Manhattan Institute (January 2023 – present) · Fellow Reality’s Last Stand (January 2020 – present) · Founding Editor
Quillette Magazine (May 2020 – May 2022) · Managing Editor Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (August 2021 – May 2022) · Senior Editor The Pennsylvania State University (July 1, 2018 – April 2020) – State College, PA · Eberly Research Postdoctoral Fellow
Other Affiliations
The Killarney Group (August 2023 – present) · Fellow Atheists for Liberty (January 2021 – present) · Advisor The Epoch Times (January 2024 – present) · Commentator
UC Santa Barbara (June 15, 2018) – Santa Barbara, CA · Ph.D. in Evolution, Ecology and Marine Biology (THESIS) UC Davis (June 14, 2012) – Davis, CA · B.S. in Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
Popular Press
Wright, C., and Shapiro, I. Trump Can Ban Transgender Birth Certificates. The Wall Street Journal, February
Wright, C. Does Imane Khelif Belong in the Women’s Ring? The Wall Street Journal, August
Wright, C. Radical Gender Activists Only. City Journal, June
Wright, C. Eager to ‘Affirm,’ Yet Unwilling to Debate. Quillette, May
Wright, C. ‘Genetic Sex’ Is a Misnomer. City Journal, February
Wright, C. Dis-empaneled. City Journal, October
Wright, C. Sex On Trial. City Journal, September
Wright, C. Testimony, or Evidence? City Journal, August
Wright, C. Why the AAP Gender-Care Review Must Be Handled with Caution. New York Post, August
Wright, C. Anatomy of a Scientific Scandal. City Journal, June
Sapir, L., and Wright, C. Medical Journal’s False Consensus on ‘Gender-Affirming Care’. The Wall Street Journal, June (free version)
Wright, C. Don’t Take Pride in Promoting Pseudoscience. Queer Majority, June
Wright, C., and Samuel Stagg. Gender Ideology’s Shaky Twin Pillars. City Journal, May
Wright, C. A Biologist Explains Why Sex Is Binary. The Wall Street Journal, April (free version)
Wright, C. Understanding the Sex Binary. City Journal, March
Wright, C. Are There More Than Two Sexes? City Journal, March
Sapir, L., and Wright, C. How Not to Regulate Pediatric Gender Medicine. City Journal, January
Wright, C. How Trans Activist Trolls Got Me Deplatformed By PayPal and Etsy. New York Post, October
Wright, C. Every Tomboy Is Tagged ‘Transgender’. The Wall Street Journal, September (free version)
Wright, C. I Got Thrown Off Etsy and PayPal for Expressing My Belief in Biological Reality. Quillette, June
Wright, C. You Can’t Be the Side of ‘Women’s Rights’ If You Don’t Know What a Woman Is. Newsweek, May
Wright, C. Elon Musk Tweeted My Cartoon. The Wall Street Journal, May (free version)
Wright, C. When Asked ‘What Are Your Pronouns,’ Don’t Answer. The Wall Street Journal, February (free version)
Wright, C. On Sex and Gender, The New England Journal of Medicine Has Abandoned Its Scientific Mission. Quillette, December
Wright, C. Think Cancel Culture Doesn’t Exist? My Own ‘Lived Experience’ Says Otherwise. Quillette, July (free version)
Wright, C. JK Rowling Is Right—Sex Is Real and It Is Not a ‘Spectrum’. Quillette, June
Wright, C. and Hilton, E.N. There’s No Question of Our Biological Sex. The Australian, February
Wright, C. and Hilton, E.N. The Dangerous Denial of Sex. The Wall Street Journal, February (free version)
Hilton, E.N., Wright, C., Heying, H.E. Times Letters: Lib Dems’ Policy on Gender Self-Identity. The Times of London, December
Malone, W.J., Wright, C., Robertson, J.D. No One Is Born in ‘The Wrong Body.’ Quillette, September
Wright, C. The New Evolution Deniers. Quillette, November
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hilton, E.N. and Wright, C. “Two Sexes.” In Sex and Gender, pp. 16-34. Routledge (2023).
Cassidy, S.T., Chapa, J., Tran, T., Dolezal, N., Gerena, C., Johnson, G., Leyva, A., Stein, S., Wright, C., and Keiser, C.N. Disease defences across levels of biological organization: individual and social immunity in acorn ants. Animal Behaviour 179 (2021): 73-81.
Hilton, E., Thompson, P., Wright, C., and Curtis, D. The reality of sex. Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971-) (2021): 1-1
Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Luscuskie, L.P., Montgomery, G.A., Geary, S., Pruitt, J.N., Pinter-Wollman, N., and Keiser, C.N. Spatial proximity and prey vibratory cues influence collective hunting in social spiders. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 66, no. 1-2 (2020): 26-31
McEwen, B.L., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Fisher, D.N., Wright, C., Chism, G.T., Pinter-Wollman, N., Pruitt, J.N. Predictors of colony extinction vary by habitat type in social spiders. Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology 74(2)
Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Luscuskie, L.P., Montgomery, G.A., Geary, S., Pruitt, J.N., Pinter-Wollman, N., and Keiser, C.N. Spatial proximity and prey vibratory cues influence collective hunting in social spiders. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 66(1-2), p.26-31
Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Wright, C., and Pruitt, J.N. Repeatability of between-group differences in collective foraging is shaped by group composition in social spiders. Journal of Arachnology 47(2), p.276-279
Wright, C., McEwen, B., Fisher, D.N., Tibbetts, E.A., and Pruitt, J.N. 2019. Egg discrimination is mediated by individual differences in olfactory responsiveness and boldness. Behavioral Ecology 30(5), p.1306-1313
Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Tibbetts E.A., and Pruitt, J.N. Individual variation in queen morphology and behavior predict colony success in the wild. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73(122)
Wright, C., Fisher, D.N., Nerone, W.V., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Tibbetts, E.A., and Pruitt, J.N. 2019. Foundress number, but not queen size or boldness, predicts colony life-history in wild paper wasps. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128(1), p.20-29
Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Montgomery, G.A., Luscuskie, L.P., Pinter-Wollman, N., and Pruitt, J.N. 2019. Better safe than sorry: spider societies mitigate risk by prioritizing caution. Behavioral Ecology 30(5), p.1234-1241
Wright C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Doering, G.N., Pretorius, J., Muenier, J. and Pruitt, J.N. 2019 Collective personalities: present knowledge and new frontiers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73(3), p.31.
Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Daniel, K.A., Wong, J.B., Wright, C., Doering, G.N., Costa-Pereira, R. and Pruitt, J.N., 2019. Habitat structure changes the relationships between predator behavior, prey behavior, and prey survival rates. Oecologia, pp.1-12.
Kamath, A., Primavera, S.D., Wright, C., Doering, G.N., Sheehy, K.A., Pinter-Wollman, N. and Pruitt, J.N., 2018. Collective behavior and colony persistence of social spiders depends on their physical environment. Behavioral Ecology 30(1), pp.39-47.
Keiser, C.N., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Wright, C., Chism, G.T. and Pruitt, J.N., 2018. Personality and behavioral syndromes in insects and spiders. Insect Behavior: From Mechanisms to Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences, p.236.
Miller, S.E., Bluher, S.E., Bell, E., Cini, A., Silva, R.C.D., de Souza, A.R., Gandia, K.M., Jandt, J., Loope, K., Prato, A. and Pruitt, J.N…, 2018. WASP nest: a worldwide assessment of social Polistine nesting behavior. Ecology, 99(10), pp.2405-2405.
Doering, G.N., Kamath, A., Wright, C. and Pruitt, J.N., 2018. Evidence for contrasting size-frequency distributions of workers patrolling vegetation vs. the ground in the polymorphic African ant Anoplolepis custodiens. Insectes Sociaux, 65(4), pp.663-668.
Lichtenstein, J.L., Wright, C., McEwen, B., Pinter-Wollman, N. and Pruitt, J.N., 2017. The multidimensional behavioural hypervolumes of two interacting species predict their space use and survival. Animal Behaviour, 132, pp.129-136.
Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L.L., Montgomery, G.A., Luscuskie, L.P., Pinter-Wollman, N. and Pruitt, J.N., 2017. Exposure to predators reduces collective foraging aggressiveness and eliminates its relationship with colony personality composition. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(8), p.126.
Wright, C., Hyland, T.D., Izzo, A.S., McDermott, D.R., Tibbetts, E.A. and Pruitt, J.N., 2017. Polistes metricus queens exhibit personality variation and behavioral syndromes. Current Zoology, 64(1), pp.45-52.
Wright, C., Skinker, V.E., Izzo, A.S., Tibbetts, E.A. and Pruitt, J.N., 2017. Queen personality type predicts nest-guarding behaviour, colony size and the subsequent collective aggressiveness of the colony. Animal Behaviour, 124, pp.7-13.
Lichtenstein, J.L., Wright, C., Luscuskie, L.P., Montgomery, G.A., Pinter-Wollman, N. and Pruitt, J.N., 2017. Participation in cooperative prey capture and the benefits gained from it are associated with individual personality. Current Zoology, 63(5), pp.561-567.
Wright, C., Keiser, C.N. and Pruitt, J.N., 2016. Colony personality composition alters colony-level plasticity and magnitude of defensive behaviour in a social spider. Animal Behaviour, 115, pp.175-183.
Keiser, C.N., Wright, C. and Pruitt, J.N., 2016. Increased bacterial load can reduce or negate the effects of keystone individuals on group collective behaviour. Animal Behaviour, 114, pp.211-218.
Keiser, C.N.*, Wright, C.* and Pruitt, J.N., 2015. Warring arthropod societies: social spider colonies can delay annihilation by predatory ants via reduced apparency and increased group size. Behavioural Processes, 119, pp.14-21.
Modlmeier, A.P., Keiser, C.N., Wright, C., Lichtenstein, J.L. and Pruitt, J.N., 2015. Integrating animal personality into insect population and community ecology. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 9, pp.77-85.
Keiser, C.N., Wright, C., Singh, N., DeShane, J.A., Modlmeier, A.P. and Pruitt, J.N., 2015. Cross-fostering by foreign conspecific queens and slave-making workers influences individual-and colony-level personality. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(3), pp.395-405.
2014 & Earlier
Wright, C. (2012). The Impact of Traditional and Folk Medicine on Biodiversity. The Science in Society Review, UC Davis, Fall: 25-27.
*Signifies equal work by authors