Dr Pan should be investigated by the California Board of Medical Licensure. I am a retired pediatric specialist and I am appalled by so many of my colleagues. The American Academy of Pediatrics has been a lost cause, enthusiastically embracing Progressive causes and entirely eschewing any effort to obtain the input of its dues-paying members. This current practice is responsibly contrasted by our informed colleagues in Europe - a shocking indictment of the pediatric community.

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Great post, thanks! These individuals who support this medicalized, legalized assault against our children are psychopaths. Each and every one. Difficult to even imagine the distorted consciousness capable of justifying this serial child abuse.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

I am a CASA, currently in Twitter jail for calling this a mental health issue. (But I am unaware of any high-suicide-ideation group NOT considered a mental health population!)

After two generations of non-parental care in early life, we've decimated what used to be "common knowledge" about children. Our young doctors and young parents now seem to have *no clue* about kids, what is normal, and how they develop (Piaget, Bowlby, Beebe, Schore, etc). So they are easily subject to misinformation.

I was a teen in the 1970's, and then I raised three teens in the 2000's, prior to the word "gender" ever being uttered by any teen, so I have life experience that calls bullshit on this entire phenomenon, not to mention my CASA knowledge about Developmental Trauma-- the symptom list concords very neatly, too neatly, with 'signals you might be trans.'.

After going "full meds" in Psychiatry, we have *pediatricians* and *endocrinologists* addressing problems that are better served by developmental psychology, and right brain specific modalities. Early life, 0-3 is preferentially a time for growth of the RIGHT brain.

Only certain kinds of psychological therapies can touch early trauma encoded in RIGHT brain. CBT is a LEFT brain therapy.

Neurofeedback can work with right brain. Somatic Psychotherapy, NARM. Or long term attachment focused psychotherapy offering a reparative relational experience (years duration). These specialized therapies are needed to address traumas in infancy and early life that so many kids are suffering today. Because nobody considers it "trauma" to drop a 6 week old off for 10 hours a day. Of course, it is: cortisol patterning of daycare raised kids is OPPOSITE of home-reared (mom/nanny). Normal cortisol falls all day. Daycare babies have rising cortisol. This patterning persists into teens.

It breaks my brain that anyone intelligent enough to complete Med School can't do the Occam's Razor analysis here. The groups massively overrepresented among Trans ID are all groups who struggle to feel whole, seen, embodied, and happy-- for well-understood, time-worn reasons like abandonment, neurodivergence, trauma, bullying, homophobia, reactive attachment disorder, and sexual abuse. THOSE problems all get a pass now, thanks to gender.

"Gender" is whitewashing the developmental trauma a great many children in America experience today. That's the problem we need to solve.

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I appreciate your perspective, Laura. I am familiar with NARM and Somatic therapy and know their healing powers. How these aren't our go to tools for all - especially the millions of young people struggling - boggles the mind. They lead to true, sustained healing. Is it that insurance/pharma companies would much rather we reach for the SSRI, hormones or surgery to mask and deepen the trauma than to actually heal us? How does a society that is incentivized by money making rather than the mental, emotional and physical well being of their people ever going to make it?

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Laura, I am a retired pediatric specialist and much of what you say is normal. A great problem is the medicalization of public health and public issues. The question of closing down schools for COVID was NOT fundamentally a medical issue. Fauci was entirely focused on how to limit the virus and had/has no expertise into the effects of school shutdowns. Similarly, the endorsement of medical and surgical treatments for gender dysphoria is not really a medical decision but a public policy issue that requires a much broader education and understanding than most physicians possess. Pediatric endocrinologists in recent decades were second class citizens in most pediatric departments, bringing in few dollars and not empowered by notable therapeutic breakthroughs. The treatment of gender dysphoria vaulted endocrinologists into positions of great importance in our world and the fame has gone to the heads of this individuals who continue to believe that their medical expertise also confers great moral weight for their practices and opinions. The medicalization of gun violence and even climate change has further distorted the minds of many young physicians. Moral virtue can be a hugely corrupting influence on one's worldview.

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How can Twitter declare it not a mental health issue? Gender dysphoria is still in the DSM-V. Somewhat amusing that the Gender Identity Disorder of the DSM-IV had 'disorder' dropped to reduce stigma, whereas all other psychiatric diagnoses listed remain as 'disorders'. Perhaps the APA wanted to continue the stigma attached to those conditions!

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It really seems like a full-throated push to convince us all that youth are capable of full body-autonomy, alongside the notion that children are human sexual beings capable of feeling sexual pleasure. These two things together do not bode well for the future of our youth, particularly without the same intensity of investigation being put into the frameworks of consent, assent, and coercion in these immature brains.

We are watching in real time the age of “consent” for sexuality wiggling its way down, and as these become more accepted into the mainstream, many sexual abusers and traffickers will morph into lovers and caretakers in the collective mind.

It’s tragic and insidious.

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As horrible as all this is I’m glad more people at least are starting to recognize Richard Pan for the evil pharma shill he is. The man has repeatedly lied about bills in the past and it is not a stretch to imagine he is lying now. It is far past time for him to lose an election.

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I was speaking to Richard pans past history and forcing bills through that compel medical treatments and tie doctors hands in many ways. He also blatantly lies and then tried to pretend he didn’t say things. He is the epitome of medical overreach. Before you say no one is getting rich off a lifetime of hormone treatments I would wonder how many medications each transitioned is in. There is also a lot of money to be made in conversion surgeries and continuing treatment for side effects of hormone treatments. It’s not the only factor for sure, but it is a piece of the puzzle.

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Given that we know from the days of watchful waiting that the majority of gender dysphorics desist, become content with their sex, and most often become functional gay adults, there is a sinister side to affirmative care that does not get emphasized enough. Tens of thousands of children and adolescents who would have gone on to grow into the next generation of gays and lesbians have been "cured" of this tendency by turning them into surgical and endocrinological creatures worthy of Dr Frankenstein. This is simply radical conversion therapy, and no different to the choice offered to homosexuals in Iran. One day, we may look back on this as a holocaust that destroyed a generation of gay people, with places like the Tavistock Clinic as the camps that irrevocably changed those lives. I cannot imagine the torment of people who have permanently ruined their bodies, given up all possibility of having children, or even just having sex and an orgasm, just because no one would say 'no' to their teenage fantasies, when the reality hits home. And the guilt their 'supportive' parents will endure when they realise what they have permitted? Unendurable. That my medical colleagues should have willingly caused such injury, and in the name of doing good and relieving distress? They should feel only shame.

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Excellent! Additionally, "social transitioning and affirmation" are narcissist-paths, which will lower IQ from lack of challenge, making the special, brave, courageous "trans" individual immune to any criticism, ever. They learn that their illogic will always be respected, and they can manipulate their way out of responsibility and ownership of false claims, emotional blackmail and narcissistic abuse of everyone around them. Detransitioners often admit this was the case. We must listen to them.

I saw my ex-husband's writing literally take a quality dive, as the years went on after his surgeries. He continues to insist he's entitled to be named as 'mother' of our children, swallowing the myth that he's "more of a woman" than any woman, but especially more than me, in his jealous rage, because I am the woman he witnessed in natural childbirth of our two sons.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Very informative and runs counter to the broader narrative.

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I agree with you, Marek, but in a less political way. All of the homosexuals I've known/been friends with, distinguish between sexual orientation and the "identity woo." It is a shame that the medical and psychological professions cannot admit to the decades-old researcher bias in the history of the "transsexual" diagnosis. The researchers were mostly men, who imagined that "it's really a diagnosis" and men who want to be castrated must have been "born in the wrong body." This is despite the fact that self-harm, masochism, was a recognized mental illness. Because of internet porn recruiting "trans," the causes are muddied. The "sexologists" like Ray Blanchard have always been tone deaf, assuming that a "2 Year Transitioning Protocol" would prevent misdiagnoses, imagining themselves to be sexy and progressive. They'll truly never know how many regret the mutilating surgeries, because they are permanent and cannot be reversed. A study was done on "tattoo regret" and came up with almost 100% regret by 7 years after. What a horror show! Thanks to Colin Wright and Leo Sapir for this refutation.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Wow! I never met one of those doctors in person, only the uncertified groomer, Ruth The Charlatan, in my memoir. She's the one who tried hard to clue me in to "alternative sex" and called me "traditional" and "spunky" when I said I just happen to know I'm not interested.

What other doctor, other than a breast augmentation plastic surgeon, has to go through so much self-justification? And what happened to the "natural look" I was happy to aspire to from the 1960s? I still do that, now you can see all my wrinkles in the video "Female Erasure, by Ute Heggen" at Women's Declaration International channel. Do you name "gay ideology" because of terminology like "hetero-normative"?

And, just because, I want to know what the rate of death on the operating table is for men like my former husband. They never talk about that, and he did take that chance, signed that form. It happens--how can we find out? What do they put on the death certificate? Great chat thread, man!

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Well, that's quite a lot of unburdening. Some of it I haven't heard of, but I understand now that you named queer theory, which is out in its own universe. I wonder though, what short bit one could say to just poke a hole in the ballon of that receptionist who claimed it helps to have surgeries and there are no regretters. Maybe, just go to Lime Soda Films YT channel and watch the 4 part series, "Dysphoria."

Take care.

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