed.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thanks for writing the letter. Children and young people deserve better protection .They are the future of society. They should not be manipulated for very short sighted financial gain of a small group of people. In a long term humanity will pay a high prize for hurting vulnerable teens

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thx, also. From trans widow, Ute Heggen

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What a time we live in, that you should have to write a letter such as this. I hope it works but I confess I am not optimistic.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by author

Mental illness is real and should be treated as such. Monsters that pretend to be doctors are real too. They should also be treated for what they are. Very harshly in my opinion...

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I support detrans rights. It is very telling the radical trans activists desperately want to silence those that regret transitioning.

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As usual, follow the money, and there is a lot of it backing this agenda. Shameful.

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