If genitalia doesn't assign gender, how does removing genitalia affirm gender?

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Reading this, I am feeling JOY that the juggernaut that has been WPATH will finally find itself no longer seen as the "authority" on this subject! !!!Hurrah!!! Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to get to this day and will be working hard to carry this forward!!!

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As I understand it, WPATH and its standards of care present an obstacle to successfully litigating claims against professionals for harmful interventions that are meant to affirm patients' trans identities.

That's because the physician or mental health professional will raise the legal defense that he or she merely followed the definitive standards of care in their field, by which they would mean WPATH's SOC 8 and its predecessors.

I imagine that trans activists and their allies go to great lengths to make sure WPATH's standards of care remain unassailable. Why, even my state legislative representative's staffer referred to these flawed standards of care as the "gold standard."

Often the outcome of a lawsuit depends on which side's expert wins the courtroom battle of experts. Does Genspect intend that at some point the Gender Framework will have sufficient credibility in the right places that it can be used in court to show that the gender-affirming professional who relied on WPATH's standards failed to exercise reasonable care? What needs to be done to reach that point?

In a separate vein, it grinds my gears whenever I see the output of scholars such as Judith Butler dignified by being referred to as "theory," to wit, "queer theory" and "gender theory." Whatever the intent behind that practice was, it has the effect of conferring an unwarranted status of scientific legitimacy to ideologies that have never been validated according to the scientific method. I hope that Section 1 of the Gender Framework will disabuse the world of the notion that queer theory accurately describes or predicts any aspects of human attitudes or behavior.

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I actually felt a little teary reading this. It is so desperately needed.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for sharing. I will now share widely. Thanks for all you do Colin.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

This is wonderful news! It's joyful news! Puberty is not a disease but it is the pathway to adulthood. Trying to fix mental/emotional issues with mutilation and dangerous drugs does not address the way young people feel when going through puberty. I've been praying for growing awareness and commonsense; what a blessing!

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

It's great to see a meaningful alternative to WPATH being offered to practitioners and policymakers. Well done. I just want to add that, everyone who has contributed to this effort has done so at some personal cost, and it is truly appreciated.

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This document has its critics. None of them is able to provide citations for their criticism. As if they never read it before deciding what was in it.

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Yes, yes, yes. As a part of emerging from this insanity we need a reasonable alternative to the World Association for Paraphilia Normalization.

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These words, describing the prevailing guidelines for surgery on minors, “...technical manual for an incurious mechanic, tinkering with a machine.” Ultimately, I am left asking where are the medical ethicists? And medical ethics beg the existence of a value system! What is the difference between a machine and a human being? Does anyone care anymore?

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A trans widow stickers truth in "woke" Brooklyn, NY! Let the world know--we don't agree, it isn't safe, children are harmed. (children of, children who)


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I’m fascinated and pleased at reading a structured intelligent approach to this phenomenon. If I can offer criticism:

Gender applied to an organism is and will remains a content-free term. It remains a linguistic concept which, when applied to humans untethers from anything except subjective interpretations which are culturally untranslatable, and radically misinterpretable since it propagates into biology where it cannot have any meaning. It is a linguistic relationship not a mental state of an organism, humans included. I realize this is impossible to fight with an organization with “gender” embedded in its name, but the meaning of the word needs to always be clarified.

Second I think there’s a fruitful avenue of amplifying understanding that a type of transsexualism is due to a delusion that one’s genitals do not belong, a variant of BIID. I also think that it would be fruitful to contemplate that the maturation of the human neural system around synaptic pruning in adolescence is what most often surfaces this type of transsexualism.

I would amplify homophobia, not just internalized homophobia as a source of transsexualism. Iran is an object example of homophobia creating transsexuals.

Lastly I would amplify the “levels” of trans impact, due to efforts to mask the existence of the transexual delusion. Each level (self, disguised, medical, systemic, cross-system, social, and language) to understand how impacts have been growing geometrically with acceptance of the delusion.

I don’t know of this link still works but from notes I’ve been collection for more than two decades, I shared a PDF with some friends, https://file.io/gHr4F3gIjuUF which I called a transifesto,

Great work!

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

YES!!!! Those of us in the thick of this issue for years have been handcuffed in being able to push back or ask questions, because WPATH would be thrown in our faces as the unimpeachable and incapable-of-being-challenged "authority" (not a worthy title). This has to have been a Herculean effort to pull together, and many of us are deeply grateful for the work all of you are doing on behalf of our children and families.

I'm keen to understand if you'll be asking for any input on sections. I notice that the co-occurrence of giftedness is not listed next to conditions like depression, eating disorders, autism, etc. I know anecdotally that many trans-identified teens are gifted. Would love to see a discussion of this included in the framework.

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This is great news. Very well done to all involved!

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Brilliant news. Thanks to all at Genspect.

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