Nov 2, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

So, the chat is only available through smart phones, correct? It's not something that can be accessed through computer?

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I wasn't aware it was only available via mobile. I will continue with the normal Community Chat threads. Hopefully they open up this new chat feature to desktop and allow me to set the audience to paying subscribers only.

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Thank you for posting. I had no idea my app needed to be updated until I saw your post and realized my app doesn’t look like that. 🤦‍♀️. With the update I see it. Cool feature. Could go either way on the healthy v toxic conversation side, but looking forward to seeing what happens.

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FWIW, this reply was written on my Windows 11 laptop computer using its Edge browser. Earlier today I downloaded the Substack Reader app from some app store not Google or Microsoft as I remember. This should work for other Windows computers.

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I may have spoken too soon, since it appears the chat is open to ALL subscribers, not just paying subscribers. I will continue to post the weekly Community Chats for paying subscribers only until I get this new feature figured out. Apologies for the incorrect info!

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I will have to wait to join. I'm on Android. For those asking, chat is available in the app, just select the pair of speaking bubbles at the bottom when you first open the app. It's available for iPhone users, but coming soon for Android.

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Is this the chat here?

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That's what I want to know, too. I'm 70 years old, and I have a landline phone and a laptop but no cell phone (because I don't want a cell phone). So if we can't chat here , I unfortunately won't be able to participate.

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It is.. this is it. Your in

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Thank you for your reply. But are you absolutely certain there isn't a different chat that's accessible only on cell phones?

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Your right.. this is comments.

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Just saying hi and sending a virtual hug to all invested in this work. I know it’s hard on me and I don’t imagine I’m alone. Big thank you to Colin and his team too 🫶🏽

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I'm trying to complete my tour de force video on gender-affirming care. If anybody knows a critique of this study that Jack Turban what's involved with https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2749479

I'm trying to find when gender identity overtook gender dysphoria. One being a clinical presentation the other being a manufactured identity. we don't claim an anorexic has an inner "fat person essence" that they are trying to realize but that doesn't dismiss the symptoms of anorexic.

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There have been quite a few negative articles about Jack Turban's research studies over the past couple of years. Here's a blistering critique of the Turban study. This takedown appeared in Quillette.


This is what shows up on a Duck Duck Go search of "Jack Turban research."


Good luck with the video!

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