"My pronouns" are "I" and "me." The pronouns that other people use to refer to me (thus far, always "he" and "him") are "their pronouns" and I have no right to control them.

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

Or you could say: "what 3rd person pronouns other people use is up to them to decide what will best ensure that others know they are referring to me." By invoking common sense instead of "rights" you make the original pronoun question even more nonsensical.

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Also, if you wanted to poke fun at any Wokies in the room, tell them that, since you will not be part of any conversation involving a third person pronoun of yourself, you welcome a DIVERSE range of pronouns, you view them in an EQUITABLE light, and you believe in being TOLERANT and INCLUSIVE in accepting whatever others choose to use.

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I've been dismayed by the pronoun ritual for a few years. This article is the first good exploration of the topic I've seen.

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Great article; enjoyed in the WSJ. I enjoyed the astrological metaphor.

My working mental nightmare model is “you’re as old as you feel” dysmorphia alleviation really kicks in and 8-year-old “biological age” children will demand drivers licenses and alcohol by-the-drink to be consistent with their perceived age, while the older crowd demand state-funded plastic surgery to alleviate age-related dysmorphia.

Upon meeting, the first thing is to ask “how old ado you feel today.”

Not to be like flippant but when asked my pronoun I have the vague urge to ask the person their anal sex preferences: Q-tip, finger, dildo or fist.

I mean, since we’re asking “probing” questions.

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My biggest fear is down the line seeing acceptance of adults who identify as teenagers or some bullshit like that and normalizing pedophilia. Look into the man love boy movement, some of the leaders have historically also been attached to the gay rights and trans movement. Leader of the mermaids group (brings trans education to schools) in Britain just got kicked when his history with them was recently outed. It's sickening. The whole world's gone mad. I truly don't understand how this insane ideology has become so widespread in what feels like such a short amount of time, and so accepted as well. & If you question it, you get death threats. I'm so burnt out by how full of hatred this country is.

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It's a nightmare. Best to block it all out when possible. There is a great momentum against the child transitioning. We will win.

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don't just block it out. Folow articulate people like Helen Joyce ( wrote the book TRANS when ideology meets reality) and speak up..time to reverse course on this nonesense

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It's already started by them wanting pedophiles to be called minor attracted person and equate it to being gay or hetero. It's trying to normalize pedophilia and we're supposed to think about their feelings now.

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I agree.

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You are onto something with the probing questions line. Also worth considering these people demand children subscribe to the same instrusive sexual ideology. It is very groomy.

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I've been dismayed by the pronoun ritual for a few years. This article is the first good exploration of the topic I've seen.

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"When talking about me in the third person, please use whatever pronoun you think will best help your listener understand about whom you are speaking."

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

The trans ideologues have a terrific strategy that is going to cost the Dems the November elections, I suspect: They refuse to answer hard questions. The snowflakiness we find in universities these days has now become a strategy. Whenever an activist says "Their rights* are being canceled," I ask: What rights do they not have? And then comes a stream of nonsense that would gag a boa constrictor. I would really like to support trans rights, but unfortunately, they, the activists, have never been able to answer my questions. E.g., how can one explain the explosion of trans kids? How do surgeons get the breathtaking gall to operate on healthy bodies? What is with the thousands of DE-transitioners, haven't they been harmed? Why do the trans activists believe that anyone suggesting something other than the affirmative-care model has to be silenced? How is it that these poor victims have the ear of the president of the USA and many congress-theys, and yet are victims? I would like that much juice!

When asked, they give you a blank stare and walk away, or block and report you.... In the Orwellian world they are creating, there is no place for 2+2=4.

The only solution I see is for the GOP to sweep Congress in November, and that, I am afraid, is no solution to the bigger problem. They, the trans ideologues MUST begin loosening up and accepting that the affirmative care model has been a frightful case of medical malpractice.

And it all begins with pronouns.

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I turned 18 in 1980 and have always voted for Democratic candidates. That's over, and the Democrats embrace of trans ideology is why. I'm a 60 yr old gay man, who would have probably been put on the trans path. We have to go back to the "watchful waiting" model because I'm afraid that an entire generation of potentially happy gay men and lesbians are having their futures destroyed because of the affirmation only model.

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I unregistered as a democrat this past summer. #PoliticallyHomeless :(

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When I was growing up in the 1970s my parent's best friend was a gay man. He didn't enter the room telling me/ or anyone else his sexual preference. He'd be amused by all of this--- and scared.

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Yes. That shit is private.

Except at Drag Queen Story Hour.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022

Social shit is all temporary. The environment is not. There hasn't been a single person born in the northern hemisphere who experienced a 'natural' lead level since the Romans began large scale silver mining 2000 years ago. What we've done since then with fossil fuels (both mining and burning) and chemicals will take decades to centuries to undo even if it's made humanity's priority.

I don't know. How do you compare those being destroyed by affirmation only policies to those dying due to fossil fuel use? I can understand how someone can take the stance you take, but climate and war (I don't strategically trust Trump-like people with national and international security compared to Democrats) are more important to me.

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I agree wholeheartedly about the urgency about our environmental problems. However, "social shit" is not temporary. Do you think we are going to reverse course? It's only getting crazier and crazier. I am a Democrat but NOT happy about the Woke agenda.

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We need to work to change Democrats. It's possible. I changed my opinion and I believe if they just hear more stories, they'll be impacted. I don't think they are all aware of what's going on. Like I picked out a passage from Helen Joyce's book about girls transitioning, and I had a liberal (but open minded) friend read it and her eyes went wide and she was like "well that's not good". It had an impact. She doesn't want her daughter to go down that path.

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There are many things - like total dissolution or collapse - that have to happen before it will go away.

I look at the youth, and wonder - how will they handle total grid down failure?

It's gonna take something like that for the Woke to realise what is truly - well and truly - real.

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"Social shit" and the environment go hand in hand.... One and the same. We are the environment....

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I agree! I still vote Democrat primarily because of what I see as bigger issues, like climate change, healthcare, and gun violence. I am not going to change parties just because of gender ideology.

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Healthcare? Like those vicious, divisive mandates? Like the algorithm for sending my health dollars to the 1% - irrelevant of results for me?

Note that most Health Freedom (though not all, there are the politically homeless like myself) is coming from the Right.

I never thought I would align with MAGA on anything. Yet, here we are. My body is the first place to stop the invasion (Health Freedom). Then I'll work to improve all that I can.

I've become a one issue voter - I don't even trust the "news" about environmentalism, and I've been an avid tree hugger for most of my life. I agree, the environment is important - but like with COVID - the "do something" is going quite wrong.

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You're delusional if you think dems are good at foreign affairs and security bahahahahahahah that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Trump projected a strong America, ready to respond in kind to any threat, and that's why Russia did absolutely nothing while he sat in office. As soon as the dems stole the election and we became a banana republic ran by a geriatric,senile, witless, boob, the Russians attacked Ukraine like a dog in heat.

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Well, I will disagree. Trump seriously weakened the NATO alliance and he made a fol of us abroad... Putin was convinced he'd reached is goals. He attacked when he thought we'd gone soft.

Trump is a scam artist. Plain and simple. He doesn't care about anyone or anything, besides making money without having to do anything.... Trump U, his Foundation... both were scams. . But he plays all sides, which is why he is so confusing. Remember the Embassy in Jerusalem? He did it to seduce the evangelicals (who have Israel as a prop in their crazy theology) and the Jewish vote. At the same time he eats dinner with holocaust deniers (to keep the crazies and the fascists on his side)... And the pandemic.... was a disaster... what, drink bleach?

I hate to say it: We're in a tough spot. But Biden has put the economy back on the road after those insane four years of lies and golf.

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Economy? You mean like the rampage of illegal immigrants coming from the South? And the homeless expansions in every major city in America? And the closing of 70% of malls? The defunding of police, who no longer respond to the pillaging of retail (mostly on the West Coast, but spreading)?

Trump did nothing, and I reckon that was a good thing. ("drink bleach" was not his actual words, he may have been talking about hydroxichloriquine via injection)

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This is what he said. And he was not joking.... He couldn't deal with a real crisis... so he pretended the crisis wasn't there.... Then he found that his base was anti-vax, so he claimed his racketeering rights again (just as he did with the evangelical leaders... and they also sucked up to him)


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Chill. Trump actually meant something other than bleach, he meant MMS, an industrial cleaner that some guy named Jim humble has been peddling. He screwed up that pandemic so badly that over a million Americans died. The man lies all the time, in fact all he is is a scammer. And the right wing has used this whole gender problem as a cultural War issue, I see it purely in medical terms. Same with the pandemic. He and the GOP have turned the country into a laughing stock and it's Shameless.

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cant tell if you are joking or not. lol.

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Nobody forces you to be trans, bro. Who the hell told you that? The only thing you've got is more freedom to express yourself. I personally am gay, but I have no desire to become trans. And I very much doubt that I will. This is of my own free choice.

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Thank goodness the insanity is starting to crumble in the UK. Gives me hope for the US.

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It's collapsing where I live, too... The medical establishment is gradually realizing that the affirmative care model was bunk. Parents are getting together to ask what's up: The patterns of the transactivists are being revealed, the threats of suicide and all that (I was in a group with about 15 parents, they all had EXACTLY the same experience: immediately "If you don't accept it without question, you'll be responsible four your child's suicide..." Verbatim... Sounds like a cult.

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Bippity boppity, the reason more trans people are in this age is because they finally have the freedom to express who they are. You haven't seen them before because you wouldn't let them live. You would kill them.

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You're about as bad as any trans-hating Trump MAGAt. In fact worse, because they have the excuse of being seriously uneducated, but the transactivists are educated, they know better.

You are accusing the father of child who, being autistic, fell for the garbage the transactivists (who are merely creating some sort of noise to attract attention on the backs of kids suffering from g. dysphoria). Well, I have bad news for you: She is pulling out of the craziness, she is beginning to love herself again, she is off all those sophomoric sites that somehow promote the idea that if you are feeling depressed, it's because you are trans...

Your arguments about "letting them live" has been debunked so often I can't even count. Evne the whole suicide warnings are bunk. Because all too often, ideation is mixed up with the real thing, and we now have EVIDENCE of shrinks literally suggesting to their distrubed patients that they might be feeling suicidal.... which is a great way to get attention, btw, and that in an attention economy!

But here's a true story: A friend of mine (psychologist) attended a training with 12 other psychologists and psychiatrists. During a lunch break, the convo drifted towards transgenderism and the explosion of young girls suddenly deciding they are boys... Not ONE of them agreed with the affirmative care model. Not a single one... When my friend asked: Why don't you speak up..... They responded the way the GOP leaders respond about Trump: Fear. Fear of goons like yourself.

You are losing this struggle, thankfully. Slowly but surely science, reason, true compassion is beginning to replace that brutal, ultra-fascist ideology of the Transactivists. Bunch of attention hogs...

You should be ashamed of yourself. But the Nazis I have met never were. .

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I can answer all of those questions. Firstly, there is no suddensurge in trans kids. Because it is more accepted nowadays, they feel safer coming out and openly being trans. As for detransitioners, there is such a small percentage of them that the legal system cannot deny all trans people gender affirming healthcare because of the very small 1%. Also, with every big decision in life, there are going to be people who regret it. That's just natural. Trans activists don't believe people should be silenced, they simply believe that people should be more open minded and accepting towards a minority group. At the moment, trans people are victims of harmful, discriminatory laws and oppression, and many trans activists have been silenced. Take for example, the recent incident where a protester was forcefully removed from a public hearing, despite not having broken any of the official rules. I hope this answered all your questions, have a good day.

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please read the facts.....1700% increase in teenage girls thinking they are Trans versus 10 years ago. Major careers destroyed by radical trans in UK for any lecturer standing up as gender critical. not seen trans public supporters sacked for views !!!..radical trans try to pile on AND silence any opposition...that is not the definition of a democracy

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The argument "they can express themselves nowadays" is so phony I can't believe that these idiots are still spreading it. Dysphoria exists, but the increase is a flashing red light...

Funny, we KNOW that anorexia spreads via social media.... but when you point out that trans does too, the answer is oh, no!!! You're a Nazitransphobeblablabla....

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"I reject the premise, and adhere to my First Amendment right of protection from compelled speech."

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I explain that I have no “preferred pronouns” and refuse to put down he/him despite being male, because as you say to admit any “preferred pronoun” is to yield the argument altogether. I explain that people should use whatever pronoun for me that the think will best aid communication and cause the least confusion. Most (read: all) people tend to conclude that’s “he.”

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I had a thought--what if we just do away with gendered pronounds altogether? Or if we all decide to start answering the pronoun question with "they". That might disrupt their whole plan if it doesn't even mean anything anymore that they now identify as a "she" instead of a "he."

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I'm with your there, at least in writing (casual spoken English often uses indeterminate they). It's led to a widespread breakdown in singular/plural agreement that grates on my editor's ear. Maybe we can start a movement.

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My son was asked his pronouns in school when a trans group came to talk to them. He was 11 or 12. He didn’t understand the question and thought he was being asked something else and answered ‘she’ and the whole school laughed. He was fine, a bit embarrassed, but it really is ridiculous - and potentially harmful to ask kids that question in front of a huge group. Plus the fact that everyone laughed showed that they already knew what his pronouns were.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

I know that medical professionals are starting to get on board the tell-me-your-pronouns thing, and I imagine that goes over differently with regular people than with folks who are heavily online. My 79-year-old mother would probably laugh at any doctor who asked her pronouns, because to her, those are obvious.

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My husband (he is 81) and I (middle aged) went to get Covid testing, as we were actively symptomatic and needed prescriptions. We pull up and the staff hand us paper work that had a section on 'gender identity'. I don't want to play in this delusion, so we handed the paper work in with that section blank. They came back and said we forgot to fill that part out. I said politely 'No, we didn't....' and that I don't feel comfortable with those questions. They shoved the paperwork back at my and I'm shocked as they stood there, arms crossed, looming over us and said we HAD to.... and they looked like they were NOT going to budge. I had a °102+ fever with chills and severe aching head to toe.... and there was a line of others behind us.... My husband was confused and we were both nit happy, but felt coerced to do it, or not get the test we needed so we could get the antivirals we needed.... I'm pissed! This was 2 weeks ago and I'm STILL pissed.... Just the threat of withholding a medically necessary test to get needed medication and treatment just pisses me off and makes me sick..... I have no idea what to do to get the Healthcare we need unless we jump through this rabbit hole that we don't feel is appropriate.... or right.

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They used denial of care as a coercive threat against frail and gravely ill senior citizens, which is transparently extortionate.

You were very weak and in immanent danger of disease progression, so naturally, you capitulated. There is no dishonor in this; they would happily have watched you die unless you surrendered.

Now that you have recovered somewhat, you can publicly share your account of how treatment was refused. At the very least, you can write letters, which is what we older folks do. It isn't nothing, the written communication; it's a statement of where we stand on issues of importance and is essential to democracy.

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What hospital was this?

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I was subbing in a middle school and I saw posters about all 1)gender, 2)sexual orientation, 3)pronouns. Underneath was a list: gay, straight, etc. This was a 7th grade classroom. It's like teachers are asking 11 year olds to make a choice of whether they are a boy or a girl? How confusing is that!

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They aren't asking them to make a choice. They are giving the choice to the teacher. Maybe stop "forcing straight relationships in shows" if you want us to stop "forcing gay relationships in shows" for children. Like, Minnie and Mickey. That's fine? But a little bro to bro romance and that's "oppressing".

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My "pronouns" and "gender identity" are none of your fucking business. Call me whatever you want.

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Yes. This is what actually needs to be said. Pushback. People need to stop being polite to people who are promoting this sick cult.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

My sister is in a play here in Utah. The publicity person for the production asked for her pronouns for her bio. She told them she didn't want them listed. The publicity person reported back to the producers, who then told my sister her request was denied: her pronouns would be listed with her bio. The director told the producers to let him talk to my sister, and after speaking with her, my sister learned the producers backtracked and will honor her request to not have her pronouns listed. My sister stood up for her beliefs and I am glad the producers were humble enough to respect them.

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Well stated, although one shouldn't allow ideologues to rob English of its actual pronouns, of which there are several, which every (sane) English speaker uses.

When someone asks my pronouns, I say "the English ones."

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"Didn't you have English class in school?"

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I just visited my local school district office today demanding to see the curricula for Human Health/Sex Ed. I was shocked. The whole thing reads like a cocktail of propaganda trash from TRAliban and LBQT+ Special Interest groups. And I need to know - among many other things, What/Who exactly are the innocently sounding "Human Rights Campaign"? The curriculum keeps referring to them for all your "language and terminology needs."

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I'm a teacher--- I see it all the time. Also, I keep having to cross out the names of students who used to be named (for example) Ashley and now are going by the name Andrew.

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I will be starting a job soon where it appears such declaration is required, if one wants the paycheck. I am thinking of ta, ta, tade. In Chinese, there is a separate linguistic designator for animate and inanimate objects, no difference between nominative and objective (in terms of the pronoun). But I like I, me, and mine. Really great point Louis Woodhill! Both of these strategies seem consistent with refusal, i.e., "I don't want to play your game".

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Ironically, declaring one's pronouns in this context is to choose which stereotypes to reinforce. Said stereotypes treat masculinity as the gold standard. So much for progress. It's incredible how poorly though out gender ideology is.

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If a bunch of my classmates of the same sex as me call themselves she/they or they/them, then to call myself she/her out of the alternatives is to suggest I'm somehow more woman than them. I don't believe that.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

You’re conflating biological reality with the functional consequences of non-binary ideology. True, you are not more of a woman than an adult female human who uses “they/them” pronouns, but the ideologue who self-identifies on the non-binary spectrum is literally saying “they” have gender ambiguity. That is the literal consequence of their language, “they” are not 100% woman. “They” say this because they do not conform to all gender stereotypes of womanhood because they see it merely as a set of culturally constructed stereotypes, not as a fundamentally material biological structure with many layers, beginning with gametes and brain development affected by prenatal testosterone levels.

In reality, you are both women. You also both likely don’t conform to all gender stereotypes.

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I want to heart this, but the site doesn't do it. <3

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I submitted poetry to a publication. Said publication wanted my pronouns. I said I refused to participate in a homophobic and misogynistic ideology that reinforces sex stereotypes.

They did not publish my poetry. I was okay with that.

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There's a girl in multiple of my classes at school, and she insists on calling everyone 'they' until she asks their pronouns. I'm sorry to say it, but she's one of the most annoying people I know, even without the pronoun nonsense.

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Does your incorrect use of 'literally' feel ironic?

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Don't/Be/Silly would be my answer.

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