Very thoughtful article. I respect your decision and I actually think both approaches are necessary. My daughter has to scan the sideline if every club and middle school soccer game to see if it’s safe for her to head a ball, particularly in club finding it’s not. She’s already watched 3 friends sustain season ending injuries from boys playing dress up on a girls club team. This has been allowed to happen because left wing gender activists mock and belittle anyone who disagrees with them, and it works. It’s ok to fight a little fire with fire to bring down the faux superiority complex of the many kids and mommies who think it’s cute to encourage their sons to invade my daughters’ athletic competitions and private spaces. At the same time, there are many moderates, particularly those who have no interest in athletics and only sons, who have absolutely been insulated from the brutal reality of this movement that need to hear calm facts.

When my daughter first asked our pediatrician about this a few years ago he said the majority of the cases he had seen were mommy driven actual or close to Münchausen syndrome. That usually social stigma kept attention seeking parents, most often mom, from acting to harm their child for attention, but that social media seems to be fueling addictions to attention, and gender ideology gave these susceptible moms a license to encourage their child towards self harm. He said phycologists, YouTube, TikTok, and even some teachers certainly encouraged kids towards this ideology against their parents wishes, and he could often help those children, but what he had seen at the time was mostly mommy pushing it. My daughter was very upset her doctor couldn’t stop the mommy medical transitions. He explained reality - he won’t participate and will refer to another doctor, but he won’t lose his ability to help all his other patients and his livelihood for his family to not actually save a single child from this. That was an important lesson for her. An important lesson for me was that rightly mocking and demeaning those who promote child genital mutilation based upon an absurd notion that you can be born in the “wrong body” will be necessary to save many children not withstanding the unfortunate impacts on the very few adult males who are genuinely happier living as transsexuals.

We need both voices. We need the mocking, blunt truth to stop the Dylan Mulvaney’s of the world from making an all out joke of my daughter and all actual women and girls. He’s a jerk. He’s mean spirited. He is full on mocking everything it is to be a woman or girl and reducing us to some insane and condescending stereotype. He deserves ridicule. Relentless ridicule.

But we also need calmer voices like yours to change hearts and minds and embrace those who have been so permanently damaged by this cruel ideology. To remind the few true transsexual adults that nobody wishes them harm or cares how they live so long as they don’t deny biological reality. We need there to be voices of comfort and hope for the many thousands who will undoubtedly regret destroying their bodies, ability to be sexually intimate, and fertility. They are the biggest victims of this cruelty and it’s unfair to cast it aside as “self-inflicted” when it was others who promoted and enabled the harm - others who had a responsibility to do no harm. We need to stop the harm and help those who have been harmed and that is 2 different groups that will likely respond to different approaches.

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You need to get with the moms of the injured girls and sue this soccer league on safety issues.

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Can’t. If your child wants to play club level soccer in NC you have to release the league from liability for injuries, and the league is clear kids can play on whichever sex team they want regardless of actual biological sex, and from what I have seen gender identity for that matter. They are strict no one can play under their birth year, but have basically thrown up their hands on having a genuinely sex based league. It will take more than girls getting hurt - it will take lots of publicity. I’m not sacrificing my daughter. She may be on a D1 track in soccer, but my husband (her dad) played in college and her uncle is a successful men’s college soccer coach. We’ve got zero interest in her actually playing in college in this culture. We won’t flat out stop it, but she knows we don’t really support it. Yet to be seen if it’s even worth playing club during high school unless there are more changes.

She’s an amazing, motivated, beautiful, kind, mature, smart kid. It would stink to have to pull her, but we aren’t risking her getting permanent brain damage to prove the wokies wrong. And we can’t sue for possible and predictable injury as it’s part of the deal to play.

Boys get to decide. Period. The majority of clubs don’t play that game, including hers which only allows actual girls on the girls team, but enough do to ruin it for all girls. Girls are slower, so girls soccer tends to have more physical contact than boys at her age, but the boys rostered to girls teams are some of the rougher players. The volleyball video everyone has seen from western NC - where a boy spiked the ball directly into the girls’ face causing head and neck injuries - is common. The idea these boys doing this to girls are just young, gentle, confused transsexual males has in no way matched the reality of what I’ve seen first hand. My kids go to a conservative private Christian school so they don’t have to worry about bathrooms, field trips, or changing rooms, but just imagine the boys what the boys who get a kick out of this will do this in public school bathrooms. There is a reason we are seeing a huge increase in childhood GI issues that is at least in part due to the fact many are too scared to use the bathroom at school.

Gender ideology is overtly misogynistic but nobody that claims to care about the “oppressed” or women gives a crap because in truth they hate strong girls and are happy to watch the strongest pushed out of athletics where they can gain confidence, motivation, and courage.

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As a dad who coached my daughter's futbol team for 6 years (Gr 3 to Gr 8), I am 100% in your corner.

Take a video of a male player taking on a female player. Post it. Use an anonymous account.

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Have you talked to the moms of other girls? This issue is a key one. Talk to the moms. Get their feelings. If some or all are worried about this, start getting a petition going.

The next step is to get enough people on a petition to shut down the league. How to shut it down? NOT SIGN UP!!! Why should girls sign up to get abused by boys?

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Only a few would sign. Many are in the same position - we can fight strategically where it’s possible and save our ability to protect our own kids. We’d be ruined financially if we lead that effort. We might win a lengthy legal battle, but we would be sacrificing our own kids in the process for a fight that they didn’t start and it’s not their responsibility to bear the worst consequences of. We can fund DW, we can donate to the organizations Collin has listed. I only turned off paying him because he keeps platforming these people who get how evil gender ideology is, but want their friends exempted. We don’t do that with “nice” addicts, “functioning” alcoholics, we don’t do that with people who are anorexic but tell other girls “do what I say, not what I do.” We need calm nice voices to help the injured, but if I had to pick one today it’s be MW.

That’s why I’m excited to hear someone treat Dylan Mulvany with the same harshness he treats women, and with the added advantage that Matt Walsh has truth on his side. Why is it ok for a dude with a penis to stand in women’s bathrooms handing out tampons and pads? What a mean spirited thing to do. If Donald Trump did that he’d be in jail. If Matt Walsh did that he’d be in jail. If Melania Trump or Gisele went around claiming they would take people’s husbands they’d be dragged over the coals (and both are actually beautiful women). The mere fact media lets a man in womanface do and say things society would never tolerate out of regular men or women who haven’t elevated themselves to religious idol shows just how much the left wing has used screaming and yelling to elevate the most misogynistic men to the status of infallible religious figure.

We can have in person private conversations to change minds (which are very few that need changing in girls club sports). But with soccer we are fighting the very top of girls soccer cultures. The women my age who benefitted and became very wealthy from sex based sports snd investment in girls are the very loudest demanding boys play. These are the same women who both won international tournaments for the US who also lost decisively to the US boys U16 national team every time they played (14 and 15 year old boys). They are slamming the door on the next generation of girls in soccer as they seek to be remembered as unbeatable GOATs of women’s soccer. They will not stand for future female soccer stars. Not as long as they have breath in their bodies.

That’s why I support Matt Walsh. He is normalizing blunt truth. Perhaps that will help shift what’s allowed enough that we can have those petitions sooner rather than later. We have sex based sports because of immutable biological differences. It’s always been the case. Same with the reality masks have never been shown to have a benefit in slowing the spread of respiratory viruses (or even preventing infection during surgery for that matter). This has always been true so no amount of science and evidence on a petition is going to change it. We need loud voices to get the plain truth out or else we will be dying on a hill for no reason. It’s a hill I’ll die on, but not uselessly.

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The only solution to this ridiculous situation is to not participate. If girls didn't sign up, there would be no girls league. It's terrible, of course, since they are only 12 one time.

Another approach is simply to sit on the field when a boy is put in. Have a sit-down strike.

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Don’t you understand that getting rid of women’s sports is the actual covert goal of many of these misogynists? If all girls stop signing up, they’ll congratulate themselves because they’ve won. And then go play in the boys’ league, but demand it be renamed.

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I don’t mind her stepping off the blocks in a heat against a boy in swimming, but sitting out the game ruins it for her teammates too and refusing to sign up is the cruel misogynistic goal of gender ideology. Ultimately girl parents aren’t going to sacrifice our daughters in order to accommodate boys anymore than we have. Very few are fighting for girls’ sports as it is, but we are fighting like hell because we know if sports go “co-Ed” there will be nothing left to save.

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Exactly. People must stop participating or it will never stop.

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NC Mom, this is very important. Girls are going to overtrain and then be killed by the males who insert themselves into women's teams/girls' teams. As always, I advocate for the trans widows, who I now have confirmed from my survey, 33% of us, approximately, have been choked, knocked down and experienced the fathers (cross-dressing guys) being so negligent of our children that their eyesight (in my specific case, he allowed my son to play with glass and he almost lost his eye) and the children's very health.


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I am so sorry for what you have been through. I a friend whose sister is a trans widow. Her brother-in-law wanted a stay at home wife when they started a family. When Covid hit, a little over 10 years married, he became addicted to screens trying to avoid his wife/ kids 24/7 - mostly from being a little lazy. He got sucked into the weird gender crap. Before long he was seeing shrinks, getting prescriptions, lost his job because he just stopped working. She kicked him out of the house after he grew physically aggressive and demanded sex, which my friend’s sister had refused once he started going to doctors for “affirmation” he was a “woman” and she said “I’m not a lesbian, and I’m not sleeping with a woman or a man who has convinced himself he is a woman.” She knew exactly where that escalation would lead.

He left them penniless. Says he doesn’t want to see his kids because he needs “me time” to “understand” who he “really” is. They lost their house, my friends’ sister had to return to the workforce during Covid while her young kids were still locked out of the classroom frequently. It was the most insane and selfish and fast decline to a very dark place I’ve ever seen. Heartbreaking. Sins of the father playing out.

The only worse trend out there are porn algorithms getting teenage boys addicted to porn and escalating to pedophilia. Historically pedophiles have been sick humans who were only attracted to kids. A small minority of humanity. The porn industry is now turning teens and young adults into pedophiles while they become impotent to normal healthy sexual interactions with these addictive escalation algorithms. I remember first hearing about it a few years ago and thinking people were being ridiculous. Then I heard a couple interviews on Megan Kelly’s podcast and starting looking into it, buying books, and it’s outright terrifying and sad.

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Please, any trans widow can contact me at leautsira@gmail.com. Thanks for posting this. I've been saying that trans widows and detransitioners must join to get the truth out. I do not give my email easily. This is though, a crisis. Unfortunately, the media in the US are completely captured.

Thanks, Ute


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I will pass that along. Thank you!

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Bravo, NCmom! Couldn't agree more.

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Y'all have been shown a charicature of the left and convinced it is reality. These are the issues we want to discuss. That we want to see resolved.

Instead we keep seeing the same tired ones. Anyone reasonable knows gender neutral bathrooms make sense fir a ton of reasons - privacy for men who don't like the setup of mens rooms, opportunity for single fathers (like mine) to not have to worry about sending their very young daughters in alone. Yet bathrooms still always come up.

Sports are no different. If the solution isn't "let everyone play together" and yet some kids dont fit into the male/female divide, what is so wrong with sitting down and actually coming up with a new answer? One that doesn't punish kids who just want to play, but does help keep things safer.

All leftists want is to exist and to let their kids decide. Maybe doctors over diagnose - thats the problem then. The answer isn't denying all parents and kids the right to ever access this treatment. Some do see significant benefits from it, and like any medication, it needs to be understood and used when necessary. Regret rates are extremely low, but again - most of us on the left agree that kids need to actually need it.

We just don't want the right taken away entirely. Especially not when the decision is being made by lawmakers and again the recommendation of most medical professionals - the same people we trust every other aspect of our health to. Don't let them poison you against your fellow people. We all want the same things, for the most part - what is best for our kids. If you doubt that, I suggest watching some of the testimonies against recent anti-trans bills. Let people (and parents) tell you themselves.

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I disagree. Nothing you have suggested is supported by a single policy suggestion at the national or state level by any politician on the left, despite widespread support from the right for everything you mention with the exception that there is no universe in which child genital mutilation is an appropriate option for children, parents or physicians to decide for a child.

Do you know what putting a boy on puberty blockers/ hormones actually does when started at Tanner II? It freezes his penis and testicles at the size of a young boys. They will never grow. He will never have a sustained or functional erection. He will never have sex or sexual sensation in his genitals. He will never produce sperm. It will prevent “bottom surgery” later in life unless part of the colon, smell and all, is used because there isn’t enough tissue for a vaginoplasty. That’s in addition to causing heart issues, kidney issues, and likely drops in intelligence.

Do you know what happens to girls at tanner II? Her ovaries fail to mature, testosterone weakens the vaginal lining resulting in tearing if sex is ever attempted. She never becomes fertile. If testosterone is continued a hysterectomy is frequently required in her early 20’s bringing health consequences of menopause to a young woman. Bone density problems like osteoporosis are common. Facial hair and voice changes are permanent. Intellectual drops are almost certain since they’ve been observed in studies done for puberty blocker use on girls for precocious puberty.

Medical interventions for “transgender” kids permanently destroys perfectly healthy body parts. No adult has a right to consent to permanent mutilation and medicalization of a child, and no child has the mental capacity to appreciate the permanence of the actual outcomes.

As for the other suggestions, not one person I have ever met on the right opposes gender neutral bathrooms. Democrats have quashed that suggestion every time it’s made. It’s a straw man argument. The issue is boys in the girls bathroom, and vice versus. Bathrooms keep coming up because some humans insist their feelings outweigh the safety and privacy concerns of every member of the sex they are pretending to be when the “trans” person insists on going into the opposite sex bathroom, and that’s to say nothing if the many bathroom and prison rapes which highlight the safety issues for women and girls. DM doesn’t go into gender neutral bathrooms to hand out tampons, he goes into girls’ bathrooms. And Biden invited him to the White House!!!

As far as a third option for sports, again I haven’t heard anyone on the right oppose a trans league or open league( in fact Republicans and conservatives often push for the idea). You are literally promoting an idea supported on the right and condemned as bigotry on the left. This idea that some kids just “want to play” sports is what rec level sports are for. Club and middle/ high school/ college/ international/ professional sports are for athletes who actually want to compete and win on a fair playing field. The whole point of sports is to try and win something in a fair competition. It’s about winning, not “playing together.” Playing together is what playgrounds, recess, parties and all sorts of things in life are for. Sports are about merit and hard work and determination. Winning is the whole goal of sports - which is why they are separated by age and sex so there is a level playing field for people to compete on to win. People don’t devote endless hours, blood, sweat, injuries, pan, and tears to play a game rigged against them. There is no point.

I think you’ve been feed a pile of 💩 on what medical transition actually involves and what the left actually wants. Nothing you have presented are ideas any politician with power is promoting on the left excepting maybe Joe Manchin (who also supports a 12 week ban on elective abortions).

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Nailed it!

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Not really. Are you a doctor or a psychologist trained in gender studies ?

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You don't need to bea doctor or psychologist to read studies, stats, facts, etc..

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Perfect response.

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How do you know this is a perfect response ?

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Because I read it and used my thinking brain. Try it sometime. Start with using an actual response instead of "aren't you Cristian," "Christian? :)," etc . If you have an issue with the posts be specific.

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Y'all are the ones promoting legislature. You are right - Dems are silent on this. Which we criticize them for. The thing is, none of these solutions need laws and the left isn't proposing them bc of that. Communities would implement gender neutral bathrooms and some have, but yeah, its a process. Instead of getting upset and defensive, we all (right and left) need to drive these agreements forward.

You are wrong on the blockers. My source? The many trans people, dear friends of mine, who transitioned at different stages. Also the people I know and write with who have happy and healthy children taking them. I've also looked at the research done by medic professionals. In medicine, when restricting rights, you have to look at actual rates and trusted statistics bc it is so easy to ignore those actually getting the treatments. Esp when there is a huge religious drive to discredit this care.

All treatments have risks and those risks are always presented. Children and parents make decisions all the time on adhd treatment, on dental procedures, and a while back even Lasik wasn't age gated. That changed once risks showed up, but it is still only "not recommended" because in some instances it can prevent vision deterioration getting worse. Healthcare is personal because every medical decision is side effects VS outcome. Most children on hormone therapy find the outcome worth it.

I'm not saying any of this is coming from democrats. Both parties are too deep in the profit drive to care about actually solving anything. I'm speaking as a fellow citizen who is watching private medical and parental rights get handed over to a government bound to exploit the power. It isn't right, and there are other ways.

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The left is using the legal system to redefine sex as “whatever I think I am.” That’s the left, not the right. I get my information on the medical impacts from child transition from 5 pediatricians I know personally and from and pro trans websites that want people to know the truth about these medicines on children. Either your friends’ kids magically don’t respond to chemical medical intervention, or you are insanely gullible.

Your friends mutilating their children’s genitals is outright evil. In 30 years when all these kids who should be enjoying middle age and family are instead dead or damaged to the point they can’t have anything approaching a normal or productive life, I sincerely hope you revisit your support of this child genital mutilation and medicalization.

You sound like the people screaming how “the vaccine protects others” in August 2021 when it was clear to everyone paying attention to actual outcomes that wasn’t remotely true. You are spewing propaganda.

Detransition rates are unknown. Side effects known and well established. Give anyone testosterone and they are happy as can be for a few years. It’s a side effect of testosterone. Ask anyone who took it 20 years later and hindsight provides a different reality. The capacity of humans to do overtly cruel things to their children and be praised for it proven by your comment.

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Oh, you started spewing insults already. Good. That means that you're very sure of yourself, and right about these things.

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When the gender clinics are disregarding even their own very loose and permissive professional (WPATH) guidelines, and we know they are, then yes we absolutely need laws. It's the only thing that can stop it, for now.

According to WPATH guidelines, clinics are supposed to do a thorough and full psychological evaluation (12 hours minimum, usually) of the patient and come up with a treatment plan for co-morbidities before proceeding to transition.

Planned Parenthood, currently the largest supplier of cross-sex hormones in the US, will give a 16-year-old a prescription at their first visit:


A whistleblower at the St. Louis Children's gender clinic reports that the clinic was completely ignoring co-morbidities, and automatically giving prescriptions and referrals after 1 brief session with a therapist and 1 with a doctor:


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All the hit pieces on Reed are so predictable. The usual subjects and tactics.

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Regret rates are not "very low." The truth on this is not reported, and "the transitioned" are not followed up in any significant way. Because life altering surgeries with around 30% rate of complications, including incontinence, death of tissue and repeated infections, the long term health should be followed up for decades. Ritchie Herron is an example of failed surgeries resulting in serious health problems. Same with Scott Newgent. In the Swedish study of death records from those who had surgeries (both natal males and natal females) 1973 to 2003, the rate of suicide in the period of 10-20 years after was, for natal females, 40 TIMES higher than the age-matched control group. There are no large scale studies of long term satisfaction. None. You cannot use false concepts to defend this serious harm to children adults and society with thought bubbles. Not here.

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Well said. When people say “the kids are happier on it,” I can’t help but thinking a child is talking. Teenagers rather enjoy drugs and alcohol. Encourage it to blatant addiction and 10 years later they are 💩 in the street. 15 years later their raped bodies are discovered and often discarded. Give anyone testosterone and they feel fantastic a while. For females 15 years later if they haven’t committed suicide, they’ve had a hysterectomy, osteoporosis follows that, heart failure comes along. If alive at 40 the person is nothing but a receiving cavity for big pharma subscriptions. Males can due relatively better health wise on estrogen, except the obesity and heart failure. Impotence also makes males crazy and often violent.

This idea that hormones are akin to feel good pot gummies is crazy.

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This narrative is supported by the Swedish study of death records (Dheine et al, Karolinska Inst. 2011) where they found a 40 times higher rate of death by suicide compared to the age-matched control group for natal females. The natal males "only' committed suicide 19 times higher. These were individuals who had the surgeries 1973 to 2003, and they had died. The control group were also deceased. The cause of death was the factor examined. Thanks.

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Dude, you posted a bunch of links without responding to the linked study Ute posted nor its conclusions which Ute helpfully interpreted some of for you. That shows you are not here to discuss, but to proselytize.

You also don't appear able/willing to recognize the difference between the high-quality study Ute linked and the the low quality studies and opinion pieces you linked. Which would indicate you don't understand the science and/or don't care.

Please don't take up space here unless you're going to post responsibly.

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I've addressed those articles in my response to you. You continue to act like we are ignoring them. You are ignoring what has happened in Europe. There is no international consenus on this anymore. WPATH stands alone and isolated from larger bodies of science.

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Those articles are exactly the ones which represent captured, indoctrinated nonsense, not science. I really don't know why you are here, but you will get schooled by this community. The "Dutch Protocols" are pharma funded low quality research, with no explanation of why their subject number went from 70 (already unacceptably low) to 55, then lost 2 who died, one shortly after "affirmative" surgery to remove his male gonads. There is no meaningful follow up on the 15 who dropped out, and why they published a study where the exit survey did not match the intake survey. It happens that The Netherlands has an arrogant and self-involved attitude regarding the national progressive government policies, like legalized prostitution and legal heroin and crack and meth and you name it, you can buy it there. (people die in that trade, but hmmm, they aren't middle class Dutch citizens, they did it to themselves!) DeVries and Steema, the main researchers, have now accepted 800k Euros to try to find the post op subjects from the last 2 decades to find out "their happiness scales." Sorry Bud, you are woefully uninformed.

Please google Dr. Stephen B. Levine Expert Testimony and his 13 Fallacies of Trans Ideology. It is not immutable, it is not biological and it is not based on quality replicable science. C- for your efforts. And, now, look up Benjamin A Boyce YT channel, the Tracy Shannon interview, about her ex husband claiming to this day that he went into labor 3 times, he remembers every contraction. Really. They do this. Good luck.

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There are men who rape and murder women for sport in women's prisons now because of the trans ideology taking over. You can't play nice with the men whose threats and abuse fill the terfisaslur.com These men don't want to compromise with women, they want to dominate us and destroy us if we resist.

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You seem completely confused. The kids do not "decide". This is a psychotic delusion.

The treatments are experimental. There is no evidence base to support the efficacy nor the effectiveness of the treatments. They are experimental.

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Sorry but it's never OK to let a kid decide whether to destroy or seriously limit their lifetime ability to function sexually and reproductively, and it's never OK for a parent to make that choice for them. Even the President of WPATH Marci Bowers openly admits to the impact on sexual function.


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If by "gender neutral" you mean "gender neutral single occupancy", sorry but you're talking a ridiculous expense to convert so many existing multiple-user public baths and changing room setups to multiple single occupancy units, with a loss of capacity to boot. The cost is not justified by the benefit. We've had separate spaces for women and girls for their safety, comfort and dignity for thousands of years and everyone knows why we need them. That you're so willing to toss them to accommodate a very few men demanding access to girls and women's space, that you're not listening to the women rightfully questioning this idea and the evidence they have presented showing that many such men suffer from autogynephilia, that you have nothing to say about the obvious and complete loss of safeguarding against opportunistic predators that self-ID brings, shows that what you have to say can't be taken seriously.

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You make it all sound so innocent. It's not, not in the least. There are large, powerful and malevolent forces at play in this. If you don't recognize that, start by reading through this comment thread. You're here reading 'Reality's Last Stand', so you must have some idea.

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Y'all are listening to people convinced you need an "enemy" to fight when that enemy is actually other Americans just like you trying to get by. They matter and we aren't "not paying attention". We just look outside our circle, talk to those different than us, learn, and know there are more important things to fight for right now. We could put this energy towards actually improving each others lives and instead we put it into judging people we don't understand. I don't agree with that

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You don't know ANYTHING about the forces that push this.

Nor do you seem to understand that physicians push this for PROFITS. The money is HUGE.

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I'm sorry, I just cannot waste my time on someone who is either so naive or so willfully ignorant on this issue. For everyone's sake, please take others' responses to you under serious consideration and better educate yourself.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

It is willful ignorance. Or purposely lying. People have explained why the links she's sharing are trash and shared their own and explained things perfectly and she still spews the same nonsense.

She's in the cult

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Yes, I gathered that. Which is why I stopped engaging with her.

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You need to find better reasons. Scientifically credible reasons. Not reasons crafted by organizations built with the sole purpose of advancing a single talking point. Your echo chambers are incredible. Y'all use the same 5 orgs, none of which have any actual history or established credibility, and wonder why I dont trust them not to be political shells.

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If you want to read a high-quality study - makes use of control groups, selects the subjects rather than allowing participants to self-select, has low incidence of loss of participants during the course of the study, is long-term, uses objective criteria rather than subjective (for example, the only study to use actual suicide data rather than participants self-assessed, self-reported "suicidal ideation") - then read the study Ute linked. It shows that actual suicide rates increase after transition, and that the rates of clinical mental health diagnoses and violent crime convictions remain higher in the trans population than the general population. The study concludes that transitioning helps with gender dysphoria, but doesn't help other mental health problems.

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--Your first link is an opinion piece by a journalist, not a peer-reviewed study;

--Your 2nd link is another opinion piece, by a doc with a huge conflict of interest (his livelihood depends on transitioning kids).

--Your 3rd link is another opinion piece, by the head of the AAP. He is attempting to stifle dissent within his own profession, by dis-inviting dissenting members from the AAP from presenting at the AAP's annual conference: https://www.segm.org/AAP_silences_debate_on_gender_diverse_youth_treatments

--Your 4th link is merely a report on surveys completed by parents. According to these parental surveys, the trans kids are just fine, compared to their non-trans peers. This is one example of what we mean by "low-quality" studies.

--Your 5th link is a retrospective analysis (analyzing pre-existing data after the fact, rather than designing and conducting an actual study) which merely says the number of trans patients identified as having regret was small, without any mention of whether any effort was actually made to follow up post-op with patients for any length of time. See my other comment about regret. Again, this is an example of "low-quality" evidence. If you want some high-quality evidence on transition regret, read detransitioners' stories online: https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/

--Your 6th link is merely WPATH's latest Standards revision, which as I mentioned in another post, US clinics are ignoring wholesale.

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Nice to know you treat the removal of bodily autonomy seriously. The removal of freedom and medical rights. God y'all are horrible. No wonder you want everyone else to be as miserable as you are. No thanks.

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"Regret rates are low" because the clinics don't follow up with the former patients who they lose contact with. Which, surprise-Not!, is where most of the regret lies. They'll transition 100 kids, lose contact with 75 of them, and note only a couple of regrets with the ones who will still talk to them. Let's use just a little bit of common sense here - if you're a kid regretting doing something profoundly harmful to yourself, and blaming the clinic for making you think it'd all be fine, are you going to talk to them? Of course not.

The evidence bears this out - one study of 100 detransitioners noted the average time elapsed from transition to detransition was 4 years, and a survey noted 75% of the detransitioners said they never told their original clinic that they detransitioned:



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If the bathroom debate was about gender (SEX) neutral bathrooms, we wouldn't be discussing gender identity. It wouldn't just be that a transman should be able to use the woman's room, it should allow for ANY male to use such (regardless of identity). They are inherently two different discussions. A clear part of the opposition to personal association is that the expectation of segmentation is being thwarted by any one individual. If instead society at large adopts that there is no segmentation, that's a different thing to evaluate. Although, there is certainly many who still prefer a sex base divide. While still often allowing flexibility (like in a case of a father and a young daughter).

The divide in sports is from observing a naturally occurring binary that biologically creates a divide in the levels of athletic ability, and using that simple categorization to segment the populace. Sure, if athletic ability is the divide here, we could go about and evaluate every student and then segment them accordingly. But are there other factors that don't make such the best for social growth and development? Is such feasible in judging if anyone is "tanking" or performing accurately?

"All leftists want is to exist and to let their kids decide." Decide what? We exist in society. That means dealing with the expectations and desires of others. You can't simply allow everyone to freely decide, because contradictions will occur. Your proposal of sorting teams will deny another. One students choice of association to a group, can easily change due to how other students group together.

The very problem with this outlook is that it's literally not feasible in the real world. You CAN'T accommodate everyone. BECAUSE people are unique and different in their preferences.

The issue with current "treatment", is that it's sought based upon "normalization". The medical field in concerned about changing you to fit the norm, or directing others to accommodate you, without any larger outlook to broader society. A "treatment" to many transpeople could simply be better acceptance of abnormal behavior around societal norms. Not that they have to "affirm" one's identity, but simply demanding less compliance to a "norm". Or literally just a recognition by the person themselves that abnormality is fine. That your identity doesn't need to be transfixed to an idea of which you think you fit the "norm".

Having body dysphoria of one's sex (to actually be transexual) is different than being transgender. You can even be diagnosed with gender dysphoria without any body dysphoria. Other criteria of gender dysphoria relates to societal norms of expression and the perception of such norms. And the required criterion is a PERSONAL PERCEPTION of the concept of gender and manifesting an identity to such. You must be trans, having that contrasting gender identity, to suffer gender dysphoria. You need to BE an identitarian to suffer gender dysphoria. So the broader argument is that maybe it's just your obsession with identity causing distress. Because WE ALL suffer distress about societal expectations and negative perceptions of ourselves. Most people cope with such.

If I have a nervous tick that makes me hit people, for my well being, it would be recommended that others accept that I may hit them and they shouldn't have any animosity toward me. That doesn't mean they need to treat me just like everyone else. They may distance themselves from me, and that's perfectly reasonable because they don't want to be hit. If I feel upset by people distancing themselves, that's simply something I myself need to overcome and be okay with. I can't expect others to act irrationally, to suffer, just to accommodate my own pain. It becomes narcissistic.

Those who suffer social anxiety aren't excused from speech class. You can't simply be free to be you. There are societal expectations of norms that will certainly be more oppressive on some than others. And navigating such often requires oneself to change (even if just mentally to be more comfortable with the hurdles), not for others to accommodate you.

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"A 'treatment' to many transpeople could simply be better acceptance of abnormal behavior around societal norms." - Exactly. I believe that's what "gender-nonconforming" means. For example, calling these types of girls "tomboys" used to be the norm. But I suspect this view isn't being proffered because there's no money in it for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Which I believe is at the root of all this nonsense.

It's similar to health and wellness. Rather than promoting a healthy diet, exercise, stress management, quality sleep, etc. to combat chronic illness and obesity, we're encouraged to take drugs and get surgery instead. Sound familiar? There's no money in a healthy and fit populace.

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I used to be a "Tom Boy"

Now I'm all grown up , married to a man and Quite Feminine .

I love being a girl

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Same here, sister. :) I was a tomboy, too (and still am, to a degree). But I also love being a (REAL) woman!

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Nah, you got it ALL wrong. The laws have only been changed by the left.

It was Democrats who changed the meaning of "sex" to "sex OR gender identity" in Title VII and Title IX. It was Democrats who passed bathroom laws to allow men in women's bathrooms, locker rooms & showers in every blue state. It was Democrats who passed laws mandating "gender affirmation" to therapists and doctors in blue states. It was Democrats who appointed woke judges at every level, who ensure "non affirming" parents lose custody in family courts, and ACLU wins bathroom lawsuits in blue circuits. It was Democrats who created secrecy policies in schools, allowing teachers to trans kids behind their parents' backs. It was Democrats who turned CA into a sancturay state where kids are kidnapped from "non affirming" parents and transed by the state, and Democrats also currently pushing this crap in WA. It was Democrats who pushed pronoun laws, includuding the bill that imposes fines up to $250,000 (yep, a quarter of a mil) for "misgendering" someine in NYC. It was a Democrat city council that decided it was OK to ban Julie Jaman from a public, city owned swimming pool (one she pays taxes for) for the sin of asking the pool management to remove a man from a women's locker room where she was showering and saw a penis owner. It's the Democrat president who actively promotes imitation sex changes being inflicted to children.

So no, it's not a caricature of the left. The left is its own caricature.

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I live in a blue state. There are 0 laws dictating who can use what restroom because we haven't needed them yet and have no reason to need them now. We know how to mind our own damn business and only use the government for what is actually necessary. For "small gov" supporters the right seems real gung ho right now about laws controlling what people do.

"sex or gender identity"... A real strike to the heart of freedom right there. Red states can ban books and history from being taught but true freedom is making sure a boss can fire a good worker for simply living the life they want. (And companies still get away with this all the time, BTW. It is incredibly hard to prove a company unjustly fired you unless it is apparent. They can easily manufacture a justification)

The rest of this is pure lies and conspiracy. No one is kidnapping kids and all underage Healthcare is still approved by legal guardians. You've lost touch with reality entirely and I implore you to actually speak in person to some people and gain perspective. Clearly whoever you listen to has their own agenda for leading you sideways. These claims make the "all Republicans are racist monsters" ones from the left look tame, and I don't even buy those. Jfc

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Care to debate this live on my Rumble channel? You believe nonsense that isn't based on actual science. Gender isn't on a spectrum, nor is it fluid. That's modern day Lysenkoism. I'm well read on this subject...you won't fare well. But you do need a corrective and I'm just the guy to do it.

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I may actually consider this. I dont debate but I do enjoy discussion, learning, and pushing back. I'm curious how your research would stand up to mine.

Hit me with a way to contact and I'll think on if I have the time.

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Great comments. Agree that there should be opposition with varied approaches to connect along several lines to reach as many people as possible.

The pediatrician sounds pretty spineless. He is supposed to be a children's advocate. Pediatricians are legally obligated to report abuse of children. He is enabling it. Perhaps he was deprived of his cahones at some point. Sad.

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He is the least spineless physician I know. One of the few who happily wrote mask exemptions and advised parents against experimental Covid shots for their kids. Encouraging your child to become transgender might have the moral equivalence of abuse, and the outcomes, but it is in no way illegal nor is the child going to be protected from it by a report by a doctor if the child is on board. Parents have long physician shopped, and with gender ideology the reality is the physician looses his license for reporting suspected abuse in the form of encouraging a child to transition genders. As long as it’s legal and the affirmation model is acceptable, there is no action a physician can take to protect the child. What good does him losing his license do? Who does that actually help?

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As a physician, I understand this on one level but am infuriated by it on another. I am not primarily engaged in this care, but see many different manifestations of this societal sickness, of which they are many, with similar mindset, similar evolution, similar tactics, all mind viruses/parasites on society, culture, institutions, with top to bottom manifestations (no pun intended). No excuse for not engaging colleagues on some level. I do it. I would happily discuss with any of my colleagues. Hard to imagine that he is really THAT isolated in his thinking and approach. My head would explode if I felt that "immersed in the cooker" in that degree as a physician. It would certainly be next to impossible not to see it seething through my skin. We are not supposed to be sheep, but the sickness in our systems clearly makes sheep out of MANY of us. Still, no excuse. Similar to, but not in the same league as Germans in Nazi Germany, who had much more to fear. Mass formation psychosis. Like a giant Milgram experiment. Too many of us are failing. Loud voices from the sane are certainly routinely taken down by the "virtuous mobs" 🤯🤡💩👿👹🤡🙈🙉🙊

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His whole practice is opposed to it. Someone in the practice got told on by an angry parent for lack of sex-denying affirmation and the physician came very close to loosing both her job and license. The practice simply claims they aren’t able to provide trans care now, but they are owned by a huge medical organization in the state where the administrators run the asylum in these groups. I had a friend who was an ED doc at another large system get canned for writing a letter to the editor opposing vaccine mandates at hospitals because there was a huge nursing shortage pre-pandemic and most had already recovered from Covid anyway. With 24H+ waits during the Omicron outbreak administrators canned talented nurses and doctors both for refusing experimental medicine for a disease to which they are immune AND vaccinated docs sticking up for their friends. When physicians sold their practices to corporations they lost their ability to practice. There id a reason the accounts and lawyers who understand the implications still operate as partnerships they personally control. My fired ED doc friend said when he was fired to the head of ED “the practice of medicine is older than the business of medicine and the practice is more important.”

I have a huge amount of respect for my friend who spoke out and accepted the consequences, which have been very real (he now has to be a traveling ED doc and he has 3 young children). But I know the crazy crap my pediatrician has helped us through and he is a fantastic doctor. For the sake of my own kids I appreciate his choice to choose his helpable patients over losing his job. I am literally surrounded by physicians where I live. 30% are excellent and 70% are gullible sheep that approach their job like a decision tree who buy whatever bull gets put out. That ratio at least needs to inverse before doctors will be able to speak freely.

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I am glad that you are so level-headed. It is a crazy world, and you are clearly seeing it on the front lines. I have become more outspoken as I get further in my career. Son is grown. If i get fired, will just do the travel thing. (An interesting and important historical anomaly in itself, Travelers spread the word, disinfect the mindviruses, help others see). Some people only ask my opinion if they really want to hear it, because they will. The few administrators I have talked to seem either scared or too busy or want someone else to fix these problems. As you no doubt are aware, the problems have to run very wide and deep for us to be meeting them head on in a growing fraction of our day to day activities and interactions. May people and platforms like this continue to attract people like you and the many excellent writers who are feeling the squeeze across every facet of society. I hope this is really just the growing pains of the second enlightenment. Who knows day to day.



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I appreciate your willingness to speak up. I think respected voices of experience often get heard, and the reality is you are in a position where you’ve earned the right and have the financial freedom to speak up for what is right. Hoping you are right on a second enlightenment. Something good must come from all the harm being forced on innocent kids.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

I am much more conservative than you are and so disagree with you on many things -- ie, while I agree that Matt Walsh deliberately says provoking things (as does, say, Steven Colbert and many "news personalities" on the left) , I also agree with everything he said about Dylan Mulvaney. He does, indeed, look creepy, and no one does respect him. Moreover why you do not find DM's bizarre take on what it means to be a woman and his insistence that he is one incredibly insulting to yourself and all women is beyond me. However, I also think you're very good and thorough journalist and I appreciate the work you have done. It's not a good idea to say bad things about your employers, but then, I've read some of your personal tweets and I'm not surprised. I will continue to follow you because I want to support everyone writing about and otherwise covering this, whatever their personal opinions. This seems like a better fit for you and I hope it's a good move.

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Why do you even care about Mulvaney, personally ? The author of this article SPECIFICALLY reminded you that there are MILLIONS of transgenders in the world. What about them ? They're all " weird and artificial, manufactured and lifeless, unearthly and eerie, some kind of human deepfake" ? What's wrong with you ?

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Christina, as you know, life is brutal. Facts are involved in that brutality, but stating those facts is an assertion of Truth, regardless of the cruelty of that truth.

Everything Matt Walsh said about wannabe-a-woman DM was Truth. And Truth oftentimes carries cruelty. Yes, we should in most cases phrase the Truth to be less cruel in tone and content. But not here involving DM who announced he’s more of a woman than any woman and he would steal our husbands. Grotesque.

He got what he deserved: undistilled Truth.

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This feminized "be nice" attitude is out of control.

It makes the political personal so we now have to apply tea party table rules to serious moral outrages.

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This the Achille's Heel of women in general - we are so socialized to be NICE and it is so vital that we not be seen as the Bit%^ or Karen that we let men like Dylan walk all over us. And so the men in womanface happily continue to throw the double standards on us in every arena. We need to get less dainty and more mean.

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Who's doing the socializing?

You. Women. You enforce this on each other.

And it's not all socialization. Some of it's evolved. Just like men have, on average, characteristic psychology, so do women.

No. Not "socialized to". I can hear the implied "by men."


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Dude, chill. Just chill. The socialization of both men and women comes from both men and women because that is what our society is made up of - men and women. And I have had many men in my life try to use the "you are so mean, not nice like the women who obey" gambit (and this was long before transgenderism was even invented) for me to do anything but laugh about how you think only women socialize women on this topic.

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Creeptastic comment Josh, nice job ruining your own point.

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What's out of control is men demanding that we pretend they are women. That's what started this whole mess. Autogynephiles and self-hating gays and the arrogant male surgeons who said "Sex change?? Hold my beer!"

The women are followers. The men are driving it.

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Women can't take any responsibility at all today Clean up your mess.. I hope you enjoy!

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The Matt Walsh segment that is being railed against is not "excessive".

Dylan Mylvaney is the living embodiment of "autogynophilia" - the notion that a man can get sexually excited by his embodiment as a seductive hot female. He says "I am the hottest I will ever be. And I do believe that I could steal a husband away." This is basically a perversion of the very most obvious sort. This man has dolled himself up. But he is not attractive.

Matt is telling the truth, and telling the truth in a clear and undisguised manner can seem brutal. He tells Dylan that he will always be a man. DYLAN WILL ALWAYS BE A MAN. EVERY CELL IN HIS BODY IS MALE.

When I watch "Blue Bloods" on TV, I never say "Wow, that police commissioner of the city of New York is a stand-up guy". I know that Tom Selleck is an actor, and he is not a police commissioner. He PLAYS Frank Reagan. He is not a policeman.

In the same way, Dylan is PLAYING a woman, but he is not a woman. If this is offensive to hear, you are confused.

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Yeah, I often think Matt Walsh comes across as mean-spirited and dirty-minded, though overall I admire his work and its effectiveness. But I didn't think what he said about Dylan was "mean." It was just plain, not softened or sweetened truth. I've got no problem with it, and find it weird that so many people criticized him for it. A few weeks ago he did a segment on America's Worst Wives, and I thought that was pointless and rude. With the Dylan M thing, that was fine.

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Why would it matter if it were 'mean'. I don't get the concern for feelings considering what is at stake.

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Because it's ALL about "feelings" now. Some postmodernism BS that rejects reality and objectivity and says subjectivity is reality now. It's all so eff'd up.

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I agree with everything you’ve said, including Walsh’s asinine segment on Worst Wives.

I admire Walsh’s intellect, his ability to deliver his message in concise terms, his position on TRAs ideology in particular, but I do wish he was more of a friend to women in general.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Transgenderism and leftist wokeism is the greatest danger our civilization has faced since at least World War II. Well-intentioned Americans did not start this war--it was brought to us by people with a savage view of human nature who intend to bury Western civilization with barbaric practices like chemical castration and genital mutilation of children. They created the Covid crisis that turned Americans against one another, the racist myth that blames every problem of racial minorities on white people, the gutting of our educational system that produces illiterate and ignorant citizens, the sacking and burning of once beautiful cities in the ironic name of social justice, and the drug and crime epidemics that have left too many of our people living on sidewalks and dying in their own excrement with needles in their arms. I once believed in the leftist policies that produced this cultural cancer, but I had the courage to walk away from the corrosive and frankly evil ideology that produced these horrors. The catastrophic course we are on will not be changed by people like you giving up because your feeling were hurt by someone saying something mean. We all have to decide whether to choose civilization or chaos, and those who choose civilization should put aside our differences until the evil is extinguished.

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I once believed too. Well said. And I agree that the time for worrying about hurt feelings is over.

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At the wall with you.

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I understand your decision and your reasoning, and I look forward to reading your work. But I respectfully disagree with some of what you are saying. Dylan Mulvaney is broadcasting (to millions of kids) the "fact" that he actually IS a girl, supporting the claim that men can BECOME women and should have access to female safe spaces/sports/prisons/etc. I think that belief MUST be countered. (Blair White has always ridiculed that idea, from what I've seen.) I personally believe that if influencers (and other glorified loud voices in the media) who are lying to children are never countered - by other loud voices like Knowles and Walsh and Dave Chappelle - then your attempts to "save the kids from gender ideology" will fail. But as I said, you have your dividing line and I totally respect it. I am thankful for the work you did at Daily Wire and the work you will continue to do on one of my favorite Substacks.

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Christina, I salute you for your continued effort in fighting the good fight but absolutely disagree with you tucking your tail betwixt your legs and scurrying away from the DW cause Walsh/Knowles said some ’mean’ things.....

What is needed right now is BRUTAL, unvarnished, honesty. Walsh provides that efficiently and admirably. However, this utter dehumanization of the female gender by vile charlatans like Dylan Mulvaney calls for FAR more harsh rhetoric than the tidbit Walsh proffered....I’d support using even harsher, more biting words that delve into the psyche of a MAN pretending to clone a female. Mulvaney et al’s actions are by far and away the most grotesque crime against the female gender across the board! His actions and those of all pro gender theory child mutilation freaks SHOULD enrage EVERY red-blooded human female and male on Earth! Any female not furious with this absolute virtual murder of females across the board should immediately stop, step back and think long and hard about the implications of what’s actually going on here in every facet that this evil permeates our lives......Walsh has publicly and repeatedly stated that to him this is THE most significant worldwide social issue of our time and a hill he’d die defending....I couldn’t agree more!

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Thank you for making it easy to reduce my subscription budget. You are part of the problem if you feel bad for DM and think Matt walsh was being too mean. Being cordial is what has gotten us here in the first place. What MW said was 100% on point and it's fake fighters/squishes (loved that comment from other poster) like you and Colin who contribute to harming children and erasing women. If you think you're doing some admirable, you're not.

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Absolutely. "What is a woman?" was a masterful presentation of the Liberal Mindset. He humiliated one "helping professional" after another, demonstrating that they were unable to pull their heads out of their butts. Does he want to own the liberals? Absolutely, because that is what is needed at this time. We need to burn the House of Liberalism DOWN at this time. NO ONE in that house wants to talk.

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Because others are pushing back, I feel the need to say this: you are 100% correct about the issue of being mean (though I haven't seen the specific Walsh piece on DM).

This isn't about feeling sorry for DM, nor is it about being nice. This is about doing serious work on this front instead of publicly getting your jollies from self-indulgent gossip/trashing that makes you look frivolous. The world is full of ridiculous people of all kinds, and making fun of them is shooting fish in a barrel.

Thank you for caring more about influencing policy and helping kids than getting claps for hack comedy.

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Christina seems to be doing exactly what you say. Getting her jollies off by bashing Matt Walsh. Why does he have to be perfectly 'nice'? The entire premise is nonsense, Shannon.

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I agree. What is this concern for being 'mean' to delusional people who are influencing millions with their nonsense. I say, take the gloves off and start fighting. I didn't abandon my old leftist (misguided) views and become a conservative to be in a fight with half-hearted people who are worried they might have said something hurtful. Jeez.

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Exactly. We're in this mess because too many people require sensitivity and safe spaces, thinking words do harm (what happened to "sticks & stones"?). These people are weakening this once strong nation (intentionally?). I for one appreciate people like Matt Walsh pushing back with honest and frank truth to smack some sense into those who've been hypnotized by all this woke nonsense. We need more like him.

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Even women who've been burned by the "be nice" thing, and victimized by how their fellow women have enforced it on them, still at the progressive trough.

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That's some impressive doublethink.

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I don't know if I'd go that far. She did a good job explaining her beliefs. But you have a point... She wants to fight against gender ideology, and yet she's uncomfortable with people who are fighting against gender ideology. That IS doublethink. But her problem is mostly the WAY they're doing it. So I'd say it's just *approaching* doublethink, because the tactics are the key here.

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She doesn't have the stomach for the fight and she does not want to believe that that a fight is being shoved on us. I am fine with her not liking Walsh and backing off the battlefield. My hope is that she does not get in the way of the people who can see where this fight that was started against us is going and know that we have to fight back.

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Pay attention to the threading.

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I did. But I assumed you didn't, because the comment you replied to wasn't doublethink. It was someone pointing out someone else's *alleged* hypocrisy -- had nothing to do with doublethink.

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Good lord, that's dour and sanctimonious.

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"you are 100% correct about the issue of being mean (though I haven't seen the specific Walsh piece on DM)."

So you agree with someone else's opinion of something you haven't taken time to learn about yourself?

Let me guess; you are your own woman when it comes to voting, though, you fully inform yourself about the ramifications of your vote and you don't just cast the ballot for someone who is promising to be your daddy or caretaker because.....you know... you are your own person.

No wonder you agree with the broad who quit; you're both useless.

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Everything Matt said about Dylan Mulvaney was 100% true and accurate.

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And it was not brutal. Unless saying a truth is brutal.

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After witnessing transgender activism over the past few years, I've come to the opposite conclusion as you have. We cannot have only adult transition because it will inevitably flow down to children. Once you accept consent as the moral basis for all action, then everything gets sucked into its vortex. Removing health body parts and extreme body modification surgery for adults is wrong period. As a society we should condemn it and make sure it does not occur. A woman cannot be a hysterectomy on demand and this is righteous and just. An anorexic wouldn't be able to get gastric bypass and this too is righteous and just, though I fear that if anorexia arose now v. the 1990s, there would be doctors telling parents that gastric bypass is better than a starving dead, daughter. No standards, no norms, just consent. It is a dangerous slippery slope that will absolutely damage children.

It's interesting to see liberals balk at mean words, when the truth is Dylan is weird and artificial. I think the same thing of others who have gone overboard with plastic surgery.

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I reject the notion that we need to bend the knee to the pronouns and chosen identify of adults. It is a belief system. Buttons wants DW staff to "respect" her adult trans friends like Blaire White and means go along with the game. No. The game has to be ended in adult society. Full stop. No more men in female spaces. No more pronoun nonsense.

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I admit I once thought we could have some men (like the old school transsexuals) in women's spaces safely. Then I saw that we cannot make "pets" out of some of these men and then deny the rest of the men in womanface. If we let one womanface man in, the rest of them will never stop trying to get in.

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Buttons contends there are many trans XY that don't want to use XX spaces. I doubt that. We need to see the stats on it.

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Christina, hi, I'm Matt Walsh's dad and take no offense about your decision and rationale for making it.

That said, I'd like to respectfully make two points:

A) We're in a war for the soul of our nation now. The chasm separating the two opposing sides can't be bridged by sweet talk. It's much too late for that. The other side isn't interested, won't be convinced, and has zero interest in compromise. They're playing to win...which is why they are.

B) The Gender Cult is not the disease itself but rather a symptom of it. The dots all connect, and what they depict is a Culture of Death. Surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned, our side's most powerful weapon is Truth. If you're a pro-choice atheist with a history of supporting the Dem-Media Party, as you describe yourself, you throw that weapon overboard. The bad guys will eat you alive.

Matt's mom and I are very proud of him...as we're proud of all our six children, all of them high-achieving, high-character men and women. One is a Poor Clare contemplative nun. The rest are happily married with 28 (going on 29) children between them.

Matt neither says nor does anything for "clicks" but rather out of a deep sense of conviction and outrage at what this rotten cult of ghouls is doing to our children. He's come a long way against long odds and with God's help has now won some major battles against the Forces of Evil now ruling our land. His mom and I are very proud of him.

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As far as I’m concerned Matt spoke nothing but the truth. He should be commended for fighting this vile ideology and for fighting for reality and truth. I can’t understand why there aren’t more people with his courage and integrity. In particular, the protection of children matters far more than any hurt or offence. So, from Terf Island, thank you Matt Walsh.

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Thanks, I think you just made the key point in the whole debate: the protection of children is the most important thing.

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I feel honored to read this. Walsh is an upstanding man. You and your wife did an amazing job raising him. He has the qualities of a leader. Thank you.

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My humble thanks, sir. The secret to successfully raising kids, even in this age of insanity, is: A) lots of luck; B) a good woman; and C) the grace of God. In what order, I'm not sure... ;-)

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I'd like to respectfully refute your points.

A) The soul of this nation is freedom. We were founded on that principle and our government was set so that we had no monarchy. The people decide. Trying to control others for behavior you disagree with is antithetical to what America is supposed to be. You raised your children, and if you are proud of them, it means they trusted you and took the lessons you taught. Could you really imagine anyone "brainwashing" them the way you claim? Enough that you choose to instead hand medical freedom and patient choice over to the state?

B) I have grown up with trans friends and yet have always known who I am. If we think doctors are dishonestly pushing Healthcare, that is what we fix. We don't ban it completely. Opioids faces the same issue. I don't know where your "culture of death" comes from but I assure you it isn't true. The "gender cult" is a group of individuals who have decided to live a different lifestyle than you. All they want is to be respected in their freedom to do this. If this brings concerns or issues, they should be solved without taking that freedom when possible. And it IS possible.

There are no forces of evil ruling this land. There are politicians on both sides overwhelmingly in it for profit, and taking advantage of all of us to do it, but Matt is directly helping them by focusing entirely on an issue that will do nothing to change anything. All he is doing is making less than 1% of the population look like the enemy, and the only reason he is succeeding is because trans people are rare enough that most of you never interact with them. You don't know any better.

Your children and grandchildren are clearly fine. Show some consideration for other parents and some respect that they too care about their kids. That the mothers sobbing bc their children, who were a shell of themselves before hormone therapy and now might be lost forever, love their kids and want the best for them. You are passing judgement, hatefully so, on strangers and claiming you know better than the doctors and medical providers you will then trust to save your own life.

Reconsider what all of this actually means. And I hope one day you and your son have to face some of those who you have chosen to "protect" by deciding what is best for them. Maybe they will be able to remind you that love and understanding are, and always will be, the most important thing for us to give.

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I think you meant to reply to Jerry but having read it I’m even angrier. Can you not see the harm that is being done to children who would otherwise grow up to be gay or autistic? The vast majority- over 98% would grow out of feelings of non conformity if left alone. Children are being taught gender ideology at school and there are ‘groomers’ all over the internet. This explains the huge rise in numbers over the past few years. This IS brainwashing. There was always a tiny number of genuinely dysphoric people who transitioned as adults, and whom nobody complained about, but gender ideology is not about them. Adults are lying to distressed children telling them the lie that they can change sex, telling them that mutilating a healthy body will solve a mental health problem. Girls are being brought up to be handmaidens to men, that they must subjugate their feelings of fear, shame and embarrassment in order that the men are not upset. Gay children are being ‘fixed’ with surgery and drugs. The whole ideology is riddled with misogyny and homophobia. If you can’t see the damage that is being done, then I despair for our children. In the UK a new book called Time to Think by Hannah Barnes has been published, I suggest you read it and you stop waffling about YOUR freedom and start thinking about the freedom of children to grow up unharmed by grooming adults and medical malpractice.

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Your statistics need research to back them up. In no way would 98% "grow out of it" and hormone therapy is rarely if ever the first resort. Therapy happens first to provide that opportunity.

Y'all have been brainwashed to think medical science is out to get children. These parents love their kids as much as you do. Gay children aren't being "fixed", dear god. Gay people have no benefit from transitioning, it is FAR more acceptable to be gay than trans right now. Two very different things and equating them shows how little you actually know.

No one is mutilating anyone, except maybe people performing intersex corrective surgery and circumcisions. But I guess thats acceptable?

I'm thinking of the children who will be directly harmed by people like you telling them to grow up miserable or not at all. All because you refuse to think you could be wrong and mainstream doctors and psychiatrists could be right. Not everything is a conspiracy.

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You really believe those whoppers you're telling, don't you. No, therapy is not happening first in many cases. Not at Planned Parenthood anyway, and they are the largest purveyor of cross-sex hormones in the country. They use the "Informed Consent" model (you sign off on a paper saying you know what you're doing, even if you don't): https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-massachusetts/campaigns/gender-affirming-hormone-therapy

Blockers-and-hormones-first has become the new standard for clinics who are just trying to get the kids serviced as quickly as possible, without all that time-consuming and pointless therapy first:


Most therapists in liberal areas now practice the "affirmation-only" approach, because of course, not automatically affirming a child showing signs they're trans would be harmful:


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Your first link clearly states patients must be 16. They would still need parental consent for a medical procedure like that and they are well into teenager. Yes, they still need to be talked to (which usually happens) but it says their history is looked at. at this point if they have a history of healthcare involving gender dysphoria they should be allowed the treatment they want. A sixteen year old can hear about side effects and make an informed decision.

“ For our gender-affirming hormone services, we see patients 16 and over. For patients who are 16 and 17, we require a parent/guardian consent. If you are under 16, we can refer you to other Massachusetts providers who can give you hormonal care.”

Jamie Reed has been discredited in so many places. Nothing she says is trustworthy and all of it is anecdotal. She has a motive outside of revealing the “truth” clearly.




No one has done long term studies on affirmative care bc it hasn’t been tried until recently. So fine - DO THOSE STUDIES. Push for them to do them, okay!!! But you cannot ban care until those studies prove adverse effects. Stop throwing anecdotes at me and expecting me to respect them.

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You have it backwards. Evidence is needed before the procedures are approved. A ban is the default in medicine. Do no harm, or least amount of harm possible. Trans drugging and surgeries are the exact opposite of that. Their objective is to do the maximum physical harm, maximum alterations etc. No other area of medicine endorses this approach.

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You really should know better by now than to make assertions that you haven't seen evidence for. You should be a skeptic.

"They still need to be talked to, which usually happens" - your own linked WPATH Standards are much more rigorous than that. They mandate a full psychological evaluation and treatment plan for co-morbidities. Those take at least 12 hours, more if there are other problems. Not 1 visit. There's nothing on Planned Parenthood's site about psych evals or co-morbidities.

"She has a motive" - she's pro-trans and is married to a trans woman. Her motive is clearly to protect kids from bad care.

"Nothing she says is trustworthy" - please explain exactly what you mean and cite specific evidence. Ironically, you've already been given some evidence that she is trustworthy - one her main complaints is that they were giving out prescriptions without doing evaluations, and ignoring co-morbidities. And in the Planned Parenthood link we see they do exactly the same thing.

Here's another link demonstrating the prevailing attitude among therapists: they are not there to question anything, their job is to be activists, and affirm gender dysphoric kids as trans: https://twitter.com/SpencerLndqst/status/1580223049785577472?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1580223049785577472%7Ctwgr%5Ef3770c5f8c2cebd0f9fb99d63ed3c4ec5db344a4%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fhealth%2F2022%2F11%2F28%2F14-pursuing-transgender-surgery-boston-childrens-hospital-admits%2F

Here, take a couple minutes to read Reed's sworn affidavit. It's eye-opening in a horrible way.


"All of it is anecdotal" - she was Intake Coordinator for 4 years out of the clinic's 5-year history, and saw 1,000 kids. She kept records. That's waaayyy beyond anecdotal.

Your links are

--from a trans activist (Erin) who doesn't actually refute any of the specific allegations;

--Some parents who had a good experience at the clinic. Great! But I don't see how showing that not every single one of the 1,000 kids were mistreated means much. At all.

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"Vast majority of gender dysphoric boys grow out of it by puberty" (And most of them grow up to be gay)


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Nothing i have said contradicts this. This link is about pre-puberty treatment. And is also outdated at this point. I need long term research on puberty blockers proving that they are harmful or i am still going to say you banning them is a violation of my rights.

Therapists can affirm while still getting to the root of other issues. And parents are still free to oversee their children’s healthcare. Believe me - I know kids right now being denied (in affirmative care states) the treatment they want.

I don’t like it, but that is the right of those parents and I acknowledge it. You are the one not acknowledging the rights of others.

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But even you can see that if most gender dysphoric kids would grow up to be normal, healthy gay kids if allowed to, but are not being allowed to once they see a therapist (affirmation only!), that is a serious problem, and can be accurately described as transing the gay away, or conversion therapy by another name.

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In one post you endorse long term studies and in the next you discard info that is over a decade old. You see no contradiction there? When the study was being done most minors suffering GD were XY, not XX. Now most trans identified kids are pubertal XX. Any long term study will have to account for changing demographics, because suicidality is not equal between the sexes.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

There are documented thousands of top surgeries in the past 10 years for minors.


Puberty blockers are common according to Planned Parenthood. That causes permanent sterilzation, body disfiguration, hair loss etc..

Gender reassignment surgery for XY teens is rare still. Jazz Jennings is faring extremely poorly. He was sexually mutilated and may die young from the myriad infections. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_Jennings

Desistance rate is over 2/3rds for minors. Or it was before there was massive pressure to affirm the transition. After Zucker was fired for "conversaion therapy" the chill set in. https://www.thecut.com/2016/02/fight-over-trans-kids-got-a-researcher-fired.html

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You really need to do some research and I’m certainly not going to waste any more time on someone so wilfully blind as you. There is a ton of evidence out there for everything I’ve said. The UK is waking up to it as are Scandinavian countries, Norway being the latest. But I have to say that your cold acceptance of the mutilations of the healthy bodies of thousands of children, fills me with dread for the future. What kind of ghoul are you?

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Right. What kind of goul would support parents like these?


Because it turns out these stories exist too. And they deserve just as much consideration.

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What you mean like all the homophobic parents like Susie Green and those registered paedophile fathers who want to keep their child looking young… I wonder why?

You really can’t cope with being wrong can you. Well as we say over here “ start thinking of an excuse for supporting the sterilisation and mutilation of children”.

Lobotomy used to be regarded as good practice, that went well didn’t it.

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Thanks for your response. Respectfully, here's my rebuttal:

A) We're all for "freedom." But is it "freedom" when schools usurp the authority of parents? Is it "freedom" when those opposing the Gender Cult are cancelled...or lose their jobs? Because these things are happening. I'm all for the "people" deciding. But which "people" have rightful authority over their children? Parents...schools...government...who?

B) The "rights" of the Gender Cult end where the welfare (and bodies) of children begin. It's one thing to respect the rights of adults to butcher their own bodies. It's another thing to claim power over somebody else's children to do such a thing And it's still another thing to presume to force the rest of us to buy into this twisted, evil ideology.

I think it may be you who needs to show consideration and respect for parents. Because as it presently stands, it's the Gender Cult that feels free to claim dominion over kids. If you don't see this, it's because perhaps you haven't been paying attention.

The Culture of Death is a very real thing. All the dots connect and point in the same direction: the unholy sacrament of abortion on demand...even after birth; the state's pseudo-religion of LGBTQ; the Gender Cult; the growing infatuation with euthanasia; the Wokeist worship of the tin god of Self.

All these things are connected and share a common denominator: a bias against life in favor of death. We don't have a lot of time left to right the ship. In fact, I think we're living on borrowed time even now.

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It is freedom when schools teach kids that others different from them exist and should be respected. We saw the same thing when integration of schools happened - many parents would have disapproved of white students being taught to play nicely with black students, but it wasn't indoctrination. It is being shown how to function in society. Teachers aren't telling students who they should and shouldn't be - if they are, then leftists agree that is a problem. We are against that from every direction, straight or not, cis or not. If your issue is more that they are being shown alternatives, and not indoctrinated into what your religion sees as appropriate, then we do differ on the meaning of freedom.

No one is claiming rights over anyone else's children. Parents still have a say in all medical decisions including gender care. You are interfering in other parents' rights by fighting to ban it. Doctors and parents make that decision together - just like they do any other form of medication or treatment.

I've been paying attention. I've just been paying attention to what both you and the left actually want. You only see the view of the left presented to you. Watch actual statements against these bans. Watch actual activists. Don't just watch the way the right presents them.

I don't think we are near the end of anything. I think people have stopped listening and some have stopped seeing their fellow citizens as people who are just like them, but I don't think there isn't hope. It sounds, with genuine respect, like you are the one with the doomsday thoughts about this.

Better wages and support for families, and better social programs and mental health programs, would lower abortions. Better Healthcare understanding and funding (and de-privatizing healthcare) would get rid of any profit incentives that drive doctors to do harm. Both of these are leftist principles. We can find common ground.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

"No one is claiming rights over anyone's children" ? You are not paying any attention to this issue. Hundreds of kids been socially transed by teachers and shrinks without parental consent. Parents have lost custody in many cases, there are now states kids can travel to to get medical transition without parental consent.

Your wording on this issue shows you are 100% committed to transgenderism as an ideology. There is no scientific basis for gender affirming care. There should be no social or legal pressure on students and staff in schools to validate the ideology through pronoun enforcement.

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Actually, none of your links are peer-reviewed original studies. They're mostly opinion pieces, with a couple articles reporting info that is not peer-reviewed.

There are actual scientists on this blog. The founder is one of them. Not a great idea to post links to articles you don't understand. But since you keep posting them, I'll keep posting my detailed response:

--Your first link is an opinion piece by a journalist, not a peer-reviewed study;

--Your 2nd link is another opinion piece, by a doc with a huge conflict of interest (his livelihood depends on transitioning kids).

--Your 3rd link is another opinion piece, by the head of the AAP. He is attempting to stifle dissent within his own profession, by dis-inviting dissenting members from the AAP from presenting at the AAP's annual conference: https://www.segm.org/AAP_silences_debate_on_gender_diverse_youth_treatments

--Your 4th link is merely a report on surveys completed by parents. According to these parental surveys, the trans kids are just fine, compared to their non-trans peers. This is one example of what we mean by "low-quality" studies.

--Your 5th link is a retrospective analysis (analyzing pre-existing data after the fact, rather than designing and conducting an actual study) which merely says the number of trans patients identified as having regret was small, without any mention of whether any effort was actually made to follow up post-op with patients for any length of time. See my other comment about regret. Again, this is an example of "low-quality" evidence. If you want some high-quality evidence on transition regret, read detransitioners' stories online: https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/

--Your 6th link is merely WPATH's latest Standards revision, which as I mentioned in another post, US clinics are ignoring wholesale.

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It took you 5 minutes to find studies you didn't even read? Do you even know where you are? Reality's Last Stand is dedicated to looking skeptically at those studies. I am very glad you are here pushing nonsense you don't even understand. It is excellent modeling for others to observe. When you care to approach this subject with skepticism you will find those studies debunked on this very blog. Colin also uses https://segm.org/ which is entirely focused on debunking those studies you just copied and pasted.

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I’ve respected your journalism thus far but this seems inappropriate and grifting. You could have graciously left the daily wire without writing a whole article about it and asking for donations here on your way out.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

Don't forget she called her colleagues shills too. And she has a book coming out. Yea this is a big stunt.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Another 'heterodox' Leftist (you are no liberal, the only liberals in our society are on the Right, not the Left - liberalism being the foundation of the U.S. republic and constitution) craps on the Right. Let's be clear about transgenderism once and for all, and I think you'll see the fraudulent nature of Ms. Buttons hyperventilating over the matter.

I'm going to go long, if that bothers you that's what the scrolling function is for...I've been interested in transgenderism for 20 years, ever since a trans woman ended up in the "Self Expression and Leadership" program I was coaching. I was to be her 'Life Coach' of sorts for 4 months. He (and I won't use preferred pronouns anymore since apparently that also means I want to "queer" the world) was uniquely dysfunctional and uncoachable. He was an 'activist' with rainbow dredlocks - anyone non-trans who presented themselves the way he did would have been considered a lunatic. But not him. I was immediately aware of the privilege he angrily demanded from all around him that we just accept it.

While conservative, I've always been a bit of a sexual libertine. Working in NYC I knew many gay people and had seen drag up close and personal from time to time in that scene (had a close friend who was gay). I was not at all politically opposed to what was going on with this guy. The course was a disaster for him. He could not follow through on any commitments he made. Could not show up for coaching calls, did no assignments. What I ultimately realized is that he was so arrogant, so deluded about his 'speshulness' and 'bravery' as a celebrated activist in the NYC gay political scene is that he couldn't face how utterly dysfunctional he was. His life was a disaster. If it weren't for the whole trans schtick, I have no idea how he would have made a living. And be clear, many Leftist activists today make a living from it.

I began to do research and realized this was already a battlefield. I elected to read The Man Who Would be Queen by J Michael Bailey. He's a long suffering researcher of homosexuality and trans, an academic psychologist. He was hated because he deals with all this utterly without regard for the insane gender ideology emanating from Judith Butler et al...

He begins by explaining and distinguishing what we know about homosexuality and trans and I was really surprised by what I learned but it made huge amounts of sense. First is that homosexuality is not the same between men and women - cuz men and women are very different. Example: Women find all kinds of sexual things arousing. Men, women, animals - this has been studied via autonomic reactions that mark arousal. Pupil dilation, galvanic skin response signal arousal. It's not self-reported. Women are much more sexual omnivores than men. There is a lot of study of this in the literature, including discussions of the 'War Brides' phenomenon. Women are much more opportunistic than men sexually and bisexuality is much more common for women as a result of all this. As well, exclusive lesbians are much more rare than gay men.

He then discusses sexual orientation and how people express that. Turns out this is all about 'mating strategy'. Huh. He answered simple questions like why do gay men present themselves in an effeminate way? It had never occurred to me that they do so to attract men by being feminine. Gay men by no means limit their mates to other gay men. Huh. It was at this moment that I realized I'd been conned about all this for a long time. Fyi, it's also most likely that being gay has an epigenetic basis, based on fetal hormonal exposure but it's also more complex than that.

He lays all this out with lots of scientific data to make it clear before discussing trans. The breakthrough for me was understanding that sexual orientation and identity were not neatly separable. We present ourselves as male or female as a strategy to mate. It's a base sexual drive. He makes so clear that sexual orientation and 'identity' are intertwined. And it all makes so much sense. It also seemed to occur on a spectrum in men, which were the majority of trans folks. Back then, before all the current insanity, a female to male trans was rare. And the men fell into two very clearly distinct categories.

The first category can be seen as "very gay" men. The level of fetal hormonal exposure varies, but gay men are deeply effected invitro by the overdose of estrogen they get. The amount varies. All gay boys and men tend to experiment with female expression as they grow up, wearing dresses or even wanting to be girls. This is all quite normal for a gay man. The "very gay" men would go to extremes to present themselves as women, basically adopting the most aggressive mating strategy they could. Being a woman. It's much less common in women cuz lesbians are so rare. Huh.

So what have we done? We've convinced gay boys they are girls. And we essentially created a mythology about 'gender identity' that isn't based on science which radical and aggressive gender ideologues. The book is brilliant and you can also clearly tell he has so much love and compassion for these people. He made me much more empathetic to these folks and how they struggle to find a comfortable place to be in this world.

I then read other books on human sexuality, Sex at Dawn, The Red Queen and others. Then I read The End of Gender by Debrah Soh, PhD a neuroscientist who specialized in sex and sex research. She made very clear that several aspects of how 'gender identity' and 'gender expression' are not at all what they are made out to be. First off, gender is not fluid - there is zero scientific bass for that assertion. In fact, the 'gender' is fixed by biology as well and rarely varies from biological sex. That said 'gender expression' does vary based on genetic/hormonal variation and environment. Also, gender does not occur on a continuum - it's a bimodal distribution with very little variation.

Now, what we have today is not about science. It's about 'queering' an entire generation of kids to finally destroy the family and all traditional morality in Western societies. To be 'queer' has nothing to do with sex - did you know that? It's simply about violating every norm with glee. to make one's life political performance art nonstop. Queer is about destroying. And trans is mere one weapon they use. This all emanates from Marcusian Critical Theory and Kimberlee Crenshaw etc. These are political ideas, not scientific. I mean, do we really want to take our 'science' on gender from radical philosophy students?

If this was 'science' why is it all coming from the humanities dept? Why isn't this coming from the sciences, biology in particular? Cuz it's horseshit.

Why did I have to say all this. Cuz now I realize the entire gig is BS. Matt Walsh is correct, this author is a shallow hack who hates conservatives and this is her ticket out. I reject transgenderism as a concept utterly based on the science. Yes we have some small number of folks who have developmental issues based on how their gender works out but it's not an alternat model of sexual or gender identity. We can easily view them as having 'gender dysphoria' and treat them accordingly. Hint - 'the science' shows that most kids who receive supportive counseling and treatment for their other issues come out the other side of dysphoria just fine with their sex and sexual identity and orientation. Many are just gay but are being grabbed as fodder for this insane machine.

Last? An even stronger reason for rejecting trans is the LGBTQIA blah blah BS. They made themselves into a "block" and as such I'm either with the block or I'm not. I'm not with the block. The moment this involved teaching perversion and sexually assaulting children via exposure to absurdly sexualized experiences, I was done with the entire thing. I have NO PROBLEM using force against those who would harm children. And at this point, you can keep every gay and trans and non-normal persons away from children. None of you seem to respect parental authority and kids well being.

So I'm with Matt cuz I care about kids. This hack author cares much more about her political standing as a feminist and prog-marxist than children. Which makes her quite questionable morally.

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That's really interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write and share.

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People hyperventilating about the LGB backlash that hasn't even arrived yet, hoping to forestall or prevent its occurrence. This article is another example of such. Children must be sacrificed on the altar of adults desires and consent rather than sacrifice adult desires and consent for the sake of children.

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Lots of lesbians have opposed gender ideology for decades, TERF originates with them. There's a hilarious history of it all by Jane Clare Jones:


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You do not know, Christina, that being gay is biological and innate.

No one knows that.

And it's this kind of enforcement of liberal ideology (yes, that's what this is) that has made it difficult for gay people like me to have serious, deep exploration of the nature of sexuality.

Please be willing to reconsider what you think you "know" on this front, too.

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Yes, the whole "biological and innate" theory appeared as the orthodox stance at some point back in the late 70s - early 80s. I think it was felt that this position was both less threatening to straight people in that they weren't going to convert their children, and implied that being gay was not a moral choice for which they could be blamed. There is little evidence for this. There seems to be some small inheritable factor involved with male inheritability and none for lesbianism. In fact, much of the lesbian population never agreed with the "biological and innate" idea and proudly asserted that they chose their sexuality -- the personal is political -- they weren't sleeping with the enemy.

The previous doctrine, which I think is closer to the truth, was that everyone was somewhere on a bisexual spectrum, with many people being in denial about it and cultural norms keeping us in place. The canon seemed to change overnight.

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I can tell you from my perspective, which is shared by the great majority of gay men, that I never consciously "chose" to be attracted to men.

Children don't "choose" this, as everyone knows when they look back on their own development, straight or gay. Yes, I acknowledge the lesbians who say this. I'm drawing a very important distinction.

The lesbian "I chose this" is NOT, not, the experience of the vast majority of male homosexuals.

But neither do I believe there's good evidence that it's largely innate. I think there's good evidence of a strong correlation between homosexuality and dysfunctional child rearing and developmental environments.

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I have a female friend who recently, in her mid 40s, came out as a lesbian. She was raised in a conservative religious family and tried for 30 years to date men. She had a very hard time accepting it, and realizing that some people, including family members, would see her as sinful but finally felt she couldn’t try to force herself to feel something she didn’t. I don’t in any way believe she chose that. I have no idea what causes homosexual attraction - if it’s genetic, or exposure to hormones during critical developmental periods, or early life experiences - but I do believe for most people it’s not a choice.

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As adults it’s not a choice which is true of many things. There is no genetic cause of autism, food allergies, 90% of ALS cases, and the list goes on. While being homosexual doesn’t have nearly the negative impact on life or risk of death as some other things, did more gay men die of aids or kids of food allergies? In both cases a mistake results in serious medical consequences. I genuinely don’t know. I don’t think there is anything “wrong” with being gay, but it does rob gay people of creating a biological family with a spouse - which is the most rewarding experience for the vast majority of humans for all of human existence. The fact that it’s immutable as an adult shouldn’t prevent a conversation about how and why it happens. It doesn’t have to be evil or wrong or bad to illicit curiosity and seek a better understanding. Why is being homosexual the single atypical aspect of humanity we aren’t allowed to ask why and how about?

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100% agree, Josh. Hope you see my comment on this.

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