Great article, thanks! The hyperlink to the Sapir article about the myth of suicide is excellent. As that threat drives so much fear, it's important for parents to dive deeper. Here's another article detailing the issues with the studies of suicidality with gender distressed kids to date: https://can-sg.org/frequently-asked-questions/are-children-and-young-people-with-gender-dysphoria-at-higher-risk-of-suicide/

More on the many dangers of social transition from Stats for Gender, a sister site to Genspect: https://www.statsforgender.org/social-transition/

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Young kids are so easily led astray. A few days before I started kindergarten back in the 1950s, my parents told me the name on my birth certificate was actually Renee and asked whether I wanted to be known by that name at school. I'd never heard the name Renee before. And because it was so new, I said "yes" without ever thinking of what it would be like to be called "Renee" by everyone at school.

Long story short, it was the worst decision of my young life. I grew to hate, and I mean hate, being called Renee. Just before I entered first grade, I had my parents change my school name back to Nancy, the name I had always been called at home. But some kids continued to call me Renee all through elementary school, sometimes just to annoy me.

But that was just my name, not my sex. So I can only begin to imagine how embarrassing and humiliating it would be for a child to come to his or her senses and have to publicly detransition back to their real sex.

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Visual aids would probably help here; I hear the term "pipeline" thrown around, but we're really talking about something closer to a sales funnel https://res.cloudinary.com/monday-blogs/w_789,c_fit/fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto/wp-blog/2021/03/sales-funnel-stages.png

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This video explores the "trans" mass psychosis. Warning: this video is disturbing and the images of young people who have had "gender affirming surgeries" are graphic. The doctors performing these surgeries are despicable. The discussions with detransitioners who have been permanently altered are heartbreaking.


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Not mentioned here is WPATH's recent resurrection of a very real phenomenon - the eunuch. They say that being a eunuch is a valid gender, and well they might, as that is what they are creating when children transition into sterile sexless golems.

Never mind the ancient associations of eunuch-hood, be they singing like a prepubescent choirboy, guarding the sultan's harem, or removing distractions from a dedicated Chinese bureaucrat, there is a more sinister side to this that even the non-paranoid might consider.

In a world in which certain vulnerable children do not enter puberty and retain their nearly sexless bodies until they are past the age of consent at 16, you might foresee certain safeguarding issues. This is paradise for paedophiles.

I'm not so paranoid as to think WPATH deliberately envisaged this, but I don't believe they considered it at all as an unwanted outcome. One that will be exploited, tragically. This must be resisted.

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LGBT is a non-theistic replacement religion; change my mind.

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The fact of adults recruiting minors is so true. It will take some time to sink in, as this was the canard thrown at homosexuals in the past.

I highlighted points from the Michael Biggs paper at medical publisher, taylor and francis online today on my blog. A link to the full article, debunking the "Dutch Protocols" is in my post. This variety of shoddy research, where N = 70, oops, someone died on the operating table (literally the case in two of the Dutch studies cited) so now N = 69. They don't tell the surgeons to mention to patients/families that 2 out of less than 140 subjects died after surgery. They let it be a footnote, you know, he might have killed himself, anyway so . . .


Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

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Smelling a RAT, in 2015 I attended a Gender workshop at the university where I teach. The workshop was imposed by "Horace," who, we'd been told via departmental email, "identifies as male" and that "outward appearances do not determine a person's gender." Henceforth I would enter the department on the lookout for a dyke who called herself "Horace."

Lo and behold, "Horace" turned out to be a gigantic black woman with gigantic breasts, dressed in a frothy pink confection, arms full of tinkling bracelets, with raspberry ballet flats to complete the outfit.

At the workshop, Horace and "his" elves -- compliant little women in perky knit caps with faces on them -- handed out "pronoun power" bracelets and other swag designed to get us on board. I will never forget the charade of being told that the new forward way to be was to ask people their pronouns at the start of every class because "gender is fluid and can change from day to day." IMAGINE OCCUPYING YOUR MIND WITH THAT BULLHORN -- NOT TO MENTION TEN MINUTES OF CLASS TIME.

And then the circus of useful idiots supplying said pronouns, much to narcissistic Horace's control-freak satisfaction.

Well, I refused. "What you see is what you get," was my response. And, frankly, being coerced into telling people that I'm female, rather than allowing them to see it for themselves is distressing to me. I will not participate in this "triggering" activity.

My mental health comes first.

In the meantime, our "MAN" "Horace" had to stomp out of the room with the vapors when "he" heard the word "queer."

It was quite a performance.

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What a wonderfully succinct summary of the current gender ideology. Sadly, some of my fellow pediatricians have bought into this ideology and defend their stance on "caring". However, pediatricians of all people should understand that responding to a child's every whim and articulated desire is child abuse and/or terrible parenting. Children have always needed adult direction and discipline. Yes, it should be kind and thoughtful but it also needs to be informed by accumulated wisdom. We are witnessing the greatest medical malfeasance by some pediatricians of recent memory. Physicians complain of interference in medical care, just as they defend abortion as a decision between a woman and her doctor. This is a deeply misinformed view of the deep issues involved in medical care.

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Very clearly and effectively written. The thing that I can never get to in all of this is "why." What is the end game here?

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Take a look at YouTube channel, Isle of Ex, for more details on the damage to vocal chords from any wrong sex hormones and her excellent take down of the Jon Stewart brand of interview. Leslie Rutledge let us down. Know your facts. Osteoporosis, liver failure, brain fog, lower IQ, kidney failure and you are a groomer now, based on the reaction Instagrams to heart-wrenching KC Miller video (female detransitioner). It is a cult. That BS proves it.

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Link below to the 6 major published studies debunking previous foundation of "affirmation, informed consent" from Dr. Stephen B. Levine, Leor Sapir & Julie Mason, Michael Biggs, Jay Greene, et al.

Children (and vulnerable, emotionally unstable adults) are encouraged to enter a "post-baptismal state" of renewal by "changing your sex." The euphoria might last 2 years, or the patient may die on the operating table, or the reality of incontinence, bone demineralization, liver failure and excessive time on "passing" finally catches up, regret sets in. It's not a tattoo. It's your urinary tract. Don't mess with the plumbing. Links to the original studies at pubmed and other medical sites included:


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I’m sorry but if I ever found out a teacher was doing this to my kid, said teacher would be getting a kick to the groin and a punch to the face for grooming my kid.

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Im really surprised not to see any mention of Muchausens by proxy here. Or Transhausen's as it is being called in the GC community. The prevalence of mothers creating transkids and fathers trying to pretend their gay son is a girl is horrifying. Their pairing is a folie a deux played out on network TV.

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So I read over the outside sources you linked. The first one, the one written by Kenneth Zucker, was an opinion from Kenneth, and the way you presented it makes it seem like you are implying it as a factual piece. What you failed to mention from that paper is that he still lists HRT and GnRHa treatment as a possible treatment, but more research is needed for the different types of treatment (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333516085_Debate_Different_strokes_for_different_folks)

In the three articles you linked in the phrase "nearly 100 percent," you refrain from mentioning some things from those. In "Short-term outcomes of pubertal suppression in a selected cohort of 12 to 15 year old young people with persistent gender dysphoria in the UK" specifically in the methods section, it says "[Young people and family were told] potential risks and benefits of participation. Risks included the anticipated side-effects of GnRHa treatments including symptoms resulting from the withdrawal of sex steroids (headaches, hot flushes), fatigue, loss of libido and low mood, the potential that treatment could influence the continuation of their GD and the potential for unknown risks." Compare this to what you mentioned, "the therapist is likely to recommend puberty blockers, which they will portray as a 'safe' and 'fully reversible' option..." To correct that a little bit (aside from the direct quote from the study you cited saying that risks are talked about and not marketed as "safe" and "fully reversible" like you said), a therapist does not give medications for any mental disorder, that is entirely the job of a psychiatrist. If you had ADHD, a therapist would not give you stimulant medication for that, a psychiatrist would. One more thing to correct about your statement, in the studies you linked where participants underwent GnRHa treatment, the risks, benefits, and treatment were done by an endocrinologist, not a psychologist, let alone a therapist.

One key takeaway from two of those studies (Short-term outcomes of pubertal suppression in a selected cohort of 12 to 15 year old young people with persistent gender dysphoria in the UK; Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: a prospective follow-up study) is that psychological wellbeing increased, as well as other positive changes. To direct quote again from the former study, "Participant experience of treatment as reported in interviews was positive for the majority, particularly relating to feeling happier, feeling more comfortable, better relationships with family and peers and positive changes in gender role. Smaller numbers reported having mixed positive and negative changes. A minority (12% at 6-15 months and 17% at 15-24 months) reported only negative changes, which were largely related to anticipated side effects. None wanted to stop treatment due to side effects of negative changes." The keyword in the second to last sentence should be "anticipated," disproving your point of risks and benefits not being told to gender dysphoric individuals.

This comment is long enough as it is, I would continue, so if you want Colin Wright (or anyone who reads this comment) would like to continue the discourse in a civil manner, be my guest! You can name wherever you would want to continue the discussion.

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It's certainly unusual to get older men having surgery, but they can show young acolytes and say, that was me, but it wasn't. They have AGP and while it has roots in their childhood, it gets out of control as they reach middle age. You have to remember parents too, sometimes they may be undiagnosed autistic, fearing suicide and being helped on the trans train by the many therapists and support groups that have burgeoned in the past 4 years. Did Covid increase it's progress helped by the silencing of dissent on Twitter and other platforms.

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