Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

A few short years ago, those of us who were doing public speaking in favor of marriage equality answered many questions about the "transgender umbrella". I did my research; the vast majority of people under said umbrella were straight men who used to be called "transvestites" (men who found it erotic to dress as women- I AM SIMPLIFYING). The smallest percentage was "transsexual people". There was very little evidence that these numbers weren't correct. Now, we are supposed to pretend that all of these straight men are women. This is crazy-making, pure and simple.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you Jennifer Bilek, for giving us the info we really need to know, along with the insidious nature of it. My experience as a trans widow, seeing the "transvestite = transsexual" metamorphosis before my eyes 30 years ago, takes the general into the personal. While I wasn't lured into using pornography the way Shannon Thrace was by her then husband (as detailed in her new memoir, 18 Months, Firestone), the groomer my then husband went to made all sorts of suggestions about it. I participated in one meeting to tell her to stop trying to indoctrinate him into indoctrinating me. We must keep our feet on the ground, our souls in our beings, our children in their natal bodies!

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com (mind/body sequences, data from valid studies)

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Men (many, not most) have,always resented women for their ability to give birth. Its the one thing that really separates us. Most men are happy with this, others are not, this is the definition of misogyny.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for this insightful and detailed analysis.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

This is the kind of vague, conspiratorial string-pinning that was also used to "prove" that Obama was a socialist. It's just big connect-the-dots to show that X, Y, and Z are associated, and that proves that there's a dark conspiracy. The idea that Rothblatt was "tutored" by Ray Kurzweil (whatever that means), and that Kurzweill has a connection with Google (Google has over 150,000 employees) is supposed to show that transgenderism is part of the transhuman agenda, and it's being pushed by major technology companies as part of some sinister plan.

Zoltan Istvan ran for president! (Um, so what). OutLeadership "intersects with all our major corporations cross-marketing their $3.7T consumer base to them". Wow! These transgenderist/transhumanist must be pulling all the strings!

There's a lot to be said about the transgender movement, but the idea that it's really a conspiracy by the technology elites to push a transhumanist agenda on an unsuspecting public is not among that lot.

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Excellent article. Thank you.

Yes, they have piggy-backed onto LGBT rights, despite having a very different agenda.

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I know three straight men (extremely well) who are autogynephilic but absolutely do not consider themselves transexual or non-binary or women. They identify as men. Transvestite straight men. Of course, they are older (66, 68, 70 )and grew up without the gender ideology that exists now. None of them even knew the term autogynephilia before I told them about it. It was coined, of course, long after they were well aware of their proclivities. It's a lonely life because it's extremely hard to find a female partner who wants to take part in their world. As one of these men who is closest to me said, "I don't feel I am loveable as I am." That said, he and one other is in a long-term marriage with a woman in spite of their sexual incompatibility. Thus, I was uncomfortable with your definition of transvestism (autogynephilia) as being a form of transsexualism. It has now become so in many cases in the wake of the gender ideology tsunami. But, it remains unrelated to transsexualism in many straight men.

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Some transhumanists might be using the transgender movement as a bridge to coax society towards transhumanism? I suppose it's a plausible hypothesis. But I don't see anywhere near enough evidence here for you to state it as a fact.

Why do they need a "bridge"? How does this "bridge" actually work? If any transhumanist technology (such as life extension) ever becomes available, plenty of people will be open to it on its own merits. And it's not clear to me how the people that aren't interested would be convinced to change their mind by the existence of the transgender movement.

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The author's link between transgenderism and transhumanism is an insightful one. Not so insightful is her exclusive focus on men who want to become women (trans-women). Why ignore women who want to become men (trans-men)? She does so, I assume, because she also links transgenderism, in turn, with transsexualism, which is (or was) a phenomenon primarily of men. I'm not so sure that transgender activists are correct in equating the two phenomena.

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"Transsexualism is largely an adult male fetish that compulsively objectifies and covets womanhood"

Putting the offense of this rhetoric aside and in the interest of pure debate, I would like to say that probably none of you actually know enough transsexuals to make this statement. Those that do are seeing what they want to see.

I'm not AGP but as a transsexual, I am constantly put in a position to defend them. AGP is a very hard-to-understand issue that behaves like an orientation and not a fetish. That is why it leads to an identity for some.

If your only exposure to trans people is on the internet, you'll probably walk away thinking that you know them. You don't. For example, transsexuals, AGP, and otherwise mostly blend into the binary and live very boring lives. There are millions of us out there in the world. How many of us have you seen? Count them, then think of what that percentage represents.

As a transwoman, I transitioned 24 years ago. I have met many many trans people. I can tell you without a doubt that AGP is not just a male phenomenon. If butch lesbians (many that bind and wear all male clothing) were examined with objectivity, people would discover that they have the same triggers and mechanisms that motivate AGP's.

If you want to argue for women's spaces or your opinions about transition of minors, you don't need to make things up to do it. The subjects have legitimate issues that need debate. This type of misinformation that is easily debunked is a distraction from your goal and shows that your goal is to defame.

As a transsexual who has been in the fight for a long time, let me give you a piece of advice; Stick to the facts. Stick to the subject of debate. Posts like this, just obliterate your credibility. The people that you want to hear you stop listening when they read the untrue and offensive statement you made above. Tone down your rhetoric. There is plenty to talk about that is true, valid, and needs discussion.

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Interesting and informative article for many reasons. Though maybe a case of starting at shadows and conspiracy theories run amok, not least in conflating and equating transgenderism with the worst of transhumanism. The latter of which promotes the use of “sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition”; don’t know about everyone else but I wouldn’t mind at least a half-dozen extra decades over the allotted three score and 10:


Though there is, of course, a lot of hype and wishful thinking under that rubric.

But somewhat more to the point is the information on Martine Rothblatt – regardless of his, her, or its pronouns, it seems clear that she, he, or it has made some not insignificant contributions to the common wealth for which “they” deserve some not inconsiderable credit.

However, somewhat more “problematic” is the claim at the Lifeboat link that “she had sex reassignment surgery” – as Jennifer quite reasonably points out, “a misnomer since no one can actually change their sex.” Although I might go much further and call that an egregious fraud, a case of sailing under a false flag; as transwoman “Helen Highwater” once put it, “a vicious lie”:


Which society should have absolutely no part in endorsing, much less in actually promoting.

The only way that Martine and his/her/its ilk are going to change their sexes, as Colin once reasonably argued, is if they replace the gonads they had at birth with functioning ones that they hadn’t had:


I rather doubt Martine has had his testicles replaced with “functional ovaries”. Though Colin is a bit wishy-washy in apparently thinking, according to a letter published in the UK Times (hardly a peer-reviewed biological journal), that they don’t actually have to be functional:


Though those definitions basically turn each sex into a spectrum of three: gonads of past, present or future functionality as the criteria for category membership.

But maybe transwomen and transmen can swap gonads, a prisoner exchange on a fog-shrouded bridge between East and West Berlin (circa 1989) ... 🙄

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Thoughtful and insightful analysis. Thank you. It is more than merely ironic that today's spear-point of the misogynistic and patriarchal attack on the rights of biological women comes in the person of men (surprise, surprise) - this time "men who 'identify' as women."

I think your connection of "transgender" being a sort of psychological bridge to eventually accepting "trans humanism" is spot on and missed by most people analyzing these issues. Having studied Western propaganda operations for many decades now, I've come to the simple and obvious conclusion that when MSM, academia, the corporate world, the big NGO's, and the political class all magically "align" on some particular "topic" - suspecting that it is a planned orchestrated propaganda operation is a pretty safe bet as a starting point to understanding it. Just my two cents.

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The Trans Journalists Association Style Guide webpage demonstrates how anonymous, uncredited material is disseminated. The American Journalists Association adopted these right after it was published. https://transjournalists.org/style-guide/

Detailed take down of the above indoctrination group at


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Thank you for a deeper dive into the link between transgender and transhumanism, this was something I discovered as well but coming from a different direction. There’s an even bigger movement happening that people need to understand. This is just another stepping point to another bat shit crazy movement that has big names and more money behind it: longtermism. Transhumanism influenced longtermism. Guess who is a fan? Elon Musk … he said it himself. Read this article for an introduction. Follow @davetroy on Twitter and buckle up, our kids are in deep. Jennifer, please reach out to Dave Troy, he is researching all of this and needs to see the links between transgender and the transhumanists. https://www.salon.com/2022/08/20/understanding-longtermism-why-this-suddenly-influential-philosophy-is-so/ (and someone needs to tell the author of the Salon piece to wake up too and drop the pride flag from their bio).

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