Apr 15Liked by Colin Wright

Could it be true? We're finally turning towards a form of common sense again when it comes to "gender"?

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Apr 15Liked by Colin Wright

Brilliant piece. Thank you so much.

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Apr 15Liked by Colin Wright

thanks for this detailed and dispassionate review!

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I'm concerned that the response to this report in Canada and the US will be to double down on affirmative care. It will probably take detransitioner lawsuits to rock the boat here.

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"The refusal by all but one adult gender clinic to cooperate in the outcome analysis for the 9000 patients as part of the Cass Review likely contributed to NHSE’s determination to investigate the adult service."

It seems that there is no requirement to participate (that can be enforced, anyway). Is this broad refusal due to captured workers who have no desire to participate in what occurs to them as a threat?

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Great news. I’m most of the way through listening to Hannah Barnes’ excellent Time to Think, so this is very interesting news.

I want to hopeful that this will translate to the US, but it seems doubtful that the AAP will undertake a clear eyed review of the evidence. What is your outlook or level of optimism about a shift like this in the US in the next 5 years or so?

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Anybody who has not yet read the letter from the Directors of Specialized Commissioning of the NHS to the directors of their gender clinics should do so. My favorite part was the marvelously British set of sentences at the end:

"In terms of immediate next steps and actions, we would ask the following:

• that you support discussions at Board level and with your adult GDCs on the findings

and recommendations set out in the final Cass Review report and their relevance to

the adult service.

• you prepare your adult GDCs to fully participate with the data linkage study and avoid

the need for mandatory direction in this respect. Further details will be communicated


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<sigh> I wonder how long it will be before the U.S. & Canada finally come on board. Unfortunately, we may be stuck with our transbot Prime Minister for at least another year ;(

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> Ehrensaft was also a notable figure in promoting the now-defunct theory of repressed memory of satanic abuse

Citation Needed! And no, the link in that paragraph does NOT support this claim.

I can only find any involvment from Ehrensaft in ONE satanic case, and it really DID involve an occult group, and I can't find ANY mention of "repressed memories" in relation to that case. I urge you to read this short LA Times report on that case (including the bit about the room painted black):


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Thank you so much for this important summation, I have a much clearer understanding of the issue from a clinicians point of view, not just my own (ok I was right) pragmatism.

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Imagine if we had a review which concluded that teenage girls who identified as 'downtrodden, objectified, exploited victims of toxic male oppression' should NOT be affirmed in their identity, and instead should be helped to realise that actually men have spent the last few centuries working themselves to the bone in all weathers and in all kinds of horrendous environments to provide resources and protection to women, and that men have been engaged in a 5000 year project to make women's lives more and more comfortable and safe (and fun).

While ALL identities should be questioned, I would argue that a trans identity is more likely to have some validity than a feminist identity. With hormone levels all over the place, and a world full of environmental toxins, we should expect all kinds of state of dis-ease and discomfort - especially in the youth who have been exposed to our current environment since birth. But to identify as 'oppressed by men' goes against all common sense, objective facts and lived experiences.

Will we ever live to see a day when a feminist identity is allowed to be openly questioned or challenged in mainstream society?

Will we ever live to see a day when organisations which affirm such an identity (schools, universities, libraries, governments, UN Women etc) are condemned for enabling such a traumatising and debilitating identity? (and one which drives a wedge of fear, hatred and mistrust between the sexes).

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Is it available in book form? It looks like it on the illustartion at the top....Where can it be bought?

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