This is a career-making book. The slow-motion disaster here is the clear beginning of a total de-legitimization of a world group purely as a side-effect of being captured by TRA’s, much like has happened in the US with HRC, ACLU and others.

[ consider the Nobel Prize. People aren’t totally aware that, António Egas Moniz, the Portuguese butcher who created Prefrontal Lobotomies actually won the 1949 Nobel Prize - such storied institutions have poor history in surgical medicine, being a world organization doesn’t protect against craziness. ]

The WHO has guidelines on female genital mutilation - https://www.who.int/health-topics/female-genital-mutilation#tab=tab_1

I wonder how they will reconcile “Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional harmful practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to female genital organs for non-medical reasons.”

Likewise, they have guidelines on forced sterilization - https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241507325

Like any other contraceptive method, sterilization should only be provided with the full, free and informed consent of the individual. However, in some countries, people belonging to certain population groups, including people living with HIV, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, and transgender and intersex persons, continue to be sterilized without their full, free and informed consent.

I suppose this covers male castration and emasculation but you never know, eh?

The WHO is pro male genital mutilation - circumcision - as prophylactic against HIV/AIDS in regions where circumcision rates are low. I wonder if PReP and HPV vaccination - which work nearly 100% for HIV and HPV respectively - will supplant Circumcision. One never knows in politicized medicine.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Thank you for the analysis of conflicts of interest within the group of people working on the WHO guidelines for gender medicine. I gladly signed the petition, but any expectation of seeing professional ethics guiding the practice of healthcare in that specialty has become unrealistic.

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Thank you for bringing this article to the forefront of the battle.

I gladly and proudly signed as "Grandmother". My beloved, confused,

mentally ill, adult grandchildren have been lured by the cult into fantasy.

Another grandchild lives with a man who dresses and tries to act as a

female, encouraging my granddaughter to turn against her family.

Four, in total. Reality is coming, thanks to efforts by warriors such as

yourself and this author. May God continue to bless those who speak truth.

Love, Indio

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

This may be cynical of me, but I sometimes think the United States won't move away from this gender jihad until it starts costing institutions money. When detransitioners start winning lawsuits against providers. When insurance companies start refusing to cover treatments--after all, if sex has nothing to with biology, then there is no need for anyone to get hormones or surgery, right? When professional athletics organizations start refusing to recognize a university's athletic teams because they are letting men compete against women.

Right now, the people paying the freight for this nonsense are regular people, largely women, who individually have little power to stop it. When universities and employers and governments have to pick up the tab, I imagine we'll see a return of common sense.

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Shared to Canada. Thank you!

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I care not a whit for pronouncements from the WHO, which is a corrupt and useless child of its obscenely costly parent. Along with countless other siblings it should be dissolved as part of extreme defunding in order to reduce the UN to what it actually is: a forum for international discussion and debate.

No more, no less.

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The entire gender push has one goal: the UN-WHO-WEF drive for depopulation via sterilization of the next generation. Until this is recognized it can’t be dealt with. It’s insane to have any serious discussion on assisting the mentally ill further their insanity into the physical realm. Assisting international organizations designed to help mankind, instead become Mengelian mutilators is appalling, and its officers ought to be hanged.

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Seems like we have a bunch of ideologues trying to ram through their ideology.

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The WHO lost my respect with its highly political support of all things Chinese related to the COVID pandemic. This malfeasance is even worse. They are part of the malicious conspiracy of the self-pronounced "experts". The lack of any responsible perspective of the Endocrine Society and almost all American pediatric endocrinologists condemns them to future professional opprobrium. The devastating complications supported by these experts will haunt most of them the rest of their professional lives. Shame on them!

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I am always wondering, "what is their motivation, goal, thinking, that they would promote destruction like this for society? I have to believe this is evil and is orchestrated supernaturally by the father of lies..i.e. Satan. How else could half the world lose their minds in a few years? If you don't believe in him, he doesn't care.

I always thought mass hysteria, but this is too widespread. Past mass hysteria like Eugenics and witch hunts were isolated. Or, maybe it is social media plus mass hysteria. Still orchestrated by the enemy of mankind.

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Seems the WHO will have as many conflicts of interest as WPATH

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Petition signed!

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3 hrs ago

This originated with the UN and not the WHO… https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/

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I don’t see any reference to transgender in the link you provided?

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This originated with the UN and not the WHO… https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/

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