Aug 19, 2022Liked by Eliza Mondegreen, Colin Wright

I absolutely love your writing, Eliza. It's just too bad that we, as a society, are too far gone to accommodate a shift in perspective. The fact that the public has been hoodwinked - out of the desire to be compassionate - into believing outright lies, leaves me gobsmacked. The blithe erasure of women's rights and protection from predatory males, after all that we supposedly learned in the #MeToo movement, reminds all women just how fragile our position in a free society really is. No matter how many women shout at the top of their lungs that we have specific needs based on our sex, the patriarchal culture we live in continues to be oblivious to just how much of a threat the trans movement is to women and to the LGB population. What's even more appalling is the comments from both left/right that women deserve this. It's women's fault for trying to be equal to men - conservative position. It's women's fault that we cannot 'just be kind', thus we deserve contempt from trans activists. It's absolutely crazy-making. It doesn't matter how accommodating we try to be, the trans lobbyists are never satisfied. We give them an inch, they take a mile. Women's socialization and indoctrination to be passive nurturers and caregivers has blinded us to the horrific cost of conceding to their demands. It's now an uphill, exhausting, mind-numbing battle to push back against the trans-extremism since so much of the public has been blinded to the true impact of trans ideology.

I'm terrified for my daughter and granddaughter. I can't sleep at night knowing the nightmare future they'll be facing if we don't win this misogynist war against female human beings. Transhumanism is a diabolical, detestable and despicable ideology that will destroy all humanity if we don't reclaim our rights as biological human beings and as women and mothers who MUST defend our children.

Where are the fathers, husbands, sons and brothers??? MIA. Shame on them.

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I agree with you, with one exception: In 90% of all cases where one parent affirms the trans madness, that parent is the mother. There is the issue of the "trans munchausen by proxy", where moms show their "progressive bona fides" by affirming even to the point of surgeries which mutilate.

Why are parents affirming, anyway? Partly it is the blackmail demand of "suicide", which is more and more clearly a huge lie. Partly it is the need to be accepting. Partly it is the need to not be a "horrible troglodyte conservative". But we are talking about a mother who is consenting to the mutilation and medical pollution of her own child.

I know a mom like this. She's a nice person, and is very liberal. That's one of the most vulnerable groups, to be sure. Liberals live in deathly fear of being called a "...phobe" or "...ist".

I used to be a liberal, but now I am not. I am a person firmly grounded in the REALITY BASED REALITY.

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That may well be true that women/mothers are all too easily taken in by the propaganda. That's why I call upon the fathers, husbands, brothers and sons to step up. Women's socialization to be kind and accommodating is blinding them to the extreme danger of trans ideology and shutting down their fierce maternal instincts. It's the absence of fathers, husbands, brothers and sons who are desperately needed right now to push back against this toxic social contagion that is preventing a counter-balance to the narrative.

That said, trans ideology IS being pushed by MtF trans pharmaceutical billionaires who are spending their billions promoting trans-humanism for the obscene profits to be made by the gender affirmation industrial complex. https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2020/01/the-billionaires-behind-the-lgbt-movement.

It should be noted as well that the women who DO speak up are vilified, smeared, doxxed, threatened with rape and death - often by men. Here's an example this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVaGwBnPJk8. Take the example of J.K. Rowling. She's been subjected to horrific and endless threats on every social media platform. Interestingly, significantly fewer men who are speaking out against trans ideology are subjected to the same level of vitriol. Imagine as a woman that you see other women being treated this way. It takes enormous courage to face that level of abuse.

I, myself, have been on the receiving end of such abuse. I had to run the gauntlet of this abuse at a public library where Meghan Murphy was speaking. We had to be protected by the police until I/we were safely away from the venue. The vast majority of those screaming at us, I'd say 80%, were men. https://globalnews.ca/news/6102791/toronto-library-meghan-murphy-trans-community/

So, in the end, women lose either way. We're blamed, shamed and vilified for giving in to the trans narrative - trying to sort through the confusion of gender ideology and do the right thing for the child or we're vilified for fighting against gender ideology enduring a level of violence that men just don't experience in the same battle.

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I agree that there is definitely a gender aspect to the acceptance of this foolishness, but have you noticed that there is a cultural/racial aspect to this as well? These women are overwhelmingly white, far left, suburban mothers in blue cities/states. That is a very specific demographic, so I don’t think you can just chalk this up to women in general. I was reading a Pew Research study a couple of weeks ago published this year about views on gender and it broke down demographic trends in who is most likely to subscribe to these ideas. It showed that Black people were LEAST likely to subscribe to this crap (70% saying a person’s sex determines in they are a man or woman). This doesn’t surprise me at all because I’m a Black woman, so very acclimated to this culture and ours’ is not one that is socially liberal. So, of course, Black mothers are not going to be steeped into this ideology the way that white mothers are--- but another interesting point from the survey is that white people were in second place in the rejection of this ideology.

Asians were the ones who were most likely to say that sex differs from gender, but you hardly see any Asians in the media acting a fool with this stuff. It seems like among women, the ones most receptive of this stuff are white, coastal, and on the far left end of the political spectrum. Why is this demographic so visible in this movement? Is it some weird manifestation of “white guilt”, where they think they have to be tolerant of anything or else they are part of the “evil, white, patriarchal” structure that oppresses everyone? If so these women better wake up bc their kindness, tolerance and concern is being high jacked by self interested pervs pretending to be oppressed.

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Thank you for defending our sex. I've noticed the racial aspect, too. My kids are at a school that's about 12 percent white, so they don't have to deal with it too much (though we are white). Definitely it was white female teachers who asked them to put their pronouns in their Zoom box during covid - and I overheard a black teacher asking a girl "why'd you put she/her in your Zoom box?" which made my heart leap, and the poor girl had to explain that that's what her English teacher (another class) told her to do. It definitely seems like a bigger issue in whiter areas. I wonder what the questions were in the research you refer to - the Asians being most likely to say that sex differs from gender. I'd argue of course they differ - sex refers to biological reality and gender is a pretty meaningless concept insofar as no one seems able to define it, so they are as different as night and day - but doesn't mean I buy into the trans-train paradigm. So Asians saying that gender and sex are different doesn't necessarily mean they've drunk the kool aid. And re the white guilt thing, I agree that for some it manifests as "let's be nice to these poor oppressed trans people so we aren't part of the white-cis-het-patriarchy" but for the ones who actually "transition" (based on first-hand accounts I've read) it is a way for white kids to be part of the "victim crowd" and raise their social status that way. SImilar but slightly different phenomenon. Like, my white privilege is outweighed by my trans oppression so I am actually one of the good guys. If you are interested in shutting one of these women up, you can always accuse the trans-ideologists of colonization, explaining that it is a mostly white ideology being pushed on culturally more conservative POC (or, perhaps, "Black and Brown people") in public schools where they have no choice, and that they need to rethink their privilege in supporting it. Even I - as a white woman - get good traction with that, but as a black woman you could really have some fun! (And maybe open some minds/eyes?)

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Yes, attempting to identify out of the (left-wing) social designation as privileged/oppressor probably has much to do with it, but it’s still a silly endeavor bc it turns into an ideology that recycles the same problems. White trans “women” are still white males demanding obedience and that everyone adopt their sexist ideas about womanhood and affirm what they perceive to be true about the order of things. The only difference between them and the white men who institutionalized race and sexism are presentation and proclamation. I wonder how the “progressives” reconcile this-- I’m sure they are aware of the contradiction.

I am a (proud) Texan so we really don’t see much of this down here. The public school system in Austin is the only home in all of Texas that I’m aware of. They tried in Fort Worth back around 2016, but the parents shut that crap down. That backlash needs to be mirrored in every school district in this country.

Below is the Pew article I was referring to.


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I've been thinking about why it is that women tend to fall for the whole train more than men - it does indeed seem that the enemies of sex-based women's rights are in fact women, in large part. I'm not sure if women are more gullible, or more enamoured of men, or simply it is a combination of humans love narratives that flatter them, and therefore they tend to believe these narratives, and currently our society valorizes "the oppressed" and women are considered oppressed, notwithstanding our lower murder rates, lower death-on-the-job rates, etc., so women are primed to drink up the current zeitgeist narrative, which includes "reality and rational thought are transphobic and therefore evil." Men, under the current paradigm, are taught that there is something inherently evil about them ("oppressor class") and while some of them fall for being "one of the good ones" they are far more likely to see through the Narrative, because it doesn't flatter them.

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I think you're spot on.

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The comments hatred argument is stupid SJW Feminists get the same, so also it's not like man don't get hatred, feminists try to dox male activist they lie about them try to cancel them, put quotes out of context and start making false accusations.

If you are very public and have strong oppinions in the public you get hat, women just talk more about it, because they feel the same social harm as more hurtful, because if they get socially abondanded evolutionary if they would have to leave the tribe they would die, if man got outcast they don't die and they can maybe fight back physically.

That's just the same bias humans have if a women get beaten or misstreated in public people get angry and attack the attacker if a man get's the exact same treatment people laught at him or ignore it.

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You can't systematically push a war of man and masuclitity since at least 50 years and then expect this from women hated man to step up and rescue the people that hated and worked to hurt / destroy and demasculate them.

In the US you even circumcise little male babies... how about stopping that there are more victims in that, than the few thousend trans kids that had at least some say in it, the babies are just totally powerless victims.

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As a conservative, I find it hard to sympathize with people who will mutilate their own children in order to not be a "horrible troglodyte conservative."

These people love being fashionable. They went along with every media fad. They have been insufferable asses their whole lives, and now there's a media fad that tells them that they're not truly cool unless they mutilate their children. I feel for the children. I can't help but think that the parents are getting what they deserve.

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Homophobia still runs deep in conservative circles. It's worth checking out that a lot of conservative people would rather have a trans "straight" kid than a gay kid. That's probably the societal origin of all of this is. Historically, cultures with third genders were very strict about defining sex roles, including ones that mutilated in simpler times. You might find it hard to sympathize but consider what kind of mindset it took for the majority of human history to tell boy he won't be a man if he was feminine. Women almost never even had the third gender option. It wasn't progressives until very VERY recently and if you listen to more stories about gay people who transition almost 100% of the time you will run into a conservative family background that wouldn't just allow a child to be themselves.

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LOL. Sure. Tell that to every gay person raised by evangelicals.

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“Fairly well documented”


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Do you fight with the same effort against male genital mutilations (in the US especially?)

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Idiots always bring this argument up like you think you've got someone. For decades feminists have been against this as a common issue on a broad scale because it's basic bodily autonomy but you'd have to actually read the work of feminists to know that. Clearly by your other comment you've never even touched a pamphlet let alone a whole book. I'm not even ok with people piercing children's ears but yeah ok, cut pieces of their genitals off originally for stupid religious reasons. Totally cool and related to both this article and my comment. One of the top reasons boys get circumcised is THEIR FATHERS want their penises to look the same which is mental. Do you tell other men it's ok if their son's penis doesn't look like theirs? The other reasons are MEN made up stupid religious rules about their dicks and then MALE religious leaders in the US decided it prevented masturbation. Men also made up the stupid religious rules about FGM. But ok, it's totally feminists' fault and they should fix it!

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Nono that is not true single mums also cut the dicks of their sons in the US, and no in the US there is no religious reason for tha majority of people, religiously jews and muslims do it, but there is no christian ruling or 10 rules or something that requests that from the people.

Also words are cheap, feminists lobby for laws, for more womens houses they go on huge protests where they were pussy hats, if this millions of child molestings would matter to them then they would wear hats of damaged dicks not vaginas. But they get real laws changed right and left just none to stop dick cuttings, even many feminists do that to their suns in the US.

Give me a break, heck feminists fight much harder to stop female genital mutilations even that happens a few hundret or thousend times yes put not the same effort against the millions and heck billions of man that are mutilated.

Yes take your hammer and frame everything in a way that makes women the victim and man the perpetrator, you can do it...

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You have no idea the origins of circumcision in the US. Maybe go look that up before you say it's not religious crazy talk.

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"Men are not behind the push for trans rights"

Lol yes they are. 95% of TW are men with a fetish, small percentage is gay or even feminine men having a really shitty time with societal expectations and that is the previous 40+ years of trans history before recent. It's like saying black people weren't behind the push for emancipation just because white people eventually wrote the law for it. The group with the personal motivation is always the one starting and driving it. The initial need/desire doesn't spring out of the minds of people it doesn't affect. It started with men wanting to be women, not just wanting equal rights or the ability to marry as gay/lesbian couples, and it will continue as long as that fetish exists in humans.

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Men most certainly are pushing the trans rights nonsense. Just look at what happens when women try to speak publicly--the men try to shut the women down and they are violent and threatening about it. I have seen this happen over and over when women try to speak about women's rights.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Educational system is not really predominantly female, just the number of educators. K-12 educators being predominantly female is not the same as the curriculum, historical post secondary professors/training,/administration, theory, etc. The major push towards this garbage is based on the writings of mostly male communist and post-modern philosophers and was built in an architecture of men. Women haven't really been writing the guiding curriculum but I think it's fair to say they've been taken advantage for their preferential social engagement and willingness/desire to care for children more than not and more than men. More of a useful idiot situation.

It's worth noting that teacher sex ratios, credentials, and training have changed drastically in the last half century. High school teachers were mostly men until the 70s even though most teachers were women. But considering how many rural and poor children were allowed to drop out in lower grades this makes a big difference on who's becoming what as an adult. Women were not training the future policy makers, men were. University professors in all departments were overwhelmingly men in the 60s when the postmodernism from the 40s was old enough to gain a foothold, they're still mostly men but less so in education departments. However, undergraduate education departments themselves are relatively new. You used to get a real subject degree and then qualify as a teacher through experience. That became getting a masters, then it became getting a subject ED undergrad + masters + qualifying, slowly removing deeper understanding of the actual subject. K-12 teachers are now often held to lower education standards than others in their degree departments, e.g., someone with a math education degree vs a math degree has not had the same experience with academic rigor. You can easily check this by comparing the ed version of a degree to any other degree in the same subject and looking at course requirements in any university catalog. Pedagogy classes are not the same as real classes in the subject and the masters degrees don't pertain to further education in the subject but instead focus on methods and "competency" classes or on maintaining credentials rather than staying up to date in whatever they're actually teaching. Good teachers have to do their own subject knowledge maintenance, even in STEM.

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It maybe women who are taking children to drag queen story hour, mostly because women are generally children’s primary carers, women are also the people being stridently told to ‘be kind, they just want to pee’

But, it is male bodied people who are usurping women’s identities, inserting themselves into women’s sport, sexually assaulting women in prisons, photographing semi-clad women in the faddish new gender neutral changing rooms, masturbating in women’s public toilets, claiming that lesbians who refuse to have sex with a ‘woman’ with a penis are transphobic and shouting at old ladies who have been banned from public swimming pools for saying it is inappropriate having a male person supervising young girls in changing rooms.

There are, I will agree, those women who refer to themselves as ‘intersectional feminists’ who have created a hierarchy of oppression whereby a white man in a dress is more oppressed than a black, lesbian woman with a disability (for example refer to the discrimination case taken by lawyer Alison Bailey against her employer and Stonewall).

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Right? Like somehow... the criminal is less than guilty of a crime than someone advocating for them?

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Well I would argue that Terf's started with that blaming of one sex for all the problems, blaming now women is only a pushback, and you don't help yourself because even if man have the same thoughts, I can't bring myself to support such hateful people called feminists. That reimagine history as it would be to the demise of women and gain of all man in a cordinated manner not just a logical step resulting from evolution technology and sex differences.

You basically set the first step that resulted in this trans radicalism. Claiming that sex is 99% socially constructed without any proof is feminists work.

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"Claiming that sex is 99% socially constructed without any proof is feminists work."

Lol ok player.

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The Drag Queen Story Hour web site used to have a big picture on the home page which showed a mother introducing her daughter (dressed in a rainbow smock) to a ridiculous-looking drag queen who was dressed to be a princess or a fairy god mother. The child looked very confused, as if she was thinking, "What am I supposed to learn from THIS?" I could almost read the mother's thoughts: "What a progressive mother I am! I support diversity!" But drag queens do not represent diversity. Drag is a sexual fetish. Drag queens WANT you to believe that they are pushing diversity, but they aren't. Diversity means a variety of races, cultures, languages and occupations. Drag has nothing to do with diversity. If we think drag is diversity, then here is some more diversity which we should consider:

Pot-Smoking Hippie Story Hour

Skid Row Bum Story Hour

Porn Dealer Story Hour

Venture Capitalist Story Hour

Compulsive Overeater Story Hour

Incurable Hypochondriac Story Hour

Lounge Lizard Story Hour

White Supremacist Story Hour

Recovering Alcoholic Story Hour

Compulsive Handwasher Story Hour

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I think in higher ed, this push is mostly coming from women too. Fervent justice warriors. Ugh!

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"It doesn't matter how accommodating we try to be, the trans lobbyists are never satisfied. We give them an inch, they take a mile."

I agree very much with your well-written comment, but I think that "patriarchy" has nothing to do with the power of Trans. Look at your quote, above. What part of the goals of a patriarchy are satisfied by turning teen-aged girls into trans-men? Patriarchies seek to hyper-control young women (for the use of men) and to reduce them to their female sex and reproductive capacity (for the use of men).

Men seeking to assert patriarchal power have no use whatsoever for women who are no longer attractive as women/capable of bearing children. Nor do they have use for hyper-feminine trans-women. They want stereotypical strong aggressive men and beautiful, submissive, available young women.

The power behind Trans---the insatiable berserker endless boundary erasing---is Revolution. It's the disruption and then complete dismantling of all parts of society. One key part of that revolution is to produce a bewildered, fractured population who don't have anywhere certain they can stand, plant themselves, and shout "You shall not pass!"

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Well said signmeupplease.

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I often talk about the "gay deal" and the "trans deal".

The "gay deal", which started really with Stonewall is "We gay folks are humans, and do what we want with CONSENTING ADULTS behind CLOSED DOORS. You non-gay folks do the same, behind your CLOSED DOORS. No one needs to know what goes on". That deal was a good one, and most people are accepting of it.

The "trans deal" is completely different. This deal is "We trans folks require that you agree with us. We do what we want in public. This has nothing to do with 'consenting adults', but is for all ages. We want to have access to your children, and we want you, the parent, to not be able to control them. You must use our language."

The "trans deal" is slowly becoming clear to most people. Those who understand it are completely horrified by it and are becoming more and more opposed to it. And those who oppose the "trans deal" are also more and more opposed to the "gay deal", because the predatory nature of the "gay view" on children is more and more clear.

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Gay-rights movement: Don't discriminate against me based on my private life.

Queer movement: If you don't validate me for dragging my private life into the public sphere, you're a hateful bigot!

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Don't conflate 'Queer' w/ LGB. Many LGB folks still consider queer offensive and that 'Queer' represents a bunch of twisted, cross-dressing heterosexual men w/ a fetish (AGPs) they want no part of. 'Queer' are mostly the pervy trans crowd that took over Pride and everything else-- including the LGB rights orgs. who sold out-- years ago. The 'T' was force-teamed onto the LGB as part of a deliberate strategy to gain greater acceptance for the T. The trans movement has a lot of money behind it and that money has bought a lot of influence.

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I'm a gay man who objects to the word "queer". It means "strange, odd, unusual, abnormal, weird". That isn't what I am. Furthermore, people with self-respect don't want to be called that. In 60 years of being gay, no one ever called me "queer" who didn't mean it as a slur.

(This was just a general statement of my feelings. I know that Eliza doesn't use that term unless she is making a point.)

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It IS weird to hear a term that was derogatory thirty years ago be mainstreamed as a descriptor, but then language changes all the time. There was a time when "colored people" was fine to say, but now it's "people of color", and although I don't get the distinction, I am on board for the new term.

Myself, I try not to get exercised over words, because at the end of the day actions matter much, much more.

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Neil, if you were black and someone called you the N-word, I think you would have an emotional response. That's how I feel every time I see the word "queer". It's as if other gay people (most of whom are actually "nonbinary") have decided to take one of our own N-words and make it available for everyone to use. It is stupid beyond belief. It is, in fact, one of the ways that trans people have polluted our LGB movement. Words matter because they express emotions, and if the emotion being expressed is hate, that matters.

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Let's leave off any discussion of what kind of emotional response I might have if I were black and heard a slur, because that's a topic on which we are both relatively uninformed, yes?

I want to be clear: I'm not telling other people what words they must use, or what offense they may take. If you don't like the q-word, fine! I'm not wild about it myself, but not because it was formerly a slur. I dislike it because it doesn't tell you much about the person to whom it is attached. I'm not even saying "words don't matter"; I'm just saying they don't matter very much to me. Your mileage may vary.

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Agreed, except I think Eliza was distinguishing between the LGB and queer movements rather than conflating them. Check again and see what you think. Cheers.

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Yes, I was distinguishing, not conflating.

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I was not sure most would distinguish b/w the two but perhaps people on here are more sophisticated than I give them credit for.

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Civil Rights Law demands public affirmation of whatever the activist class can cook up.

I don't care what you think Civil Rights Law means, that is what it means in practice.

It's built into the logic of a one way ratchet.

Everything gets grafted onto the rubric of Civil Rights Law. Which is basically Jesus's talk about the tax collectors and prostitutes but instead of the line about "go forth and sin no more" you have to worship the sin by compulsion to protect the sinners feelings.

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The trans deal is also "if you women don't go along with giving up all your rights we are going to assault you and shut you up."

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Well mostly women assault them or man that are pushed or try to impress women, or get canceled by other women if he don't does it, too. You can't blame 100% one or the other side but I would put >50% in women as perpetrator of cancel culture.

Women aggression is cancel culture, you can't physically beat people therefor you do this gossip tactic, cancel culture in form of gossip is older than social media and it's 99% female.

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"the predatory nature of the "gay view" on children is more and more clear." Meaning what?

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

That there is a link between gay culture and pedophilia. And there is an unmistakable link between trans and pedophilia.

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There is a strong link between straight culture and pedophilia.

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I've seen evidence of the latter but not the former. It would be a pity if gay people were tainted by the bad behaviour of trans activists.

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This is happening and there is a movement to cleave off the QTI2A++ from the original LGB for this very reason.


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Thank you Esteban. There is an LGB Alliance in the U.S. and in a number of other countries. The attempt of LGB to unforce-team from the rest of the alphabet soup has been going on for some time but writers and others continue to keep sticking the 'T' onto the LGB. LGB rights are sex-based just as women's rights are and LGB is a sexual orientation but 'T' is an identity based on the incoherent 'gender identity' which is an ideological construct not based on any material reality. LGB and T are two different things.

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No, it isn't.

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If gay sexual identity is all in the mind then equally heterosexual identity is all in the mind.

Your insistence on including gay identities in this discussion on the strident narrative perpetuated by trans identified people is a strawman fallacy. Gay and lesbian people (whatever you think of the origins of sexual desire) do not refute the essential biology of the human body or for that matter the biology of any mammalian species, sex is immutable, they do not require that you comply and alter your language to fit their social paradigm.

Sexual identity has nothing to do with attempting to alter one’s physical body through medical and pharmacological processes which are the defining processes used by the trans identified. Nothing that can be done to the human body can change a man’s chromosomal makeup from XY to XX, he can take oestrogen and grow breast buds and then have these augmented by surgery but he will always be male, he can have his penis inverted but he will have to use implements to keep this wound open, it is likely he will grow hair inside this orifice but he will never be able to produce the oestrogen and other hormones that control a female body, he will still have a body which has male patterns of susceptibility to diseases.

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You are eerily right when you say gay/straight identity is in the mind - actually its in the collective mind. The modern era is the first time sexuality has been defined as "identity" - in the past the only thing that was labelled was sexual activity. IE homosexuality (or hetero) was something you did not something you were.

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Annie, you should know that Marek was recently banned from Eliza's pages. She can't ban him here because she doesn't control these pages. Marek is an anti-gay bigot who has strange ideas about sex. On Eliza's pages he was openly bashing gays. Here, he is being a little more circumspect.

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Ah yes, he does sound like a fundy Christian with homophobic rage, I’ll make a note and refrain from feeding the troll in the future. Thanks for the insight.

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Thank you Annie.

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Many transvestites are heterosexuals.

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Marek and Esteban, h

Heterosexuals groom children from birth onward into their ideology of compulsory heterosexuality. Including in preschool and public schools every day, all year round.

Compulsory heterosexuality is one of the cornerstones of patriarchy: the patriarchal institution of males enslaving females. Look up the history of marriage. Marriage began as, and has been for almost all of its history, the legal contract by which a man acquired a female slave. One could argue that this law is still in effect on some regards today, in the U.S.

Marriage is the males-enslaving-females law. That is why in some U.S. states, it is still legal for a husband to rape his wife: this is a continuation of wives being their husband's property. The husband, as slave owner, can do whatever he wants to his wife. If legally she isn't allowed to say no, by definition, she is his property. Women faking orgasms is more evidence of female slavery: she's afraid to tell the man he didn't satisfy her (out of fear of a frightening argument, a fight, a breakup?), as if she doesn't also have a right to pleasure and to say so.

Female slavery is also enacted in abortion bans: a woman doesn't even have a right to make decisions about what goes on in her own body because her body isn't her property. Its men's. Down through herstory, she has either been the property of her father, her husband, or her eldest brother. Or the state.

Look as well at bridal ceremonies for their purpose being for men to enslave women.

Have you ever wondered about the similar spellings of bridal and bridle?

The German root, brid, means to control or restrain: any form of restraint. (American Heritage Dictionary.) The bridegroom yokes, or restrains and controls her. He's called the groom because that's his job: his job is to groom her to obey him, just as a groom controls and grooms a horse to obey him, including with a bridle and whip.

Men are called Mister, a variant of Master, because men are the slave masters of women.

She must wear white, as her affidavit, her public testimony, that she is a virgin: not used goods. He is not required to wear white or any other color in particular because he's the master, so he has no similar obligation to publicly testify to his virginity or sexual status.

Her father walks her down the aisle, to the waiting groom and legal representative conducting the ceremony (the priest or judge) holding her hand, but he, the father, has his arm held linked around hers. Why? It's a control hold. This is symbolic of the father taking her, to give his daughter away to her new master. The father must link arms with her, in case she tries to run away. He is essentially dragging her to her new master, against her say so or will.

The best man role was created in the 1850s, according to a book by Katie Couric on marriage. His job was to chase after the bride in case she ran away during the ceremony.

I could go on and on with all this hetero marriage horror. The point

is that compulsory heterosexuality is romanticized and taught ad nauseum in society, and in school, where it should more rightly be getting exposed for the misogyny that it is.

There is zero biological evidence that exclusive heterosexualty is in fact biological. Craig Ventner, who mapped the human genome, said there is no gene for heterosexuality.

As of 40 years ago, homosexual behavior had been observed in over 1000 different species, including our closest ancestors, the apes.

Farmers regularly see cows mount cows.

The decree that humans be heterosexual is a men's decree: for the purpose of ensuring that every man does his part to own, enslave, groom and control at least one woman. It is essential to the male domination of women: divide up women among men, to conquer and control us and our labor, reproductive and otherwise, for men's benefit.

So would you heterosexuals please stop grooming children into your sick cult? Teaching boys to dominate, own, and control girls as they grow up, taught to both boys and girls from birth, onward?

Whoever thinks exclusive heterosexuality is "normal" and "healthy" should get their heads out of their dusty old bible and read other books. Feminist herstory, for example. I recommend, "Woman and Nature," by Susan Griffin. She reveals and connects the dots between parts of buried herstory and patriarchy very well.

Also, please Google "scolds bridle images" for what men have been allowed to lock onto their wives' heads at various times in Europe and in the U.S., to cause them pain to control them.

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This is the perverted view of perverts. Normal people are drawn to normal heterosexual sex because this is biologically driven. Some have a perverted viewpoint, and have a perverted sex situation. This includes lesbians and gays.

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So people should only have sex when trying to make a baby? Any other purpose is perverted? And you claim to have never had "perverted" non-procreative aez? Birth control is perverted? And women should just keep getting pregnant until they drop dead from having 10 - 15 babies? And this is all fine while the planet is dying from having 8 billion people on it, when it can only sustain 1 - 2 billion? So basically, you believe men have the right to use women like dish rags, and have a death wish for all life on earth. Lovely. These are.stone age.views.

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First of all, it is polite to refer to lesnians as lesnians, not as "gay." Some lesbians are ok with being called gay and refer to themselves as such, others of us consider it sexist, and prefer to be called lesbian. As in, "lesbians and gays."

Next, I ascribe to the perspective, given what we know of the behavior of other animals, amd just common semse, that all humans are to some degree bisexial, and that yes, exclusive heterosexuality is a product of social conditioning: learned homophobia.

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Also, when I wrote that I believe that all people are to some degree bisexual, I mean biologically capable of same-sex attraction. Probably many, if not most, people are not aware of any bisexuality in themselves, because it is so obliged to be repressed and is taboo in patriarchy. Even today, and even in the global west.

I had no awareness of any capacity to be attracted to women, until I'd read enough women's herstory and feminist insights about culture to be completely turned off by men. Or at least knew I could never have a relationship with a man and be happy, or feel like it was healthy for me, because I would always feel encouraged by him to do things he'd like, and I would always be questioning if he were socializing me into being a woman I didn't want to be and wouldn't be healthy for me. It was only at that point of realizing I wouldnt be happy in a relationship with a man, and figured I'd be celibate for life, that I started feeling attracted to a lesbian woman. It took facing lifelong celibacy to stop repressing what I discovered was my ability to be attracted to some lesbians. So from my experience, it's possible to be biologically capable, but unaware of attraction to women or lesbians, because of being taught lesbianism is unacceptable. Unthinkable. Everyone should be allowed and respected to identify who they are and aren't attracted to. This should never be forced. Whether for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or heterosexials.

And tp be clear, none of this means that any and all sexual taboos should or may be broken, such as pedophilia. The taboo against pedophilia/child abuse is healthy amd imperative, because it is about respecting and protecting the rights of a child. Children and under-18s are not capable of consent. Any form of sexuality that is abusive is rightfully and unequivocally unacceptable.

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Thank you. I'm glad to hear we have some common ground.

I agree that young women are being socialized to pretend to be lesbian, or to try out lesbain dating or sex to be attractive to men. Just so you know, many lesbian feminists consider that because women are doing this to be "hot" in the eyes of men, we consider this to be heterosexual behavior -- to please men -- and doesn't represent lesbians or lesbian feminist culture. Its more male bullying of women to "perform" for men. Sick and sad, evermore patriarchy.

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I "liked" your comment, because i agree with you, amd I appreciate your comment. Thank you. It had been painful and offensive reading all the attacks on lesnians and gays in these comment sections. Consevatives and progressives need to join forces on defeating sex-role ideology everywhere. So from a progressive perspectives, that would require conservatives to stop with the verbal lesbian-bashing and gay-bashing. I'm fine with sticking to sex-role (gender) ideology as much as possible, even though it is obviously an extension of religious and conservative beliefs that there should be sex roles: fundamental to patriarchy and misogyny. So if you can other conservatives will try your best to stick to sex-role identity, I will do my best to stick to that topic, too.

Deal? :)

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You don't know what you are talking about. LGB people have existed across the world and across time and homosexuality is even observed in the animal kingdom. And b/c some people be they heterosexual or homosexual are undesirable you want to bash the whole lot of them and that is unfair and ignorant. Again, statistically most child molesters are heterosexual.

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T. Lister, Marek is an anti-gay bigot who has been banned from Eliza's pages on Substack. She can't ban him here because she doesn't control these pages. Most of what he says is made-up nonsense. He should be ignored.

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Now that his true colors are showing, my work is done. Thank you for being so reactionary, Marek.

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The word is spelled "pervert", and I don't think I'm the perverted one here.

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What's your proof that heterosexuality is "natural" and that homosexuality isn't? Show us. You just spout things you want to believe with zero logic or facts. Heterosexuals groom kids from birth onward into heterosexuality, which is also oppressive to women.

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This is interesting but I’m doubtful ‘reasonable accommodations’ were ever truly possible.

I’ve had the frightening experience of being alone in an open plan women’s changing room, with a male bodied person using his phone to record me, and himself, as we got changed (via the large mirror partially covering one wall). He’d gained access to the women’s changing room by self identifying as a woman.

Allowing any male bodied person into female spaces is dangerous, humiliating, and misogynistic. Never ‘reasonable’. But access to female spaces, for men who ‘identify’ as women, was always going to be the bottom line of any ‘reasonable adjustment’.

From that basic demand, that women’s spaces be opened to men, all the insanity has inexorably flowed. I doubt it could ever have been otherwise. Would men who identified as women ever have accepted being excluded from women’s private spaces?

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Sorry this happened to you

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Thank you! <3

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I think you're right, they wouldn't have. I think what Eliza is saying here is that if those who were more reasonable about their dysphoria had spoken up in a way that we could have joined them in pursuing a "reasonable accommodation" approach, such that we as a society had teamed uppity them, it would have exposed the AGPs for their aggression and unreasonableness.

Your thoughts, please?

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So if a female steals something from a man or murders a man it's misandric? How about 1 evil person doing something evil?

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> who struggle with gender dysphoria, or even those who hold extraordinary beliefs about the nature of “gender identity.”

I think we also need to remember that this situation falls into left/right USA culture war and those with a bad taste/bad history of seeing violent homophobia want to be "on the right side of history", want to be seen as an ally, and in doing so, suffer from wild cognitive dissonance in the form of asking people to "be nice" while also assaulting 80 year old women.

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This one really hits home. I have stayed for the most part avoided talking about this issue publicly because I didn't want to be targeted by sex-role identity activists, and career opportunities and my name ruined by them.

However, I made one mild comment on a social justice FB page (about homelessness), and a gay man who had been friendly and seeking collaboration with me picked up on my subtle gen-crit comment and flipped out at me, posting my name and comment on his organization's photo header online, and was in aggressive, hot pursuit of me online. And got me canceled and kicked out of another organization I was starting to volunteer for. He had zero clue about gen-crit feminism, and his self-righteousness and virtue signaling I think are beautifully explained by your comment. Thank you. It is healing for me to read. I'm going to write your words down.

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Thoughtfully articulated. This is the kind of discourse we need -- around this and many other issues. Thanks Eliza!

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

No. I completely disagree with the idea of "reasonable accommodations." I take a hardline approach because things have gotten out of hand. "Gender" bending, by its very nature is always destined to spiral out of control and cast a pox on both the vulnerable and the larger society.

There is only one "reasonable accommodation" that should ever be made for a child or adult who insists they're in the wrong body." And that one accommodation is intensive psychotherapy. And this psychotherapy should never be conducted by "gender" therapists but only by psychotherapists who work to get their clients to accept that the sex they were conceived with can never be changed.

We need to shut down the whole "transgender" industry immediately. All the "gender" indoctrination programs in the schools, colleges, medical institutions, media, and corporations should be permanently abolished. Gender mutilating surgeries, cross sex hormones and puberty blockers for anyone attempting to change their sex should be forbidden by law. Teachers, therapists, and doctors who took part in the "gender" industrial complex should lose their professional licenses. Some individuals should be criminally prosecuted.

Any male who invades a girl or woman's private spaces, regardless of intent, should be arrested. Birth certificates should be corrected back to the individual's natal sex and given name. Men who dress as women in public spaces should face stiff fines. People should face ridicule and/or censure for insisting they are entitled to use wrong sex pronouns.

A woman is an adult human female. A man is an adult human male. Sex is determined at the moment of conception and is immutable. "Transgender" is absolute nonsense.

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It sounds like you’re suggesting enforcing gender roles, is that what you’re suggesting?

And preventing people with sex dysphoria from having access to medical transition by making it illegal will absolutely result in some of those people committing suicide, and I don’t see how that is helpful or compassionate. I don’t need a dead sister, I’d prefer to have a living brother who has all of the access in the world to everything that helps his sex dysphoria, even if transition is one of them. Banning it is not going to solve the problem. Any of the problems.

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The "suicide threat blackmail" is a complete lie. There is no evidence that the trannies commit suicide. What there is evidence about is trannies using suicide to compel worried parents to go along with the delusion.

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My brother attempted suicide multiple times. DO NOT USE SLURS!

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It's a cruel myth that "transitioning" saves lives. It doesn't

If your sister wants to kill herself, carving up her body and poisoning it with testosterone isn't going to save her. In fact, it will make it even more likely that she ends up killing herself. Your sister needs intensive psychotherapy to come to terms with biological reality.

Today, tens of thousands of detransitioners regard "transition" as the biggest mistake of their lives. These detransitioners live with the permanent damage to their health and appearance. Some of these people want to kill themselves, too.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

My brother is very happy and comfortable with himself, including being well aware that he is female; there is no denial of his biological reality. He knows he is biologically female; that’s the entire point of transitioning. He is going to live his life being perceived as male and that’s how he is comfortable with himself and his life. He has chosen to risk health issues in order to live how he feels best.

There are people who never detransition and these people deserve respect too. In order to give all people with dysphoria appropriate care, both those like my brother and those like myself (dysphoric w/out a gender identity) need the best care tailored to our needs and the current standards of care for dysphoria would incorrectly treat both of us the same.

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Heart disease is the leading killer of all women, and women who take male hormones quadruple their risk. After your sister has her first massive heart attack before she turns fifty, you'll end up as her caregiver. Good luck with that.

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Dude, we’re all just trying to survive. My brother knows his health circumstances and so do his doctors. He makes choices about his health just like I do. I take birth control and I’ll be getting sterilized bc that’s what’s best for me, even though both of those come with health risks. Adults can make medical decisions based on advice from their doctors and their own knowledge of self. Would you tell my brother that when I get a blood clot and die, I’ll deserve it because I shouldn’t have taken birth control? We all make choices. I want to avoid pregnancy. He wants to live appearing as a male. We can respect people like my brother and ensure they are treated fairly without destroying the rights of others or encouraging people to take these health risks unnecessarily. I want trans people to be well-informed about the medical decisions they are making just like I want female people to be informed of what decisions we are making when we do things like take birth control or get a hysterectomy. We don’t have to ignore biological sex or degrade anyone. All people deserve basic care and respect.

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Your argument is an example of the false equivalence fallacy. There are methods of birth control, birth control without estrogen, that do not raise a woman's risk of blood clots, heart attacks, or strokes at all. And the risks involved with taking birth control or having a tubal ligation are certainly lower than the danger of carrying one or more pregnancies to term. So, by taking birth control or having a tubal ligation, you're making a rational decision.

Your sister, on the other hand, has made an irrational decision. She is setting herself up for serious chronic diseases decades before they would otherwise appear. It's suicide in slow motion. And all the greedy doctors and big pharma are making a financial killing on their brainwashed and mentally confused "transgender" victims.

And for what? Even if a woman signs up for an unnecessary double mastectomy and overdoses on testosterone, her feminine eye shape, slender wrists, small stature, and womanly hips are dead giveaways. Ellen Page fools no one.

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In every US state, it is illegal to impersonate a police officer. Depending on the specific circumstances, fines and prison terms can be imposed. See link below:


Whenever a man impersonates a woman, it is not "freedom of speech". It is an act of aggression against all women. So before you leave the house, Davis, you'd better remember to take off those pearls and wipe that lipstick off your face.

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Brilliant article! This is a multibillion dollar grift funded by the Pritzkers and Big Pharma. Hence the road not taken.


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Your substack is one of my favourites, Toby. I'm deeply grateful for your voice and so many others who persistently speak on behalf of women and children who are facing a terrifying future at the hands of the trans extremists.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Colin Wright

Brilliant observation!

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The missing truths, the lack of honest reporting in mainstream media involve these factors, among others:

1. Indoctrination of Media to NEVER report on the facts: This means unreported risks, heartbreaks of families, suppressed detransitioner stories, non-reporting of disastrous surgical outcomes such as 30% incontinence after surgeries in Brazil. High level agencies, e.g. the Washington Post and New York Times, base their "style of reporting" on the anonymously posted "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide" webpage. The etiology of child abuse and molestation experiences is the huge hidden iceberg under this rather large tip. (I know, that's my ex-husband)

2. Cancellation and harassment of scientists like Colin Wright, for simply stating known facts of evolutionary biology, significantly, after he stated that "preferred pronouns" are propaganda, brainwashing, to be rejected.

3. Political indoctrination of the public as well as their vulnerable mentally ill patients by psychiatrists and psychologists ("sexologists") who "affirm" and rush their clients into surgeries, family estrangements and fake "true life tests," another common phrase they pretend is scientifically supported.

How do I know this in my bones? Because my then-husband did this "therapy" along cross-dressing, deceiving me, abandoning our young children at significant developmental milestones, in the early 1990s. His "true life test" before making decisions about surgery, involved sending signals to men in bars he frequented while cross-dressing that they could buy him another drink, if they seemed to indicate he "passed" as female. I discovered the diaries. You cannot make this up.

The diagnosing psychologist stated in a sworn affidavit submitted to court in the custody proceedings that the diagnosis occurred at the first appointment, your typical 50 minute hour. The ideology was thrust on me, the beleaguered mother, as I was told I "must have known" my husband was not a regular guy (no, no idea) and that my duty was to stay married to him.

This same PhD practitioner (still in practice in NYC) also wrote about me, that my "inability to accept" that my refusal to stay in the marriage represented my "rage" at what "the world accepts." She'd never met me or talked to me, but rather, encouraged my husband to deceive me during his excursions into The Village. This was gross misconduct, based on corrupt, cooked data by charlatans like Jack Turban, who can't say definitively which biological sex his survey respondents actually were born.

We ex-wives, together with the detransitioners, have the facts, learned through our peepholes into the therapists' studios.

Ute Heggen, author of In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow, (iuniverse, 2022)


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Who is the [still-NYC-based] psychologist who treated you husband?

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Dr. Connie Christine Wheeler

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Absolutely brilliant. This makes so much sense. A logical, reasonable approach. And a huge missed opportunity, so far, by gender identity activists. Maybe if we each share this article far and wide, we can bring pressure to bear on them and the rest of society to adopt this reasonable approach. Thank you.

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I thought the point of this article is that there are more sinister forces behind the trans-train, and it was never about caring for people with gender dysphoria; they are being used as human shields for nefarious purposes - money-making, autogyn-creeps, and (not mentioned explicitly but possibly alluded to) the transhumanist endeavor. Perhaps even just a way to further disunite people to weaken us. If you can make people believe in absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities (near-quote from some famous person.)

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I am just not sure reason will work w/ AGPs (the heterosexual cross-dressing men) who insist they are women (and lesbian too) and therefore insist on invading women's single-sex spaces. Those men want access to women and they want the validation of being in women's spaces and demand to be accepted by women as women and they are quite aggressive about their demands.

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I work in the Arts, have been a Democrat my whole life. I just got pushed out of a theater job due to my lack of submission to the pronoun police. When I start to talk about this with my dutifully liberal friends and family, I see their minds start to open a little because they know me, they know I am kind and experienced with teenagers, and a mother, and they hear me say that there were 9 "trans" girls in my show this summer. One third!! I see the wheels turning to understand how insane this is but then somehow, they always want to ask about the poor "true transgender" people and how we accomodate them. I have started saying, " I am focused on kids and women." It amazes me that despite the insanity i am describing about kids, school, prisons etc, still they go back to "where can Caitllin Jenner go to the bathroom?" in so many words. There has been so much propaganda that makes people think there is an epidemic of cruelty to "trans" people. Last night, my brother, who seemed to totally understand me when I talked about the school indoctrination stuff, the internet's role, the women's safe spaces and other serious issues, still ended up saying that the Republicans are fascists who want to literally "Kill and destroy transgender people." I keep speaking up though. I can't control the outcome of my conversations but I can't lie and I won't keep silent anymore.

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so much good stuff in this piece. the chapelle bit gave me chills. the denton doc made me barf. and the last bit: "Sometimes empathy sounds like “If I were a kid today, I would have transitioned, too. I’m glad I didn’t.” Or: “I understand why you want that but the answer is still no.” just a resounding YES.

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Beautifully written. I want to send it to my child with the subject line: "You are being used." He would never read it, though.

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Editing note. Please see this section:

“Instead, we got a radical trans movement that wants to erase sex in law and society, ….

What we have now is a trans movement that . . . now seeks to erase sex in law and society. “

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Good catch. Should replace first one with: That's not the trans movement we've got. (Or similar)

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Thank you for this very good essay. Perhaps, the most important point you made was "... empathy isn't submission." Most of us were raised to be kind, thoughtful people. It's difficult for many people to stand up to those who are very aggressive and rude (to say the least). That, unfortunately, leads to what appears to be submission (or acquiescence ). It will take some time for this craze to pass but it will as people become more comfortable resisting it. Thank you again, Frederick


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Feb 26·edited Jun 16

This political cartoon is still so great and relevant.

It's shameful that Colin Wright was suspended from pre-Musk Twitter for "violence".

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