Basically we are being told that if we don't do what the trans activists tell us to do, a child will be murdered (self murdered it is true, but murdered all the same).

Death treats are terrorism, not argument. They should be rejected out of hand.

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Sometimes I honestly wonder if TRA's actually want more suicides, because then they can say "See, this is what happens if you don't affirm!"

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This is an excellent piece and should be widely disseminated.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

The negative consequences of gender surgery are deliberately being ignored even though detransitioners are speaking up. This agenda takes no responsibility, it's just a blame game that can't be proven.

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Why wont children listening to all these people, including sick Government officials, not fixate on suicide if they don't get their delusion affirmed?

Fear of what is to come to our most vulnerable.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for the article. The sad part is that it's being read by people who never swallowed the trans or suicide mantra.

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Green's paper for Heritage is dross, we need to pound a stake through its chest before it gives quacks like Turban any more opportunities to claim methodological superiority. Please for the love of science check Singal's dissection of the data. https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1540436327774175233?t=CBY-vDZjvGIF52fUCxYDrA&s=19

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You know, I'd love to be able to take your article seriously but being published in a zine run by people who target these minors, stalk them, insert themselves into their lives and then write slanderous and defamatory "case studies" as if they're truth. Here's to hoping you get out before the ship sinks and find somewhere reputable.

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The plaintiff's bar is salivating. Malpractice suits against doctors, with 3rd parties added accordingly (schools, AMA, etc.).

Once these kids get older, and they start to suffer broken bones and infertility, and regret, the lawsuits will be hot and heavy. Fun times for the lawyers.

And, given that these practices will be barred in Scandinavia, Great Britain, France -- Just imagine a lawyer presenting this to a jury! "Despite all the evidence mounting in Europe, with countries prohibiting this, the defendants continued to carelessly, even recklessly disregard the well-being of my client. Perhaps the defendants had a hidden social or political agenda (objection your honor!)...Let me rephrase that -- the defendants failed to meet their profession's standard of care. The simple standard of care that doctors all over Europe have! It is common sense, ladies and gentlemen, just common sense, you don't need a medical license to understand that stopping the natural patterns of human adolescence would bring immense, irreversible and horrible harm to my client."...blah, blah blah -- it will be fun to watch. But, how very tragic for these children.

Billions will be made, and the malpractice insurance for these "trans care" doctors will go through the roof. Until it is outlawed -- we tend to follow Scandinavia in all these trends, except we love lawsuits and our juries give huge money verdicts. Heck, I would even argue for punitive damages and ask for treble.

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Your scrutiny of Turban's findings is actual water trash. One, the study was conducted to specify a data set and compare it to an older study, meaning Turban was scrutinizing and examining his own findings for factual basis. Two, this is a relatively new topic with low study because it is new; we were just able to have the amount of data needed for 5-year study of transgender youth.

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Firstly, data scientists do not need to "vet" people who respond to their surveys when they respond "yes" to attempted suicide. The arrogance you write with counters all journalistic integrity. Secondly, you're obviously not a scientist -- you read data then review it with language that manipulates the original collection purposes to validate what you already believe, not to explore the potential lack of your understanding. For example, you do cite the Cass Review which is widely accepted as a non-biased guide for healthcare professionals who work with young individuals experiencing gender dysphoria, however, you use the bit about autism and how 1/3 of adolescences referred to GIDS have been diagnosed with it and how it's a "convenient explanation" for whatever.

It's actually that last bit that seals how much of a scientist you are not, Leor Sapir. It's like you didn't read the Cass Review at all.

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