Really well done, Chloe. I was so angry on your behalf when I read that piece yesterday. Here's my rage tweet thread about it. https://twitter.com/KDansky/status/1658497378918309888

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Great tweets! I doubt that she will read them or respond!

Keep up your courageous work !

I just wish more people were aware of this dangerous ideology !

How can leftists vote for Democrats when almost all of them support this agenda?

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And what a thread it is! 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Yes, great thread. Thanks.

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Fantastic, furious thread Kara. Thank you for writing it.

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Thank you so much for doing this, wonderful and entirely factual rebuttal. I listened to Chloe's interview with Jordan Peterson, and it was one of the most upsetting things I've ever listened to. Jordan's empathy towards Chloe and grief on her behalf shone through.

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Excellent, thorough response, Kara. Thank you.

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‘My heart hurts every time I see a new detransitioner come out, but soon our numbers will be too large for the New York Times to dismiss as a “few stories of regret.”

If only that were true. The New York Times can and does routinely ignore any amount of contradictory evidence that doesn’t fit their priors.

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The NYT is not stupid; it is evil. It routinely ignores contradictory evidence in support of malicious lies then wins Pulitzer prizes for its journalistic travesties. NYT did it with the Russia collusion hoax, the Covid fiasco, the Hunter laptop hoax, and they are doing it with the trans hoax as well. That publication is a pox on the world and deserves a special place in hell. Anyone who believes anything the NYT prints is a fool. Being defamed by them is a badge of honor.

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The NYT hasn't been trustworthy since they helped George W. Bush lie us into invading Iraq. They won't defend Detransitioners because there's no money in it. There are deep pockets pushing trans ideology and billions to be made by the Trans Medical Complex.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Lying us into the Iraq War was one of the NYT's more prominent crimes but not the first. The NYT was sympathetic to Hitler in the 1930s, covered up Stalin's Ukrainian genocide, praised Castro as he turned his island paradise into a cesspool, and even supported the Vietnam War before they opposed it. Their corrupt 1619 Project is the latest example of their inherent dishonesty. The NYT is wrong about almost everything. The Gray Lady Winked is an excellent book that details more of their journalistic prostitution.

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Yes, they did all of that. My reply was oriented toward the readers here not old enough to remember their role in supporting Bush Admin war crimes. We have a couple of generations of new voters who don't know the background of how NYT helped them get away with it.

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The Times has been lying even longer than that. Google Walter Duranty the NYT Moscow correspondent during the 1930’s. He was utterly corrupt and covered up Stalin’s Holomodor (Ukrainian Holocaust). His Pulitzer still hangs in a place of honor in NYT headquarters.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Surprise, surprise: NYT fails to uphold Sulzberger’s promised “independent journalism.”

They must think this is fun for you, Chloe! But I have confidence that the truth will win out, especially with brave people such as yourself continuing to set the record straight.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Excellent take down of the NYT. When the NYT tries a hit job on someone it means that someone is speaking the truth and doing the right thing.

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In any other situation, the world would be outraged that a vulnerable 18-year-old was attacked and subjected to this kind of abuse. But somehow, when it comes to this sacred topic, anything goes.

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Yes, it’s infuriating!

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Chloe Cole is already a more accurate reporter and better writer than Maggie Astor will ever be.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Colin Wright

Dearest Chloe, your response to the New York Times brought me to tears. I have followed your story and I pray for you. Thank you for standing up to the onslaught of nonsense still being poured out by the media. This attitude is losing ground, thanks to you and your fellow detransitioners. It is a slow awakening on the part of the American public, but please keep up the good work. We have to speak truth in the face of the worst medical scam ever perpetuated in America. My three grandchildren are caught in the cult, These beloveds of mine are intelligent, decent people who were abused sexually, physically and emotionally as children. They all have some degree of mental illness, one was identified as being on the autism spectrum. I pray that they will face reality some day. Their actions and decisions have led to alienation, separation, and heartbreak for our family. As the years have gone on, I live in fear of what the continued abuse and medicalization of their bodies is doing to them. Since they will not talk to me, I have no idea where they are in their medical journey. I have greatgrandchildren I have not seen in 4 years, what is this cult doing to them? Will they choose to think that they are "born in the wrong body" also? They see the fantasy up close and personally, as few do. I wish you all the very best in the world, dear Chloe, you have bravery many people do not have at triple your age. Looking forward to your success in all your endeavors, you are wonderfully articulate, brilliant, and oh, so needed right here and right now! Thank you. Love, Indio

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This NYT piece was disgusting.

You, Chloe Cole, are a beautiful shining light.

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You should take real heart in the fact that the majority of comments in the article, by otherwise liberal NY Times readers, take issue with the article's premise and decry so called gender affirming care for minors. Common sense, evidence, and decency is prevailing.

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Just wait a few years when the girls who were bamboozled into thinking the were really boys and put through a routine of drugs, surgery, and mind-bending nonsense start to wake up to the fact that whatever their mental problems may have been, they didn't cry out for life-altering procedures. They were never boys captured in a girl's body.

I think we are going to see litigation against therapists, teachers, counselors, medical professional, etc that will startle and amaze you. I say girls as that seems to be the sex that has had such a large increase of victims in recent years.

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One can only hope

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Love you Chloe Cole!

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I wrote a letter to The NY Times yesterday, as I have many other times. 90% of the time, (including yesterday), they don’t publish them.

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Frame that piece from the NYT, it is a badge of honor. You now live in their minds.

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You are so courageous to speak your story in this hostile climate. Well done Chloe. I’m a tomboy of the 80’s and 90’s who grew up being told girls could express themselves however they want. It breaks my heart to see the erasure, medicalisation, and surgical mutilation of tomboys of this generation 💔 I wish you every happiness and hope for you future x

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Thank you for everything you are doing!! I know this can't be easy! You are a hero in my book!!!

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Here we clearly see who is brave and who is a craven poltroon! But poltroonery pays at the NYT.

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