The WHO is a disgrace. The transgender crazy is a cultural contagion that should be rejected

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WHO will never admit this is experimental, risky and not founded in sound science, because it is exactly middle aged AGP men writing this "policy," the "gender affirming care" for adults. It also includes corrupt "therapists" making overt and subliminal suggestions to these psychiatrically ill men regarding "what to do about your mismatched body." We trans widows, the ex-wives, know from direct experience, in person, with exactly those 'gender therapists,' that the very real regret, de-transitions and physical damage is just pretended away. The fact that a "non-binary, femme" influencer like Alok Vaid-Menon can continue to publish justification for these men to "touch girls in the ladies' room" because "these white girls are not so pure," and be glorified rather than vilified, proves how captured and brainwashed these organizations are. There are probably many employees who would like to point out the dangers for both adults (who will regret the hormones and sex trait modification surgeries in 7 or so years) and children (who are being told that sexualized behavior towards them is normal), but they know they'd be cancelled and ostracized, so they say nothing. Consider the facts about this particular influencer, who has made many alarming statements about what is "normal' for children to experience, and the fact that a documentary about him is now showcased at the Sundance film festival:


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The WHO, WPATH, whatever. evidence is mounting to the sky. These organizations are not just merely sloppy in finding evidence to support their beliefs in shooting wrong hormones into young bodies and other wise decisions doing violence, they are also utterly derelict.

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Just so we’re all clear…

The brain rewires itself starting in our teen years, kicked-off by puberty, completing around age 25.

The majority of our sweat glands are activated by puberty, expelling toxins from our bodies.

So.. if you want incomplete brains directing unhealthy people, blocking puberty is the way to go… basically, increasing Democrat voters & the costs of healthcare.


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"increasing Democrat voters"

Oh you're going to be an utterly fascinating contributor,

"Democrat"-as-adjective, no less. Reflexively bothersome. Why does this substack attract so many with fixations? The gonads fixation, the Marxist fixation, here we go again.

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So you find the use of an adjective to define a cohort undesirable? Interesting. Note the “Democrat” is capitalized; it’s a party name.

It seems you are conflating “Democrat,” members or voters of a specific political party, with “democratic,” as you seem to find it redundant. Perhaps you might investigate a reading comprehension course?

And, ICYMI, there is nothing at all “democratic” about the Democrat party, which, as you will see in their convention this summer, they will ignore their own primary voters and nominate whomever the leadership wants, just as they did in 1968.

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Who exactly do you think you're fooling here?

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I’m unsure of your reference. Proper noun (“Democrat” when used as a part of “Democrat Party”). Adjective. Verb. Comprehension. And if you’re ignorant of the ‘68 convention or how nominees are assigned, you can always use a search engine (you know how to do that, right?)

No fooling.

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Those who lead the change - the vocal trans community - given todays world drive the institutions to support their views. This is especially true given the "cancelling" that occurs if an institution doesn't jump on board.

Those who question and oppose the change have to react. Organized reaction takes time. First, they have to understand what's being proposed. Then they have to analyze those proposals. Then they have to propose alternatives.

The WHO jumped on board with the vocal trans community. It was staffed with early leaders in the vocal trans position. Those who wanted to think and study more were resistant to pushing back based on being cancelled.

Rowling was the first powerful person to push back on the vocal trans left. They reacted predictably. Tried to cancel her. She did not need to care.

I have had many conversations with vocal tran activist when they publish their "everyone just needs to" positions. When you make peace with J.K. Rowling, I'll be much more on board. Until then, you want everyone in the world to change to support you. That's arrogance.

At some point the vocal trans world will need to make peace with J.K. Rowling. That would require them (and others like Danielle Radcliffe) to eat allot of crow. Is there a "peace plan" on the trans vs TERF war that doesn't require the vocal trans community to eat crow. Until there is, the war will continue.

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"... that doesn't require the vocal trans community to eat crow"


They're vicious, violent, abusive, harmful people. I want them (figuratively) crushed.

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Is that only the vocal trans community or is it all of the trans-community?

And I as a gay person. Do you believe I'm vicious, violent, abusive and harmful?

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No. Just parasitic.

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Wondering why you think the gay and "trans" have anything to do with each other. I hope you're not taking that ever-lengthening acronym as meaning anything. Because it's the only way in which we and they are connected.

Yes, we. I'm gay too, married to my partner of almost 30 years. Not only that, I dated several real (repeat, REAL) transsexual men before I formed my partnership, and I came out in a Navy city where a gay bar was a drag bar so I am more familiar with both than most.

If you think we and they have any interests in common, you need to start thinking a lot harder and a lot deeper. We are people who are attracted to others of the same sex. They are people who deny the reality of sex, call it a "social construct," say that there is a continuum of sexes, that developmental defects chromosomal and physical define other sexes (in direct contradiction to "continuum"), and that if we won't date people who call themselves a sex they are not, it is because of "hate" and that we are committing "genital preference" if not "genocide."

Violent? Did you ever see people carrying signs reading "gay rights or else" with silhouettes of automatic rifles? How many mass shooters were gays driven to massacre by imaginary grievances? How many words did gays invent to recast reality to match some delusion? Vicious? How many gays who decided to revert to heterosexuality were encouraged to commit suicide?

In short, what the fuck are you talking about?

We're told that any obstacles to "affirmation" (such a positive way to say "Mengele surgeries") lead to mass suicide yet offered no explanation why there were no mountains of wrist-slitted teens before such lucrative medical malpractice began around 2009.

To anyone familiar with medical statistics for GID, it is plain that "trans" is an identity movement. That the great majority of the Ts are fakes. GID starts in early childhood and is lifelong; GD starts mostly in adolescence and in response to social pressures and media and is outgrown in a few years. The lucky ones still have their brains and bodies intact; the unlucky are medical cripples and will die decades before their time.

Just to close this loop, let's hear you say that people who believe they can't be happy unless they have healthy body parts cut off are psychologically healthy. I'll wait.

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You are not trans. You say you have dated trans-men. Were they "sick"?

I understand the challenge of building umbrellas like LGBTQ+. Gay men have commonality with Bi men but not much with the L and T parts. The Q+ parts are so ambiguous that I as a gay cis man struggle to understand what those who identify as Q+ are trying to achieve.

As for the T part. I'm not here to judge whether gender dysphoria and what they pursue to mitigate is "healthy". Just like I have no interest in a str8 person judging whether me being gay is healthy.

The positive result the vocal trans community has achieved is that they have built a community for those who want to explore another gender or truly have gender dysphoria can go to for support.

The negative part of the vocal trans community were their demands that everyone agree with their views - the most controversial are:

a. a trans-woman is a woman - woman who define their identity based on sex are TERFS. This was where JK Rowling disagreed with the vocal trans community.

b. Starting young people on puberty blockers and worse yet, gender affirming surgery.

The vocal trans community are going to lose both those positions. Fighting the war at this point is just further marginalizing them and as you point out, creating an LGB split from T. They can end the war by making peace with JK Rowling is one way of ending the war.

Whether "People can't be happy unless they have healthy body parts cut off" is not mine to judge if a person has reached the age of consent. As I have stated, I'm a cis gay man. I'm not interested in str8, lesbian, TQ+ opinions on whether being a cis gay man can make me happy.

I do enjoy engaging with many GB men on their stories especially if that includes being intimate. I was str8 for most of my life. I very much enjoy that the gay world can go beyond just talking to create relationships if the chemistry is there.

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"You say you have dated trans-men. Were they 'sick'?"

I said I dated several 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 men. I used a specific word with a clearly-defined meaning, I deliberately did not use that mushy neologism "trans" and I will thank you to stop misrepresenting my words. These were men who had been legitimately diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, not that "gender dysphoria" horseshit; they were in or past their qualifying year and one was scheduled for surgery, which is why we stopped dating.

They were not sick. They didn't talk about themselves or their gender affairs any more than anyone else and none were interested in talking about pronouns. They had an unsummoned and unelective affliction which they were dealing with in a dignified manner instead of making bloody yappy nuisances of themselves.

I would not date a "trans" person, I would not engage in conversation with a "trans" person, I would not share an office with a "trans" person. And I absolutely would not have any kind of sex with a "trans" person. I have pins in my left ulna to remind me to never stick dick into crazy again.

No, you were not "str8" most of your life. I thought I was heterosexual but when I let myself think back I could recall evidence I was gay as far back as the second grade. If you are gay then you were born that way and always were gay. One would think you would know that.

I won't dignify that idiotic qualification "cis"; real transsexuality (as opposed to "trans") is extremely rare and the need to distinguish from transsexuality is about as urgent as the need to specify someone as "monocephalous" (one-headed) because of the Hensel twins. It is absurd.

OK, it's not yours to judge whether or not wanting castration/mastectomy/hysterectomy without medical reason is sick. I feel no such inhibition.

A woman whose female relatives all died of breast cancer before they were forty had a double mastectomy; she had a legitimate reason.

A man with BIID laid his healthy legs across a railroad track because he could not find a surgeon willing to amputate them. He bled to death in seconds. But, hey, he'd reached the age of consent, right?

I'm impressed with your open-mindedness. Really.

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In the simplest possible terms, the trans are sick. No point debating it; people who think they can only be happy by having healthy body parts cut off cannot be anything else.

But instead of recognizing and dealing with their illness, they want the rest of society to change to accommodate them. They briefly succeeded to a disquieting degree, but are now losing ground.

When you have cancer, you seek treatment. You don't demand that the rest of society get cancer instead.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Wanted to share 2 articles....anextraordinary one by Pamela Paul in New York Times:

"As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do."


And here is trans activist Eri Reed's response to it...should also be read. Very on-brand:


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Hope this analysis is sent to WHO.

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