Johns Hopkins hired an activist who wants to normalize Minor Attracted Persons. This has always been the endgame of demoralization: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-rank-the-top-npc-universities

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As I just tweeted, I am not easily shocked any more by woke academia, but this post really did shock me. Yikes!

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Nice article. I just tweeted it.

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Thanks Michelle! I'm on Twitter @yuribezmenov22.

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It’s worth reading the linked BBC article about the cancellation of “The Family Sex Show” in Bristol, England.

The cancellation was by the performance group itself as a necessary response, they claim, to “unprecedented threats and abuse” they had received.

It’s entirely possible that that is true (it certainly doesn’t appear they suffered a belated attack of conscience), but the article doesn’t substantiate the allegation of threats, instead merely including a number of criticisms – reminiscent of the conflation of threat and criticism that we in the U.S. have become accustomed to in the context of school-board and other local-government meetings where officials long to criminalize those raising objections to their policies.

In any case, rather than being objective, the overall tenor of the article is to allow the group to cast itself in the role of victim, and to associate opposition to the show with anti-social and criminal behavior.

A correction at the bottom of the article indicates that an earlier version was even more favorable to the sex show.

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my biology and genetics teacher doesn't seem to know anything about biology or prefers to ignore it. She always takes me out of her class because I don't believe that sex can be changed with surgery and that I believe that no person is born in the wrong body. That makes her very angry towards me

But i am not surprised, she also supports a long list of very questionable things

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3 Trans Widow memoirs which exemplify the facts and histories of the abuse women endure from the men with opposite sex fixations:

Sex Change by Christine Benvenuto (St. Martins Press)

18 Months by Shannon Thrace (Firestone), out this month)

In the Curated Woods by Ute Heggen (iuniverse)

This anomalous psychiatric illness (as described by psychiatrist Stephen B. Levine in sworn testimony) harms women emotionally, mentally, narcissistically, See link below to new documentary about the ex-wives. Gender ideology, through surgeries and pills, financially abuses all of us.


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Good post. The erasure of "biological binary" is equivalent to being willing to outlaw mathematics because we cannot comprehend it. When 2+2 no longer equals 4 we have a logic problem. When we have thrown all logic to the winds we will know real chaos. The final calculus will indicate that "nothing will come from nothing". Shakespeare already said that. 1's and 0's are just that.

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That was King Lear extorting his daughter for flattery

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Yes, Fortunately for the old bard he didn't have to comment on the jugglers and the clowns we have in 2022 - nor on the digital relevance of 0's and 1's. lol.

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I like Reality's Last Stand because it tries to avoid ideological rhetoric. There are some good points in this article but semi-sensational advocacy obscured the valuable objectivity I appreciate about this site.

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Thank you, Barbara. There really are fairly intelligent people who have never thought through the progressive ideas behind the issue of the moment. Pushing against all norms sounds like liberty. However, as a retired pediatrician, I urge fellow citizens to support the hedges built around vulnerable children, which has been a signpost of modern civilization. Children are a precious resource for society and deserve legal and moral protection. So many people have lost their minds.

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I've written before that one of the scary things about WPATH's promotion of 'eunuch gender' is that we shall have kids keeping their pre-pubescent bodies (courtesy of puberty-blockers) past the age of consent. We will have created a population of legal targets for pedophiles, targets with all sorts of untreated psychological issues (it's transphobic to examine those things) and with delayed intellectual maturation (also a puberty-blocker effect). This means that even if of legal age I don't think their consent means as much as we would like. It will be like tethering a goat kid to attract a tiger, except there is no one to shoot the tiger in this case.

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I respectfully take issue with this article. Back in the 80s, conservatives assailed the gay rights movement with constant, fevered references to the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). NAMBLA was not then, and is not now, a significant force in the movement, but it was a good means for scaring people into voting against legislation aimed at protecting gay people from discrimination. I feel as though this piece is doing the same thing, except in regards to gender identity theory.

Let me be clear: I think this gender stuff is largely spiritual and has gone too far, particularly in terms of sex-segregated spaces and activities, and its adherents are the leftist version of evangelical Republicans. However, the suggestion that this is aimed at normalizing sex with children...well, I just don't think it's well supported by the facts. Sure, you can always find some weirdo trying to construction a rational, philosophical basis for pedophilic acts, but that seems mostly like nut-picking. You can also find people who think the Democratic Party is trafficking children out of pizzerias, but we shouldn't let their views guide the candidates for which we vote.

I think there is ample reason to criticize these gender people without resorting to "They want to rape your children!"

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They don't want to "rape" them, but they do want to seduce them.

In the 1970s, such intellectual heavyweights as Jean-Paul Sartre and Simeone de Beauvoir signed petitions calling for the decriminalization of pedophilia. One such petition, in which they were joined by fellow intellectuals Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, and Jacques Derrida, included the statement, “French law … should acknowledge the right of children and adolescents to have relations with whomever they choose.” Philosopher René Scherrer called for the removal of all sexual taboos: “nothing should be outlawed.” This, and other manifestos of the era were not considered shocking; on the contrary, such a line of thinking was perceived as the height of intellectual sophistication.

In England, celebrated comedian Jimmy Savile’s name became synonymous with serial predation on young girls. Everybody knew. He boasted about his adolescent conquests in his 1974 autobiography. Savile got away with it because of “the times.”

Perhaps Savile took inspiration from a group called the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE). From 1974 to 1984, PIE openly campaigned on behalf of pedophilia as a culturally viable practice, arguing that child-adult sexual relations were harmless and should be legalized. Their activists lobbied to abolish the age of consent and facilitated introductions between adults and minors. PIE was a fringe group, certainly, but it had friends in high places, such as radical feminist Patricia Hewitt, who went on to serve as Tony Blair’s secretary of state for health until 2007.

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Thank you for your reply.

I'm not familiar with what Foucalt, Derrida and others have said on the topic, but they don't seem to have affected American law very much. In fact, it seems to me that sex with underaged people is viewed with more disapprobation than ever, and certainly more than when I was younger. Before I buy into your view, I'd need some evidence that these people are having a measurable effect on American law and culture.

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By the way, since Foucault, Derrida and others are behind all the other deplorable cultural movements that have a very measurable effect in law and other critical institutions like academia on our culture that this substack was created to challenge, it should be worrisome to you that they are enthusiastic supporters of pedophilia.

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I didn't say they were having a "measurable" effect on American culture. I'm only saying they want to, and the guardrails that shouldl be deflecting their efforts are simply not there as they used to be. It is certainly disconcerting to me that normal American parents can sit complacently beside their children watching and smiling at drag queens "dancing" in a sexualized manner within 2 feet of their children, and this being a complete yawn in their minds or in media reaction. DQSH is now completely normalized in elementary schools, libraries and churches as a welcome part of sex ed curricula. Any criticism of them is considered transphobic. I don't know when your spidey sense starts to tingle in terms of institutional infiltration, but my spidey sense is jangling pretty noisily at the moment.

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Personally, I don't have a problem with DQSH, at least in theory, but then I came of age with drag queens and I learned a lot from them. I don't think criticism of DQSH is necessarily transphobic, particularly since many drag queens do not themselves identify as trans.

There's a lot of nonsense in academia, and I get worried only when what is going on there begins to leak into the general culture in a measurable way. I don't see that happening, at least, not yet.

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Did those drag queens you came of age with twerk for tips from 8-year-olds? Drag Stripper Story Hour would be a more appropriate name in many cases. Just because DQSH is being marketed as "family friendly" doesn't mean it's not often overtly sexualized.

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So you claimed you "came of age with drag queens and stated you "learned a lot from them."

Oh brother. Talk about digging your own grave, Neil.

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Oct 27, 2022
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I can totally understand your skepticism, but I think this article is spot on. It's not "semi-sensational advocacy" as someone else mentioned either, it's carefully presented. All her points can be backed up. But I was also skeptical about the darker aspects of gender ideology for some time over the past few years since I've been learning and researching. Honestly, I couldn't really stomach it, and knew that if I brought any of this up with my lefty friends they would dismiss my points outright. Easier to talk about what I assumed would be the low hanging fruit of men raping women in prison and children being sterilized. (Sadly, I have found that there is no "low hanging fruit" in this increasingly polarized discussion.) At this point, I am persuaded of her arguments about the very real danger posed by the "minor attracted persons" movement and the normalization of drag queen story hour. No, the laws haven't changed...yet. When you have the stomach for it, I encourage you to scroll through the many, many stories reporting on this from the radical feminist publication Reduxx: https://reduxx.info/category/news/

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"However, the suggestion that this is aimed at normalizing sex with children...well, I just don't think it's well supported by the fact"

You're wrong.

It most definitely is.

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We've all been asleep at the wheel, since uber-kinky sexologist Alfred Kinsey laundered his many paraphiliac tendencies through his "scientific" inquiries.

To get back to France: In 2019, a French woman, Vanessa Springora, launched a memoir, “Le Consentement,” in which she recounted her seduction by celebrated writer Gabriel Matzneff when she was 14 and he was 50. In what has been termed France’s #MeToo moment, Springora’s book cast an unflattering light on the country’s literary environment, described as “male chauvinist, quite misogynistic, and which stays silent — omertà.”

An investigation turned up Matzneff’s 1974 book, “Les Moins de Seize Ans” (The Under Sixteens), in which he wrote passages like “To sleep with a child is a holy experience, a baptismal event, a sacred adventure.” He boasted of having sex with children as young as eight. Matzneff has been stripped of contracts and honours. But that’s today. It’s important to remember that for decades, Matzneff was fêted and admired for his boldness in flouting superannuated moral shibboleths.

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Nov 17, 2022
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All chronicled in Judith Reisman's amazing book, Sexual Sabotage. That was where I learned the full details on crazy Kinsey.

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The author cites an example of a "family friendly" drag queen event which showcased nudity. There are many videos from America's Pride events that show similar situations. Children are shown giving cash to drag queens as they dance scantily clad and others showing nudity. Schools have explicit books in libraries. Parents recently showed up to school boards and read them aloud and show the graphic pictures. This was a major campaign issue in several states and local school boards last election cycle and will continue with the current one. There are numerous examples of the line being crossed but people are too afraid to confront the class of people who are deemed in the media and politics as "marginalized."

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It took years for the gay rights movement (as it was called at the time) to rid itself of the stench of NAMBLA. They took Pride committees to court over attempts to ban them from Gay Pride Parades and sometimes won. But eventually sanity prevailed and they were shown the door. Had that not been done, none of the progress towards acceptance, equality and the legal recognition of our relationships would have been possible. Upwards of 70% of Americans now accept same-sex marriage. But all of that is in danger due the way in which trans activist and the queer movement have become singularly focused on children. Other people's children. Children were never part of the discussion during the decades long fight for gay and lesbian rights. There are two very clear and fundamental differences between the 2 movements. The gay rights movement was about fighting for the rights of consenting adults to create loving, and hopefully long lasting relationships with someone of the same sex.

We are already pretty far down the slippery slope with drag queen story hours, the Genderbread person and teaching kindergarteners that sometimes children are born in the wrong body. The sexualization of children is already here. The next step was the topic of this piece.

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This is informative and disturbing. I'm more concerned by the ubiquity of teachers who want to normalize discussions of sex with children. There are just too many opportunities to slide down the slippery slope here. Once kids have been taught to give any adult of authority permission to discuss racial gender ideology the threshold to physical intercourse is easily breached. In fact it will be seen by many neophytes as *liberating* and *progressive* to ignore societal constructs such as age, completely opening the floodgates. Combine all this with the no borders sexual ecosphere of the internet and it's just a massive pandora's box.

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There is absolutely no contest here. It is infinitely more important for us to protect the innocence of even one powerless five year old, ten year old or fifteen year old than it is to cave into the disgusting and degenerate urges of an unwashed hoard of adult sexual deviants, including the "transgender" crowd.

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Just came across this post just now. The thing I REALLY don't understand is that even if there is a slight whiff of foul play, even an inkling that something is wrong here, why don't people put their foot down? I think people - instead of saying NO to using children as political pawns - have started playing the game themselves, letting kids be exposed to drag queens to prove their allegiance to so-called progressivism. Note: it's not progressive to use children to prove or disprove anything. If there is trouble, don't let them be at the heart of it. And yes, that means cancelling drag queens reading stories.

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Gee, wasn’t like you guys weren’t warned decades ago that this would happen. Anyone remember the memory-holed Harvey Milk? 🙄

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I remember that Milk was assassinated by a right-wing nut job.

Here's some context for what you appear to be alluding to:


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These movements, to normalize the unthinkable, are being funded by Globalist organizations dressed as sheep—the classical use of the Overton Window. These Globalist organizations, in turn, are funded by the ultrarich who want global societies deprived of freedom and basic principles of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and private property. They want total control to pursue their agendas, including normalizing Pedophilia. Start digging into the UN’s 2030 agenda, now 2045, designed with impossible goals to accrue more power by the very few technocrats and the elites; 87 deciding for 8.5 Billion humans.

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In that quite partial BBC article about the sex show cancellation there is now this note at the end.

‘This article has been amended to remove references to how the show was made in consultation with safeguarding specialists after new information came to light.’

Does anyone know which information came to light?

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