Great article, thank you Corinna. The metaphor of the "medical leash" is so powerful. I had not realized that medically transitioned adults are terrified to speak up against these horrible harms to kids because they fear their their leash to medically necessary hormones might be cut in retaliation. I so appreciate your bravery, clarity (and humor on Heterodorx!).

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Thank you! I greatly appreciate the comments. I hope we'll be able to help the world understand this widely misunderstood issue a little better.

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I hadn't thought of that either. Really insightful point.

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Any doctor who participated in the cross-sex hormone and surgery scam is a quack and should lose his or her medical license and be arrested. These people are just as bad as drug pushers who turn their customers into crack addicts.

The time to stop this massive hoax is now. Make all "transgender" medical treatments illegal for both children and adults. Yes, adults, too. No one can change their "gender" because no one can change their sex.

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A lot of people don't seem to think about the long term for these kids. Thanks for your input, and by the way, I love Heterodorx ❤️

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Yes, good post. When a treatment plan becomes a collar and chain to a lifetime of ill health it is time to draw the lines between sane and insane. We fight insanity.

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When my former husband went down this path, in his mid-thirties, I could not convince him or his non-certified, cash-only "mental health practitioner" to consider the facts of his childhood: a physically abusive father in his early years, a mother who pretended it wasn't happening, denials when he and his sister brought it up decades later.

No, he moved on to a PhD psychologist who "met and diagnosed" in one appointment. The fact that the initiation of these appointments was when his own firstborn was entering the age when he, the father was beaten by his own father, "never came up." The presentation in tasteful make-up, perfect nails and flowing garb made a strong impression.

My belief is the psychologists later "graduate" persons to their "metamorphosed butterfly" self didn't believe their clients would live long anyway, because of the suicide narrative, the frequency of drug and alcohol "self-medication" in the files. The ramifications for the family and society were not addressed or considered, in my direct experience as wife and mother of our children.

I hope Corinne Cohn's writing may help others find their voices. These voices matter. The pain of recognition, of realization that an ideation cannot be made real, is immense, I am sure.

Here's the link to the Swedish longitudinal study:


Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Great article. The repercussions for one's health in the long run continued use of HRT is associated with an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and other serious health conditions. It's not necessary for men to have estrogen, and women don't need androgen, because it doesn't do much of anything. However, androgen can help women have more strength.

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A similar “leash” happens when a psychiatrist gives you a “cocktail” of antidepressants, anti anxiety…especially the anti anxiety and sleeping pills, because they’re physically addictive. If you stop the medication you feel ill. Some people wind up hospitalized with full junkie withdrawal. Or give up and go crawling back to the psychiatrist to get a refill.

Many of these trans kids are on “double leashes” — as they are also seen by psychiatrists who keep them doped up.

If anyone is going forward in suing for medical malpractice, perhaps also talk with your lawyer about the fact that, given all the psychiatric medications also being prescribed, there was no way to give “informed consent” for “trans care” because the psychiatric medications made the patient unable to fully weigh the cost/benefits.

Not only are minors incapable of legal consent, but the psychiatric drugs given, as well as the hormones, addle the mind too much for any human, much less a child, to be able to give “legal consent”, especially to such complex medical care.

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Look at how menopausal women are only on HRT for the minimum amount of time...

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"From my own experience, I was not ready to handle male puberty..." I may be exceptionally dim, but I have no idea what this actually means. Is anyone "ready" for puberty?

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Corrina, I think that it is unfair to say that gender clinicians do not monitor for anxiety and depression. More importantly, if they do, no one is in position to identify the source of the mental health symptoms. Are they related to factors intrinsic to the child? Or to the gender uncertainty itself (the term dysphoria used in the past is a synonym for anxiety and depressive symptoms)? Or is it related to the medications? Without a randomized control trial, we will never know. You make the important point that these medical therapies result in progressively permanent effects to children who are, by nature, easily influenced and easily confused. It is the greatest medical professional malfeasance of our era. I speak as a retired pediatric specialist.

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What is "vagina like" about this orofice carved into a man's groin where his penis stub is that doesn't lead anywhere, doesn't expand, doesn't lubricate, and performs no function other than being a hole for penetration? Just curious.

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Thx for this thoughtful article! Can someone point me to the best evidence on the likelihood of a hysterectomy for FTM on long term T? Hoping there is a smoking gun on this because it might have the shock value that is needed.

"Girls on this path will experience vaginal atrophy from testosterone, and eventually her other sex organs will be destroyed as well. Because of this, a girl on testosterone will eventually require a hysterectomy"

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Start monitoring for vaginal atrophy after 1 year. Many transmen choose elective hysterectomy a couple of years after starting testosterone. Vaginal atrophy forces hysterectomy around 5 years. (Not much about this in the scholarly research. Just gathered from my reading. Look at the gender clinic's warning materials for more info.)

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Much more about this on the recent Gender Wider Lens podcast Episode 175 "How "Gender Medicine" is Destroying Female Bodies with Elaine Miller" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmp-0bZ1r2E

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Talk about life-long entrapment! A brilliant article, one of a well thought out article on sadistic medical domination of children chained to so-called medical professionals and their drugs for life!

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Powerful. Poignant. Horrifying.

Voices like yours are so important right now. Thank you for speaking out.

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Thank you very much for this profound and moving essay. If you permanently leash another human being isn't that called slavery, or am I mistaken? I commend your bravery, openness and courage in writing this. Interestingly — perhaps sadly — we've known the effects of these hormonal interventions for at least half a century...


It's an inexplicable phenomenon that people cannot connect the dots between the harm that these treatments can impose on adults — especially women — and the harm that's being done to children. Again, thank you for taking the time to write this piece, Frederick

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Thanks for sharing this--so much reasonable thought in your words, and I'm sorry that you have experienced what you have in order to write these words.

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