Queering the medical ethics of pregnancy to problematize a desire for “normal fetal outcomes” is an abandonment of evidence-based medicine and the principle of “do no harm.”
REMINDER: I encourage open and rigorous commentary and debate that adds value to the articles and fosters a fun and respectful community. Insults and ad hominem therefore have no place in the comments. If you see a comment that you believe is crossing the line, please flag it and then ignore it.
Who are you writing for? The language in this piece is so sterile. It downplays the fact that you’re writing about people who intentionally harm unborn children. Use more of the rhetorical toolkit; this issue is too important not to.
I try to publish serious pieces that stand firm on science, reason, and ethics without too many rhetorical flourishes. I think this piece does a great job of establishing the scientific and moral high ground and conveying that they are the adults in the room. I serious reporting, not an anti-woke magazine that mimics the rhetoric of Pink News.
I know what you mean, I don't see any value in emotive rhetoric but this is an old-world style applied to the new-world craziness. I don't need this concept explained to me re ethics etc, it is self-evident. Everything past the "this is insane" is superfluous.
I refuse to collude with the demand that we all participate in societal cosplay so trans activists and ideologues can have their way and manipulate explicit reality. Only women have babies. “Trans men” are biological women who want to have it both ways: to be male and to be pregnant. It not only offends human and cultural sensitivities, it is abhorrent. This is a sentiment where activists would acute me of being hateful or transphobic. I do fear what trans activists are doing to corrupt society and children. I do not hate people. I do not like the false equivalence of trans rights being made equal to the rights of race or ethnicity or other sexual minorities.
It's a contradiction. If I genuinely wanted to be a male then the last thing I would want is to get pregnant. If you choose to get pregnant (I'm not talking about rape) then stop denying your motherhood - it's misogynist.
Well said! There is so much damage to society by the middle aged fathers who suddenly "identify" and leave the wife and children in trauma, grief and often, from my stats at YouTube channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen, in a state of financial insecurity. This is the only data in the world on us.
I passed your information along to my friend whose sister is dealing with this. She’s too traumatized to reach out to anyone right now. I know 5 families destroyed by this ideology. In four cases it was pressuring a kid to “transition.” In 1 case the husband with a wife and young kids, likely from a Covid lockdown induced porn obsession, decided he felt like a chic one day and blew up his young family. I don’t think we have statistics on this - at least not really acknowledged. The same people who claim there are “only” 300,000 minors claiming they are trans also claim ~2% of K-12 kids claim they are “trans.” That figure would put around 990,000 children in the category. For the entire US population it’s around 5,280,000. That’s not “rare.” For comparison there are around 400,000 with Down’s syndrome in the US.
"I refuse to collude with the demand that we all participate in societal cosplay"
Feminists have been demanding we all participate in their societal cosplay for a century. It was a century of feminism that moved the Overton window to where we are today with all the pregnant men, non binary, cheestfeeding, artificial womb stuff.
Feminism normalised the break up of the family unit, single motherhood (as a chosen lifestyle), stay-at-work mothers, day-abandonment centres, hormone disruption medication (the pill), abortions (as a form of contraception) etc.
There's no point getting on a flight from Sydney to LA and then complaining at the last minute that the plane is approaching LA. You have to not get on the plane in the first place!
Too many people have accepted decades of progressive ideology and have only started raising concerns in the last year or two. But the final destination of feminist/ progressive ideology should have been obvious from the start. Transhumanism, the destruction of the family, destruction of parenting, destruction of motherhood/ fatherhood, the eradication of gender. An assault on nature itself, to be replaced by technology.
When you understand the end goal, and the concept of the 'satanic inversion' (a kind of psychopathic cult of gaslighting), there are no contradictions. It all makes perfect sense, as it should.
Feminism had nothing to do with women or the Women's Rights Movement (which feminism hijacked in the 60's), and trans activism has nothing to do with transexuals (who are as much of a tiny minority today as they were 40 years ago, and most of whom have fairly traditional views on gender). The people we see on social media making outrageous demands are just the pawns in a much bigger game being played.
The magical thinking in this paper the authors discussed is staggering. The idea of maternal fetal care would be "gendered" and "offspring-focused" is a big huge "Duh!" to the rest of the world.
I find it particularly upsetting that somehow the desires of the adults in this situation somehow overrides the needs of a baby — who has absolutely no choice in the matter. (I mean, if the mother were doing hard drugs, we'd all be up in arms about it... 😒)
Stepping back just five to ten years ago, what is taking place today in front of our eyes would have been inconceivable. We are being asked to replace rationality, logic and scientific pursuit as a sacrifice to the cult of social and gender justice. I for one will not go along.
Every time I think I can't possibly fit anything more into my - "you really can't make this shit up file" - something like this post comes along and I have no choice but to cram it in. : /
“…instruments of oppression wielded by the powerful against the less powerful”.
The circularity of this is stunning: isn’t that PRECISELY what THEY are doing?
“Abiding by their paper’s guidance would land us in a vacuum devoid of medical ethics and a seismic shift away from the importance of scientific research and medical evidence in favor of activist directed healthcare.”
Wasn’t the handling of Covid a dress rehearsal for this activist directed healthcare, to a great degree? Opposition was squashed, mere questioning was answered with bullying, and everyone fell into alignment.
“The desire for “normal fetal outcomes,” according to the authors, is rooted in an problematic desire “to protect their offspring from becoming anything other than ‘normal’” and “reflect historical and ongoing social practices for creating ‘ideal’ and normative bodies.””
Well, that’s…interesting…and un-mathematical.
“The norm” is simply a term for whatever the majority of people have/do. It’s statistical. The norm for dogs is four legs; for humans, it’s two legs. It doesn’t mean that one legged people are not human. The “ideal” is not a mathematical term. It’s a value term, and implies cultural assumptions, which change with time and place. Norms and ideals are substantively different and shouldn’t even be discussed together in this context.
Remember, these are the same people who call the vagina/uterus (from whence all human life is brought forth) a “bonus hole”…implying, of course that the anus (from whence shit comes) is the “preferred hole”. In and of itself, this is proof of cultural insanity. And a study using the language “those who were “identifying as health care providers” at the time of the study”????? Are we going to abolish healthcare licensure in favor of those who might “identify” as doctors, nurses, etc.?
Great rant Orwell's Rabbit - with a lot of excellent points! We are now living in a "post-reality" world - one in which to be even tenuously tethered to what we might call "material reality" somehow in the minds of the "woke" magically transforms one into a 'transphobic bigot' - a "TERF" or god knows what other category of what essentially amounts to the label - "heretic."
The societal embrace of "identity politics" has made one thing abundantly clear - one doesn't in fact have to - "identify" as an "idiot" - to in fact "be one." I'm guessing that in spite of the embrace of post-modernism's assault on the very idea of material reality, and the CSJ categorization of things like punctuality, math, scientific method, etc. as "colonial constructs" that as soon as Judith Butler, Kendi, or Robin Diangelo need a heart operation they'll forget all about "equity" when looking for their surgeon and take the most punctual, scientifically sound and highly qualified person they can find - NOT the one who simply "identifies" as a heart surgeon.
When I was a young rabbit in grad school, post-structuralism was the rage. As a Teaching Assistant, I ran two sessions per week for undergrads. Inevitably, one or more of them would become too enamored with the idea that “reality” was “subjective”. I’d always let them play around with the concepts for a while, but at some point, I’d say, “Debating objectivity is fascinating, but if you try to walk through that wall [gesture towards the wall], you’ll quickly find out that there actually is some reality that cannot be debated”. Even then, I guess I knew the difference between philosophy as concept and physical reality (theory vs. praxis, if you will). They used to talk about that in the universities; maybe they skip those chapters now...
The reference to "self-identifying health care providers" is the only inaccuracy I have spotted in this article.
The paper is worth reading as it is, if possible, even more horrifyingly insane than suggested - and it is anyway always a good idea to read the original research if it is available.
What the paper actually says is:
"22 health care providers (practicing across Australia, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States) with self-identified experience working with trans patients and pregnancy along a diverse cross-section of specialty areas (e.g., psychotherapists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, midwives, lactation consultants, OBGYNs, fertility specialists)."
I guess what the paper's authors are saying is, "We did not ask for any evidence to confirm that the 22 health care providers had experience working with trans patients and pregnancy".
This sounds right as it would be very unusual for researchers to require individual health care providers to supply documentation confirming that they had experience working with particular patients or procedures.
What is missing, and need not have been, is some record of how much experience the 22 health care providers had "working with trans patients and pregnancy". In one case it would appear that the individual might not have had any experience at all:
"One health care provider we interviewed, currently in training to become a lactation consultant, spoke about not receiving any targeted education around trans people, testosterone, and lactation during this training."
Just think... this new magical reality has undone even their own ideals.
Remember: "Gay people are born that way."
But you now have a straight, married man with children who 'decides' to 'trans' into a woman (laying aside that it's complete BS from the go) -- now, assuming he still is sexually attracted to women, PRESTO!! -- (s)he's a lesbian.
This article is wonderful--thoughtful and rational-but-respectfully written--even if member of the trans community to whom it's addressed in part don't (IMO) deserve respect. Motherhood--all parenthood, in fact--involves *protecting* one's child and routinely putting the child's needs first, especially when they're fetuses or babies. (I'm astounded that the trans community doesn't take this as a given.) A trans person's presumption that they can "have their cake and eat it, too"--that they can stamp their feet and hold their breath until they turn blue and feel victimized because the medical community can't perform magic for them--is incredibly naive, uninformed, selfish, and disturbing. After all, who would intentionally hurt their own child/developing fetus? Maybe a person who's been so indulged/deluded by our country's accommodating their delusion of being the sex they aren't and can never *really* be that they believe they can always "get their own way." Turning trans tantrums into government policy, as we continue to do, is absurd. Many of life's greatest sacrifices/giving up immediate pleasure can produce life's greatest pleasures in the long run--something that every parent learns. Denying our youth (regretfully, including my own child) the opportunity to discover this by allowing them to focus only on the immediate/short-term/self-focused prevents them from attaining longterm happiness. I'm very grateful for this article and think that it should be sent to every Planned Parenthood, member of the American Association of Pediatricians, member of the American Endocrine Society, member of the American Psychological Association, etc., etc. who have cowardly chosen blinders and selfishly chosen short-term professional/financial gain over vow they took to "do no harm."
"I'm astounded that the trans community doesn't take this as a given." -- I'm not. These people have proven time and again they are not capable of rational thought.
"Turning trans tantrums into government policy." -- Perfection.
Criminal prosecutions, civil malpractice actions and revocation of medical licenses would be a good start to ending this transexual depravity. However the source of this madness is found in universities that have become incubators for many kinds of criminal insanity dressed up as social justice. Those universities need to lose their certifications and all public funding until they return to the role of educating students instead of corrupting them.
Any female who would put her desire to appear more masculine above the health of her growing baby is a monster. I’m appalled that this is even a discussion that activists are having, bc there’s a literal army of moms who were expected to give up seemingly innocuous things like soft cheese (yes, I know why), and they want to put trans-identifying females on a pedestal so they can do anything they want bc it’s “affirming”? Don’t push the mama bears. Many of us gave up coffee for an entire pregnancy, AND during breastfeeding. Coffee!
I had to read the passage twice about public recognition as a man being challenged by decreasing/stopping testosterone...I mean, isn’t the basic fact of being PREGNANT going to affect one’s public recognition as a man???
Make it make sense. 😔
Someone who believes they’re a man, who is taking hormones to change their body into a man, who may even have altered their body to present as a man, should not be conceiving a child. It defies logic. Men don’t have babies. If you want to be a man/you say you are a man...?
"I mean, isn’t the basic fact of being PREGNANT going to affect one’s public recognition as a man???" But there's a pregnant man emoji now, right? (or normal man who ate too many burritos) We're told that this happens.
You're right. None of this makes sense. Being pregnant is quite literally the most female thing ever, no matter how many times, how many ways, they try to say otherwise. This is primal.
Yes! If she believes she's a man and having sex with a man, then she believes she's a gay man. She should be having gay man sex, which won't make her pregnant!
A couple of additional questions: 1. Will the testosterone later give this woman who thinks she's male cervical or other cancer? I guess so many body parts get removed that figuring the risk out is complicated. 2. What normal pregnant woman wants to be in the practice of a doctor who approves of pregnant women taking this drug? I'm past menopause, but even for my annual exam, I do not want to be in that practice. That means reputable doctors will be more in demand by sane women. Thanks so much to Center for Bio-Ethics and Culture Network!
Thank you so much for this useful article, Jennifer and Kallie. Congratulations. The alleged breastfeeding of infants by men who say they are women is what drove me to a new level of activism on this issue. I would like to see citations to the medical research that shows that the chemical composition of breastmilk changes hourly immediately after birth and then is constantly changing its chemical makeup for many months after delivery. Amazing natural phenomenon :-)
Same. Cave matres: beware of the mothers. We're the ones who gave up soft cheese & coffee during pregnancy & breastfeeding. From my first prenatal visit onward I received the message that the baby is the star of the show (while my health was important, too, but even that is directed at benefiting the baby). There are countless books & magazines on pregnancy which drive home the message that you're being judged for every tiny thing you do, eat, etc., while pregnant. There is no chance in hell that the rest of us out there will just smile and say, "how nice for them" if a privileged group of females is allowed to do whatever they want during pregnancy because it "affirms" them.
A pregnant woman who intentionally damages her unborn baby so that she can feel smug about being tolerant of birth defects? These people are so repulsive they are begging to be hated, rejected by society, and perhaps put in prison.
Just when you think the insanity has hit bottom, the trans lobby opens up another trap door to a lower level of hell. I’m having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, continually disappointed that a meteor hadn’t wiped us out overnight.
REMINDER: I encourage open and rigorous commentary and debate that adds value to the articles and fosters a fun and respectful community. Insults and ad hominem therefore have no place in the comments. If you see a comment that you believe is crossing the line, please flag it and then ignore it.
Who are you writing for? The language in this piece is so sterile. It downplays the fact that you’re writing about people who intentionally harm unborn children. Use more of the rhetorical toolkit; this issue is too important not to.
I try to publish serious pieces that stand firm on science, reason, and ethics without too many rhetorical flourishes. I think this piece does a great job of establishing the scientific and moral high ground and conveying that they are the adults in the room. I serious reporting, not an anti-woke magazine that mimics the rhetoric of Pink News.
Isn’t the very topic emotional enough? I actually appreciate the level tone.
I know what you mean, I don't see any value in emotive rhetoric but this is an old-world style applied to the new-world craziness. I don't need this concept explained to me re ethics etc, it is self-evident. Everything past the "this is insane" is superfluous.
I refuse to collude with the demand that we all participate in societal cosplay so trans activists and ideologues can have their way and manipulate explicit reality. Only women have babies. “Trans men” are biological women who want to have it both ways: to be male and to be pregnant. It not only offends human and cultural sensitivities, it is abhorrent. This is a sentiment where activists would acute me of being hateful or transphobic. I do fear what trans activists are doing to corrupt society and children. I do not hate people. I do not like the false equivalence of trans rights being made equal to the rights of race or ethnicity or other sexual minorities.
It's a contradiction. If I genuinely wanted to be a male then the last thing I would want is to get pregnant. If you choose to get pregnant (I'm not talking about rape) then stop denying your motherhood - it's misogynist.
Great point!
Well said! There is so much damage to society by the middle aged fathers who suddenly "identify" and leave the wife and children in trauma, grief and often, from my stats at YouTube channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen, in a state of financial insecurity. This is the only data in the world on us.
I passed your information along to my friend whose sister is dealing with this. She’s too traumatized to reach out to anyone right now. I know 5 families destroyed by this ideology. In four cases it was pressuring a kid to “transition.” In 1 case the husband with a wife and young kids, likely from a Covid lockdown induced porn obsession, decided he felt like a chic one day and blew up his young family. I don’t think we have statistics on this - at least not really acknowledged. The same people who claim there are “only” 300,000 minors claiming they are trans also claim ~2% of K-12 kids claim they are “trans.” That figure would put around 990,000 children in the category. For the entire US population it’s around 5,280,000. That’s not “rare.” For comparison there are around 400,000 with Down’s syndrome in the US.
I'm a trans widow, too, if she wants to reach out. shannon at shannonthrace.com
"I refuse to collude with the demand that we all participate in societal cosplay"
Feminists have been demanding we all participate in their societal cosplay for a century. It was a century of feminism that moved the Overton window to where we are today with all the pregnant men, non binary, cheestfeeding, artificial womb stuff.
Feminism normalised the break up of the family unit, single motherhood (as a chosen lifestyle), stay-at-work mothers, day-abandonment centres, hormone disruption medication (the pill), abortions (as a form of contraception) etc.
There's no point getting on a flight from Sydney to LA and then complaining at the last minute that the plane is approaching LA. You have to not get on the plane in the first place!
Too many people have accepted decades of progressive ideology and have only started raising concerns in the last year or two. But the final destination of feminist/ progressive ideology should have been obvious from the start. Transhumanism, the destruction of the family, destruction of parenting, destruction of motherhood/ fatherhood, the eradication of gender. An assault on nature itself, to be replaced by technology.
When you understand the end goal, and the concept of the 'satanic inversion' (a kind of psychopathic cult of gaslighting), there are no contradictions. It all makes perfect sense, as it should.
Feminism had nothing to do with women or the Women's Rights Movement (which feminism hijacked in the 60's), and trans activism has nothing to do with transexuals (who are as much of a tiny minority today as they were 40 years ago, and most of whom have fairly traditional views on gender). The people we see on social media making outrageous demands are just the pawns in a much bigger game being played.
The magical thinking in this paper the authors discussed is staggering. The idea of maternal fetal care would be "gendered" and "offspring-focused" is a big huge "Duh!" to the rest of the world.
I find it particularly upsetting that somehow the desires of the adults in this situation somehow overrides the needs of a baby — who has absolutely no choice in the matter. (I mean, if the mother were doing hard drugs, we'd all be up in arms about it... 😒)
If they can't make the sacrifice of giving up testosterone for the sake of their baby, they should really just get a cat.
Truly. Your life is no longer your own as soon as you have a child. If you can’t get your own desires, you’re not going to cut it as a parent.
They should be prohibited from caring for any living thing.
But literally EVERYTHING about the 'trans' ideology is about elevating the self above ALL. So no surprise here.
I SO agree with your comment, Kathleen. Thank you for stating, what should be, the obvious to those who have respect for life (and not just our own).
Stepping back just five to ten years ago, what is taking place today in front of our eyes would have been inconceivable. We are being asked to replace rationality, logic and scientific pursuit as a sacrifice to the cult of social and gender justice. I for one will not go along.
Every time I think I can't possibly fit anything more into my - "you really can't make this shit up file" - something like this post comes along and I have no choice but to cram it in. : /
I know, riiiight? There seem to be no limits.
“…instruments of oppression wielded by the powerful against the less powerful”.
The circularity of this is stunning: isn’t that PRECISELY what THEY are doing?
“Abiding by their paper’s guidance would land us in a vacuum devoid of medical ethics and a seismic shift away from the importance of scientific research and medical evidence in favor of activist directed healthcare.”
Wasn’t the handling of Covid a dress rehearsal for this activist directed healthcare, to a great degree? Opposition was squashed, mere questioning was answered with bullying, and everyone fell into alignment.
“The desire for “normal fetal outcomes,” according to the authors, is rooted in an problematic desire “to protect their offspring from becoming anything other than ‘normal’” and “reflect historical and ongoing social practices for creating ‘ideal’ and normative bodies.””
Well, that’s…interesting…and un-mathematical.
“The norm” is simply a term for whatever the majority of people have/do. It’s statistical. The norm for dogs is four legs; for humans, it’s two legs. It doesn’t mean that one legged people are not human. The “ideal” is not a mathematical term. It’s a value term, and implies cultural assumptions, which change with time and place. Norms and ideals are substantively different and shouldn’t even be discussed together in this context.
Remember, these are the same people who call the vagina/uterus (from whence all human life is brought forth) a “bonus hole”…implying, of course that the anus (from whence shit comes) is the “preferred hole”. In and of itself, this is proof of cultural insanity. And a study using the language “those who were “identifying as health care providers” at the time of the study”????? Are we going to abolish healthcare licensure in favor of those who might “identify” as doctors, nurses, etc.?
Great rant Orwell's Rabbit - with a lot of excellent points! We are now living in a "post-reality" world - one in which to be even tenuously tethered to what we might call "material reality" somehow in the minds of the "woke" magically transforms one into a 'transphobic bigot' - a "TERF" or god knows what other category of what essentially amounts to the label - "heretic."
The societal embrace of "identity politics" has made one thing abundantly clear - one doesn't in fact have to - "identify" as an "idiot" - to in fact "be one." I'm guessing that in spite of the embrace of post-modernism's assault on the very idea of material reality, and the CSJ categorization of things like punctuality, math, scientific method, etc. as "colonial constructs" that as soon as Judith Butler, Kendi, or Robin Diangelo need a heart operation they'll forget all about "equity" when looking for their surgeon and take the most punctual, scientifically sound and highly qualified person they can find - NOT the one who simply "identifies" as a heart surgeon.
When I was a young rabbit in grad school, post-structuralism was the rage. As a Teaching Assistant, I ran two sessions per week for undergrads. Inevitably, one or more of them would become too enamored with the idea that “reality” was “subjective”. I’d always let them play around with the concepts for a while, but at some point, I’d say, “Debating objectivity is fascinating, but if you try to walk through that wall [gesture towards the wall], you’ll quickly find out that there actually is some reality that cannot be debated”. Even then, I guess I knew the difference between philosophy as concept and physical reality (theory vs. praxis, if you will). They used to talk about that in the universities; maybe they skip those chapters now...
LOL. I love that example! Would be rather entertaining to watch them try to debate the reality of a wall.
Even better if they subsequently concluded that the wall didn't exist and they therefore could exit the room at any point and tested it by trying to.
The reference to "self-identifying health care providers" is the only inaccuracy I have spotted in this article.
The paper is worth reading as it is, if possible, even more horrifyingly insane than suggested - and it is anyway always a good idea to read the original research if it is available.
What the paper actually says is:
"22 health care providers (practicing across Australia, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States) with self-identified experience working with trans patients and pregnancy along a diverse cross-section of specialty areas (e.g., psychotherapists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, midwives, lactation consultants, OBGYNs, fertility specialists)."
I guess what the paper's authors are saying is, "We did not ask for any evidence to confirm that the 22 health care providers had experience working with trans patients and pregnancy".
This sounds right as it would be very unusual for researchers to require individual health care providers to supply documentation confirming that they had experience working with particular patients or procedures.
What is missing, and need not have been, is some record of how much experience the 22 health care providers had "working with trans patients and pregnancy". In one case it would appear that the individual might not have had any experience at all:
"One health care provider we interviewed, currently in training to become a lactation consultant, spoke about not receiving any targeted education around trans people, testosterone, and lactation during this training."
I took that line about identifying as healthcare providers to be a joke.
Well certainly no one in the HC industry is identifying as an ethics department.
Just think... this new magical reality has undone even their own ideals.
Remember: "Gay people are born that way."
But you now have a straight, married man with children who 'decides' to 'trans' into a woman (laying aside that it's complete BS from the go) -- now, assuming he still is sexually attracted to women, PRESTO!! -- (s)he's a lesbian.
This article is wonderful--thoughtful and rational-but-respectfully written--even if member of the trans community to whom it's addressed in part don't (IMO) deserve respect. Motherhood--all parenthood, in fact--involves *protecting* one's child and routinely putting the child's needs first, especially when they're fetuses or babies. (I'm astounded that the trans community doesn't take this as a given.) A trans person's presumption that they can "have their cake and eat it, too"--that they can stamp their feet and hold their breath until they turn blue and feel victimized because the medical community can't perform magic for them--is incredibly naive, uninformed, selfish, and disturbing. After all, who would intentionally hurt their own child/developing fetus? Maybe a person who's been so indulged/deluded by our country's accommodating their delusion of being the sex they aren't and can never *really* be that they believe they can always "get their own way." Turning trans tantrums into government policy, as we continue to do, is absurd. Many of life's greatest sacrifices/giving up immediate pleasure can produce life's greatest pleasures in the long run--something that every parent learns. Denying our youth (regretfully, including my own child) the opportunity to discover this by allowing them to focus only on the immediate/short-term/self-focused prevents them from attaining longterm happiness. I'm very grateful for this article and think that it should be sent to every Planned Parenthood, member of the American Association of Pediatricians, member of the American Endocrine Society, member of the American Psychological Association, etc., etc. who have cowardly chosen blinders and selfishly chosen short-term professional/financial gain over vow they took to "do no harm."
100% !!
"I'm astounded that the trans community doesn't take this as a given." -- I'm not. These people have proven time and again they are not capable of rational thought.
"Turning trans tantrums into government policy." -- Perfection.
Criminal prosecutions, civil malpractice actions and revocation of medical licenses would be a good start to ending this transexual depravity. However the source of this madness is found in universities that have become incubators for many kinds of criminal insanity dressed up as social justice. Those universities need to lose their certifications and all public funding until they return to the role of educating students instead of corrupting them.
Any female who would put her desire to appear more masculine above the health of her growing baby is a monster. I’m appalled that this is even a discussion that activists are having, bc there’s a literal army of moms who were expected to give up seemingly innocuous things like soft cheese (yes, I know why), and they want to put trans-identifying females on a pedestal so they can do anything they want bc it’s “affirming”? Don’t push the mama bears. Many of us gave up coffee for an entire pregnancy, AND during breastfeeding. Coffee!
I had to read the passage twice about public recognition as a man being challenged by decreasing/stopping testosterone...I mean, isn’t the basic fact of being PREGNANT going to affect one’s public recognition as a man???
Make it make sense. 😔
Someone who believes they’re a man, who is taking hormones to change their body into a man, who may even have altered their body to present as a man, should not be conceiving a child. It defies logic. Men don’t have babies. If you want to be a man/you say you are a man...?
"I mean, isn’t the basic fact of being PREGNANT going to affect one’s public recognition as a man???" But there's a pregnant man emoji now, right? (or normal man who ate too many burritos) We're told that this happens.
You're right. None of this makes sense. Being pregnant is quite literally the most female thing ever, no matter how many times, how many ways, they try to say otherwise. This is primal.
Yes! If she believes she's a man and having sex with a man, then she believes she's a gay man. She should be having gay man sex, which won't make her pregnant!
Unbelievable narcissism of these people. Utter disregard for the sanctity of life.
Narcissism to the point of sociopathy.
A couple of additional questions: 1. Will the testosterone later give this woman who thinks she's male cervical or other cancer? I guess so many body parts get removed that figuring the risk out is complicated. 2. What normal pregnant woman wants to be in the practice of a doctor who approves of pregnant women taking this drug? I'm past menopause, but even for my annual exam, I do not want to be in that practice. That means reputable doctors will be more in demand by sane women. Thanks so much to Center for Bio-Ethics and Culture Network!
Thank you so much for this useful article, Jennifer and Kallie. Congratulations. The alleged breastfeeding of infants by men who say they are women is what drove me to a new level of activism on this issue. I would like to see citations to the medical research that shows that the chemical composition of breastmilk changes hourly immediately after birth and then is constantly changing its chemical makeup for many months after delivery. Amazing natural phenomenon :-)
Same. Cave matres: beware of the mothers. We're the ones who gave up soft cheese & coffee during pregnancy & breastfeeding. From my first prenatal visit onward I received the message that the baby is the star of the show (while my health was important, too, but even that is directed at benefiting the baby). There are countless books & magazines on pregnancy which drive home the message that you're being judged for every tiny thing you do, eat, etc., while pregnant. There is no chance in hell that the rest of us out there will just smile and say, "how nice for them" if a privileged group of females is allowed to do whatever they want during pregnancy because it "affirms" them.
Pfeffer article sounds like brilliant Swift-level satire, the next " A Modest Proposal". Eating babies once again. Too bad it's not satire.
It's even peer reviewed! I would LOVE to see the peer reviewer's recommendations.
A pregnant woman who intentionally damages her unborn baby so that she can feel smug about being tolerant of birth defects? These people are so repulsive they are begging to be hated, rejected by society, and perhaps put in prison.
Just when you think the insanity has hit bottom, the trans lobby opens up another trap door to a lower level of hell. I’m having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, continually disappointed that a meteor hadn’t wiped us out overnight.
They want us to give up hope. Living well is the best revenge.