Thanks for your thoughts on finding out what is true or should I add 'true'? I conclude that the transcult, like other cults, owes its remarkable power to survive critical analysis to the fact that it is not directed towards truth but towards the power needed to maintain a delusion.

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“Imagine a world in which potential disagreement and hurt feelings were sufficient to prevent the study of an issue.” Unfortunately we don’t have to imagine it, we are living in it. As the author’s own anecdote shows: the exception proves the rule. As does the fact that a defense of truth seeking is even necessary.

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TMI? Seriously, how sex obsessed are we becoming and why? Many of these activities used to be called proclivities or inclinations, were private and generally not spoken of in polite society. Repression? Not really. Just not a point of focus. Often a live and let live among adults unspoken attitude.

Now? Every behavior is an identity and demands its due. Study away by all means, but really? Soon sexual behavior will replace what used to be science, in our classrooms. Enough. It's becoming absurd and definitely, as you say, adding to desire replacing truth, In all fields.

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I read widely among internet blogs and other forms of commentary, but Mr Bailey's article is the finest one I've ever come across. Part of my elation stems from my being at once an autogynephile and a man of science. It heartens me to know that there are people like Bailey who do not flinch from teasing the truth out of fraught topics. Bravo.

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The news media has certainly done its part to undo knowledge advancement and take us backwards.

Spawned by the gender Identity movement, the mainstream press is now full of goofy, asinine phrases. For example, we’ve now got “assigned at birth” (no one ever gets “assigned a sex,” rather the sex we inherited from our father is observed and noted). There are many more, of course, not to mention deliberate use of the wrong pronouns. I once read a NYT piece on a “nonbinary” couple, one of whom chose “they.” I could not tell when “they” referred to the couple together, or just the one of them.

When writing in a major newspaper of record becomes unintelligible to readers for the sake of delicate feelings, that signals big problems for the culture. I think we all know that feeling of being made to walk on eggshells lest certain ones get their precious widdow fee-fees hurt.

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Michael: ... the mainstream press is now full of goofy, asinine phrases.

Indeed. Little better than Orwell's Ministry of Truth in so many ways. One that really chaps my hide is the far too common "sex change operations" and the like which are nothing of the sort -- generally little better than turning dysphoric & autistic children into sexless eunuchs.

But far too many so-called newspapers blithely use the phrase while not having a clue what it means to qualify as male and female -- as sexes, not genders.

But even many "gender critical" people are equally sloppy -- Christopher Rufo, for example, who had said, "but 'child sex-change procedure' is immediately understandable to the public" in response to my comment calling him on it:


And Lisa Selin Davis likewise though she at least put "sex changes" in quotes, possibly after I had called her on it in an earlier comment than this one which had acknowledged the scare quotes:


And much earlier I had objected to the Washington Examiner using the phrase "allowing transgender female athletes to compete in women's sports”. Here's the letter that I had sent them objecting to that phrase and which I had posted on GC News:



However, "assigned a sex at birth" is somewhat "problematic" as the accuracy of the term hinges on the definitions for the sexes that one subscribes to. And by the standard biological definitions -- those promulgated in reputable biological journals like Molecular Human Reproduction (not the letter section of the UK Times ...) -- to have a sex is to have functional gonads of either of two types, those with neither being, ipso facto, sexless. By which the prepubescent don't ACQUIRE a sex until puberty; what they're "assigned" is a probable sex, a promissory note that they might be able to "cash in" for an actual sex category membership card at a later date.

See the Glossary definitions in the Journal article here:

"Female: Biologically, the female sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces [present tense indefinite] the larger gametes in anisogamous systems.

Male: Biologically, the male sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces [present tense indefinite] the smaller gametes in anisogamous systems."

"Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of the two sexes" (Lehtonen & Parker [FRS]):


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What a perfect essay. Thank you Dr. Bailey and thank you Colin for hosting him.

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So obvious and yet so controversial. A good indication that you are entering the realm of religion.

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Are you doing a study for women as well?

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Good lord, I hope not.

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"I have studied them all."

You have my deepest sympathies.

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This article led me to read the Alice Dreger piece at NIH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170124/ which I strongly recommend everyone to read. It supports elements of 50 or so what I call observations, or theses about “trans” and their obsessional and frankly violent reaction to being reminded in any way whatsoever that M2F transsexuals are still males.

The autogynephilia angle only makes the male identification more excruciating since not only are they men, but they are not men with “female essence”. I have long claimed that neurologically trans don’t have “female essence”, but are simply wired to not recognize “male manifest” in the form of genitalia and other characteristics.

Much like people who feel like hands, feet, arms and legs are “not theirs” and are extremely uncomfortable being reminded so to the point of amputation. “Inside I am {single-legged, single-armed, blind, deaf} and only feel whole when I’m surgically “affirmed” and the offending body part removed. (BIID, BDD).

Other cosmetic paraphilias (furries, cyborgs and so on) all share perceptual issues (I am not human, part of my body is machine, etc.) which are fascinating. I know the language is about sex targeting, I don’t think that’s right. I think it’s self-perception and mind/body maladaptive neural mapping.

I would conjecture that the defining feature of all these mappings gone awry is they emerge around early puberty when synaptic pruning is activated, and the gene IGSF11 is involved, with one or more Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms inducing maladaptive pruning. A number of maladaptive conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Bulimia, Anorexia… to Schizophrenia arise precisely when pruning does not create “adult” neural systems.


have known and talked with Lynn Conway, and certainly admired her work in VLSI chip design (which I learned at around age 15 from a book she co-authored with Carver Mead), and she wrote an interesting paper in optimizing instruction scheduling in microprocessors.

I didn’t realize when I chatted with her in 2001 she would become so deranged as to attack Dr. Bailey. I did find her obsession with child transsexualism, and puberty blockers (yes, back then) odd and creepy. But if you read her website (as I did years back) you’ll see rather fanciful glowing words of histories about “thousands of years” of happy transsexuals worldwide (warning: drops instantly on a scrotum folded surgically to look like labia) https://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/SRS.html If you stomach lower caste children in India being made eunuchs in paragraphs 5/6 (penis, scrotums, and testicles removed) against their will (in my reading, perhaps starting at ages 8 or 9) in order to be prostitutes and beggars… you realize she’s giddy with delight at the results children being sexually mutilated. Definitely odd and creepy.

That she created the pattern of a fully formed philosophy and ontology of transsexuals is part and parcel with her brilliant work in engineering, but in one key respect it fails. While engineered systems can be measured in conformance to specifications; engineered sexual systems cannot follow the same logic, particularly the functional partitions of human behaviors. They amene to statistical probabilities, but not to mechanistics. Her psychic happiness depends on supporting a single model of engagement on the topic, and it brooks no criticism or examination.

I’m just sad that the sleazy manner in which she used people has become a template.

Further research? I love it. I’m curious further about paraphilias which emerge very young - pedophilia and homosexually are two - and are strengthened during puberty. I was sexually attracted to older men at perhaps age 4, and it was staggeringly frustrating to have to wait until I was old enough to encounter men far older than myself sexually - and for me the age difference never changes. Pedofiles like children feom an early age and their Target never changes either. Paraphilias of pain, of secondary sexual characteristics, bondage, public sex, the list is endless. Most are independent of puberty… not not all!

Best of luck.

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The link to the study concerning bisexual men is incorrect. Can we get a corrected link?

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It might be that queer acceptance is necessary in order to maintain the lie of 100% innate homosexual orientation.

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Did Zoologist ,Sexologist (1949-54) entomologist Dr.Alfred Kinsey works on sexual behaviors research (In particular his “tablet 34” work ) give any input to your conclusions?

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Great article!

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is there any value to concepts such as “paraphilias”

A poignant rhetorical question, professor, akin to asking if there is value to concepts such as kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.

You didn't ask, but I'll say it anyway; the purpose of your field of study is utility. Without categorization, there is no means by which behavioral science can be utilized.

Perhaps a cohort remains within your field of research that seeks to reduce human suffering. Assuming that this is so, you have no choice but to point out the way that paraphilic expression is, in extremis, overly limiting and fundamentally maladaptive.

As long as you're being honest about the fact that such expressions manifest on a spectrum ranging from mild and harmless eccentricity at one end, to utterly self-destructive at the other, you will avoid the trap of moralistic pathologizing of inconsequential aberration.

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