So almost three-fourths of adolescent girls will desist within five years under the conditions in which concretizing (official gender marker change) and permanent (medicalization) interventions are rare for minors - the "rare" conditions that both activists and more mainstream supporters of "trans youth" use to justify their positions. That is a huge number that tells a very clear story about what should be evidence based practice for this population. Can the AAP and APA at least take the baby step of acknowledging there is something different about this population that requires a different approach and different recommendations? They can stay out of the political and culture war muck and call it something other than ROGD or social contagion. Just please look at the data and consider that these girls need a different approach.

Then maybe we can get them to start thinking about the implications for other groups of youth and how their ability to predict outcomes is no better than a coin toss.

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I don’t think this is a really novel finding. Medicine stretching back to its inception has a history of women (especially young women) reporting greater vulnerability when it comes to mental health related diagnoses. And sometimes the medical community did treat women as a seperate class requiring special treatment (e.g. hysteria ”treatment” where doctors were employed to masturbate women (especially young women) to relieve the so-called psychological insanity they were experiencing every month. This practice seems unthinkable now, and we can only imagine the sexual harassment or rape cases that likely went unreported during this time. But this was top-tier science!)

I think acknowledging that women and particularly girls are more vulnerable when it comes mental health issues is useful, however I wouldn’t press they be provided with specialist treatment that’s radically different from their male counterparts. That can lead to a psychologising of mental health issues in the female population and the expectation that these health conditions are female health conditions, when both sexes can benefit from the medical research and research in both sexes may prove fruitful to either sex.

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I should clarify: not different treatment as in they receive a different or nonstandard type of psychotherapy than males would (as with your example of the horrible treatment women diagnosed with "hysteria" got), but to recognize that if almost 75% of adolescent girls will likely desist, then they should not be hurried into social transition, medical transition, or any other pathway that sees this as a permanent identity. In other words, we should remember all we know about adolescent development and the foundations of good therapy and medicine. If almost 75% of girls will abandon a different gender identity within five years, then the current recommendations of the AAP, APA, WPATH (with the removal of its recommended minimum ages for medical interventions on adolescents), and doctors like Jack Turban and Johanna Kennedy are not serving these girls well.

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I would agree with you here. To be fair I think no-one should be provided this treatment at all (that’s my ultimate position) but if the medical community insists that it is even fractionally better for some tiny population then it still should be done with an enormous amount of care.

And we often need to broaden our outlook on this beyond the individual that is suffering. What impact does transitioning have beyond the person? Does it impact their parents ans other family members negatively? Does it impact society negatively such that we should in fact restrict this behaviour in the same way we restrict smoking or drinking in public? What are the moral implications longer term? What happens if two transgender (sterile) persons decide they want a family together, how does society facilitate this? Does it now bear moral consequences for women who will be forced to be surrogates to satisfy the familial desires of two people who of their own judgement chose to sterilise themselves?

The medical community’s willingness to engage at the edges of morality often baffles me.

But agreed, adolescent girls are very vulnerable especially modern adolescent girls. They often at high risk of complex mental illness that is psychologised as simply “being a teenaged girl” and ignored or sometimes over-treated. The amount of young women I work with who report anxiety (whether true or apparent) astounds me and there is almost no support for them to manage this condition in the workplace.

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You spelled “ruining” wrong…

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Excellent article and vital lines of study and discussion-many more people are affected by this movement than only the subject individuals. I am a grandfather of a now 20 year old man who began his incidious “transition” five years ago (coincidentally he also dropped out of school almost simultaneously). This is definitely heavily influenced by “woke” educational experiences in the public education system. It is ABHORRENT

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I write, on Father's Day, as the dad of a confused young person now aged 21, who has been injecting hormones for nearly two years now.

You're dead right. Very many more people than the subject are affected, and more severely in some ways. At least the subject is revelling in a sense of agency. The family can only look on, aghast, entirely disempowered in the situation.

I am not sure if I, and the child's mother and sister, will ever get over this. Our friend groups have also had a hand-grenade tossed into their midst.

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If you are interested in a community of others who have children/grands caught up in this malevolent delusion, look at pitt.substack.com

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So sorry this is your story. Any of us not only actively pray but actively support efforts to stop this. I hope this offers hope and encouragement to stay engaged. https://youtu.be/C2tU90XPFlg?si=Pdlndd-eXOOgO7cC

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*Many of us. Sorry.

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I followed you. You have been here for years but you are only now getting into the conversation. You need some followers and you need to follow others back. You might derive some solace from your interactions

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What a terrible position to be in for a grandparent. This terrible trannie delusion is destroying children. Rather than spending their 20s developing their intellectual and employment powers, they are wasting this precious decade trying on new clothes and failing to convince as the other sex.

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If you are interested in a community of others who have children/grands caught up in this malevolent delusion, look at pitt.substack.com

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I followed you also

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I’ll have a look

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Nice. Revelatory indeed. "[T]he study found that less than 0.5 percent of those diagnosed with gender identity disorders actually changed their marker during the time they were studied." So whatever the diagnosticians might have written down, virtually none of the subjects seriously regarded themselves as opposite their apparent natal sex! As with so many important stories, the core takeaway here is that there really was no story.

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The story is about how we GOT HERE

Others have usurped our parental responsibility for their own nefariousness

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The main STORY is that the whole controversy is effectively a HOAX conjured up to distract us from serious matters. You can just see how unhinged some people get on the subject. Here it turns out that 99.5% of the population of German youngsters rated as having "gender identity disorders" (i.e., they were "gender-nonconforming") were not actually having sex changes, they were just counted that way because of the clinicians' sloppiness or...nefariousness? Could be!

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Not sure how a study that affirms 100 years of medical literature is groundbreaking. Trans activist physicians and psychiatrists ignored every single thing we knew about this before, there's no reason to think they will pay attention now.

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Kenneth Zucker told us this years ago, and got fired for daring to base his treatment at CAMH on it.

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We used to call this growing up.

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Yep. We don't amputate legs to alleviate growing pains.

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These mental health disorders that are associated with gender dysphoria often precede it. They are not just minority stress. Homosexuality rates as well decrease as the adolescent grows. Gender dysphoria is also a strong insecurity about one's position in society, something adolescents often have.

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Or they just get pressured by society and hide it. Probably why all these Straight Profile men hit on my trans butt. Why hidden gay men tell me they see men secretly. Sure, def goes away right. lol

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Thanks for diligently revealing the truth..

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People experience distress about their bodies during adolescence that usually they grow out of? Youdontsaynicholascage.jpg

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This is quite an interesting study, there were a few contributing factors in the study which I have been aware of and have observed in a few high profile cases of gender dysphoria, I am very interested in the correlation between mental health and gender dysphoria as this has been a theory of mine for quite some time. My observations are that children of parents who do not teach them the difference between reality and fantasy as well as the idea of consequences for actions are highly susceptible to mental health as well as gender dysphoria, I see the two very closely related.

I wonder if there has been any study on the way children are taught by their parents, how involved parents are in their development and education, the resulting mental health and gender dysphoria, if anyone knows of such research please let me know I would be very interested in studying this further.

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Now that butterfly season has started in my garden, in honor of Reality's Last Stand and Colin Wright, I state here that I'd so much rather have attention as a successful butterfly gardener than as a trans widow. Butterflies pollinate more crops than originally thought. Of course, grow flowers and you will have bees visiting. I have now, after cultivating the larval food (violets) and nectar sources (zinnias, yarrow, mint, lavender, clover, phlox--the list goes on, but these are special) the largest great spangled fritillary count since I started in 2017. I see recently emerged butterflies every day, easy to spot by their erratic flying patterns and yet partly folded wings. Why, why, aren't we figuring out passing this on to the children? Video, 5 seconds, of great spangled fritillary in the lavender. GSF being North American butterflies which do not migrate, but rather overwinter under rocks.


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